I spent quite a time on the phone yesterday down to Yeovil, by which time I was tired. I got hold of the discharge facilitator and was able to enlighten her on one or two matters regarding Hillingdon. I asked her to keep me in the loop but have heard nothing since 10.30am yesterday morning. I understood he would have a blood test yesterday but it did not materialise. However he did get some physio.
Update 3: I spent quite a time on the phone... - PMRGCAuk
Update 3

Good that you can keep contact, if frustrating. Watch your stress levels, we don't want you getting worse!
There's something about hospitals that make them move at snails pace. If you start wobbling PMR wise then you act before it gets worse...no need both of you being ill. That no comment on you....I know how that grinding along worrying would be on me. Keep us up to date.

Nothing is going to get done now 'til Monday unfortuntely.
Any other emergency service works 24/7...I have never understood why hospitals practically close down at weekend. Very frustrating but today's already nearly 1/2 gone so Monday coming. 💜

I've Serena and Simona to watch at Wimbledon this afternoon.
Enjoy it.
Hope you enjoyed the match , even though it was so one sided , I was shocked Serena just seemed to have run out of steam , I wonder if she now regrets playing in the doubles !
I'm wondering if she has something of a breathing problem. There were only sparks yesterday. She was not the same as the person who won the semis. I don't see her regreting playing with Andy. They enjoyed that - it was fun. Fair does to Simona she ran after everything and is a good player in her own right.
As staff in the NHS tried in vain to explain to Mr Hunt, to have 7-day staffing of everything would either require at least 40% more staff to cover the hours or you would simply spread the existing work over 7 days instead of 5. One person can only do the same amount of work - whatever day of the week it is. They already have IRO 100,000 vacancies now that they can't fill.
That's terrible. What a mess.
But it does explain why the waits are so long. All my baby boomer generation of doctors and nurses retiring and none coming up to look after us as we require care and increase the demand. JH didn't understand either how long it takes to train medical staff and foreign ones either can't get visas in time to take up a post or have gone home because they suffer so much abuse. While OH was working someone left and he wasn't allowed to replace them with the budget cuts. Hopeless.
I always come back to paying drs and nurses rather than pillars of business. No matter what these bought in mid to top range management do it gets worse. It is more common these days to get called in on sat/sun for routine scans and stuff. I think they think they have paid X for the scanner so don't have it idle. But then the report takes weeks because, as you say, one person can only do so much. There is a massive new building being built at the moment that will house pet and MRI scanners with all the knobs on. I just despair how long it takes to build these things.
Keep pegging away and you will get your husband home near you.
In the meantime contact the Patient Liaison Services at Hillingdon or at the hospital he is currently in...............they are there to help the patients and advocate on their behalf. If you just put the name of the hospital in your search engine, then you can find the telephone number to contact. If you cannot find them, let us know the name of the hospital and we will have a go in getting these numbers.
Stay strong.
Thanks for that, but don't expect anything now 'til Monday.
Just taken time out from here to look up PALS at Hillingdon. They make a point of saying "office hours". So will give them a ring on Monday.
Do try to give your mind a rest from this and stay in the moment. He is in a safe place and you are advocating for his future.
I had similar experiences when caring for my mum who had dementia, hospitals seemed afraid that they would be stuck with her. She didn’t have her faculties unlike your husband though. Dealing calmly one on one with doctors was helpful. I would say “ what would you do if it was your mum” this would get revealing responses and the human, not the institution would emerge. We did quite well in the end, my poor old mum and me. It takes its toll though, I know. 🌹
Scats knows from experience that when your OH is ill even at home it affects your pmr so please heed her warnings.
Try and relax as much as you can over the weekend and enjoy the tennis.
There is nothing to be done until Monday , so you might as well try to think on it as the time for you to build your energy reserves with some rest before the activity starts when your hubby does end up moving.
You know what worry does , I'm really frustrated for you , we all are.
If all else fails and he becomes desparate for escape ( and you definitely want him back !!😋😂😂) we will all just have to put our brain foggy heads together and hatch an escape plan for him.
I have the campervan with double bed , now all we need is a driver and a map!
Take care and chin up , it won't be long now xx
I love all your little faces my computer won't do them. I've now been told to ring PALS at Yeovil. So tomorrow it looks like I could be ringing both ends.
Sorry more little faces !!!
It's just you said " ringing both ends " and you know how my mind works , I'm now imagining you have bells hanging from unusual places that ring while you walk!
Or , the more polite version , you have now turned into a Tetley Tea Folk , Morris Dancer!!🎊🔔🔔🔔🎊🔕
Do you not get a little face shape on your keyboard or phone , if you press that you can get a list of emoji to try , for now to cheer you up , here's a few more ( a story of your current woes in emoji!) XXX
I've just had a really good laugh at them all. My husband has been hearing Church bells down there this morning -we get nothing like that here.
Are you sure that was church bells or just you running up the road to make visiting hours , Ding , Dong Prunus💐🔔🎊🔔🎊🔔xxx
So how do I do bouquets, bells and decorations?
You can make faces by typing:
smiley: colon closebracket with no spaces
cry face: colon open bracket
wink: semicolon close bracket
Having fun why no smiley and why did they only appear after I pressed "reply" ?
No smiley because you didn't have a space between the bracket and the c of cry - it must be isolated from other words with a space.
They don't appear until you press return because the combination is a command to the computer to insert a particular image. There are load of others but it gets a bit complicated.
Thanks for that. I live and learn. I've made a note so will be decorating in the future thanks to you. Wouldn't life be boring when you're in your eighties if you could not continue to learn.
You can always cut/paste & keep them in notes, l can send you some in a PM if you’d like?
MrsN 🌷

I'm going to have to learn how to cut and paste. At the moment I don't know.
Are you on a computer or a smart phone?
I'm on my husband's computer. Since his health has declined I've had to learn how to use a computer. It's been and still is a challenge.
You are doing extremely well Prunus 👩🏻💻

It's work in progress.
Copy and paste: position the cursor just before what you want to copy. Click and drag the mouse to the right until all you want to copy is outlined in blue - just one image for the pictures. Then press Contol C (copy). Put the cursor where you want to put what you have copied and press Control V (paste). And there you are.
You can use it to copy and paste links. bits of text, whatever.
The first part works a treat. I've got everything in blue. I'm wanting to print a copy, but after that nothing happens when I press Control V.