Hi all. Sorry to say I was discharged. Managed to get in on a frame having been carried up the stairs. I then fell 2-3 times on the floor. Then when I was helped up my legs collapsed. I managed to contact my consultant - thank goodness bless
Him he had given me his mobile for emergency and I used it in desperation. He told me to get back to a and e and I should be readmitted. Here I am at midnight in a lot of pain. Wondering if this is related to chemo cyclo. And due for next chemo Monday.
I feel pretty desperate but I am trying to stay calm. They put a frame around the toilet. But I couldn’t stand at all. Terribly concerned about the future. I am 60 and want a full life -
At least just to stand up. Lots of pain in legs. Thank you for your support. Trying to hold it together!