Any suggestions on how to deal with paper thin skin? Slightest bump rips skin or produces large bruises.
Thin skin: Any suggestions on how to deal with... - PMRGCAuk
Thin skin

Hello. It’s a pain isn’t it? This often comes up due to the effect of Pred on the skin. For a while I used to wear longs socks and sleeves to give a bit of a barrier. Here is a previous post. If you look on the right side of the screen you’ll see links to previous posts
I wish there were an answer. I usually look as if I have been in a brawl. I also get purpura with red spots mainly on my arms which are not that attractive either.

Par for the course I’m afraid.
Just use a good moisturiser (liberally) - if you can get Doublebase gel or cream that seems to be the favourite. Some doctors will prescribe it, but readily available on high street and online.
Keep out of direct sun and as SnazzyD says cover with loose fitting light clothes as much as you can.
If you rip skin, don’t use ordinary plasters, use ones designed for thin skin - you may be able to get from Practice nurse if very bad, if not I’m sure pharmacist will help.
It does get better as you reduce, but doesn’t repair itself totally - even off Pred.
...and if you do get a skin tear, make sure you get it seen to before the flap dries out or the edges shrink if it’s a cut, ideally the same day.
Thanks to everyone for their input. I live in Florida so will not be able to wear long pants and sleeves. However thanks to Amazon I will be able to purchase some of the products recommend. But based on many comments, it looks like I will have to live with this. I was diagnosed 18 mos. ago, started at 20 mg of pred , now starting to taper from 4 to 3.5. Have had few problems so will count my blessings and try to be more mindful walking around the furniture.
This forum has been a Godsend, Thank you all,

I think it also can help if you avoid using soap products on your skin - anything that foams really. Such products strip the natural oils from the skin and make it even more delicate. I use no soap, the only time I have dry skin is after I have used soap for some reason.
The only thing I can suggest is to protect your arms and legs. Long sleeved t-shirts and trousers. I have sponge pipe lagging around all the door handles as they are the main culprits for me. Slow down and think about possible obstacles likely to cause bumps as you go around the house.
On holiday a few years back I ripped skin on the side of my leg, had it 'treated' by a local doctor but back home a few weeks later it developed into an ulcer! My circulation is poor and so it took months to heal, but it did. I try to be careful now and luckily have a local health centre where I can go if I can't deal with any nicks myself.
The bruising we thin skinned people get is dreadful - no matter how careful you are, there's always something out to get you!!
Yesterday, brushed against edge of car door and the result was torn skin, small, bur bleeding profusely. My arms look terrible because of all the purple/red/dark pink marks. I don't know how to remedy any of this, so I wear long sleeves when out in public. I am down to 4.5 prednisone, but it is just as bad as when on twice that amount
I can certainly sympathize with your problem. I have thin skin, purple dots and bruising. Have tried about 20 different products. Some helped a little but didn't help enough for the cost. I was just about to give up. The other day in the grocery store I noticed a dead sea mineral shea butter lotion. It was $6.00 and thought why not give it a try. I would say my skin is about 60% better. I use it 1-2 times a day on legs and arms. I am very pleased with the results. I have used lotions costing $50-60 dollars that did nothing for the problem.
I don't use hard soaps on my skin and I don't take baths, only showers.
Good luck with all the issues pmr and Pred. bring to our lives.
Take Care
Shea Butter is great. So is food grade hemp seed oil (on the skin. I'm not a fan of skin potions with loads of chemicals. Lanolin is good, but some people are allergic to it.
I agree. I have used for years, a very simple lotion with few ingredients in it, but now with the pred. I just needed something stronger. I did try the hemp oil and the cream, it is GREAT for pain but didn't do much for my skin.
Good Luck
You use the hemp oil externally, it is NOT one of the medical cannabis family. It's sold to be used as a salad ingredient, for example, but I use it as a skin oil, and also take a tablespoon a day for its omega 3 content. Does not contain measureable cbd, etc.