Just to add something to cheer folk up. Here is a rather poor photo of the albino squirrel we have had coming to our garden since March (photo taken a while ago). This area is known for them, but it’s about 15 years since the last one I saw as they are quite rare.
My white squirrel: Just to add something to cheer... - PMRGCAuk
My white squirrel

Wow! How thrilling. Let’s hope that she is a good omen. I would feed her, the other squirrels will be mean to her and she’s vulnerable to predators. It is cheering, like my fat, belligerent Robin.
Actually he/she is doing quite well and the others don’t seem to mind her ( I believe squirrels are virtually colour blind so perhaps they don’t realise she is different). I have noticed she isn’t quite as sure footed as the others when running and jumping through the trees and this might be something to do with her pink eyes which I think could be a disadvantage although it’s marginal as she is still as daft as the others..!
I once observed a white rabbit being chased away from the burrows by the brown ones. I am glad your little ghost has friends.
Hello peace_lover,
I am fairly new and have just found your ‘white squirrel’ photo and post. I wonder if his/her paw pads gets sore, due to the pink skin, lack of pigment might make them more vulnerable. Just an idea.
I had lots of swallows nesting in the stables where I lived up to 16 months ago, and there was 1 pure white swallow. I am not far from you. ......PosyP
He's fab! We get lots of squirrels but just the usual grey sort. Tabitha hopes Ozzie doesn't decide to confront him!

Ozzy says he is far to cuddly and lazy to even think about chasing squirrells. Mice on the other hand..
How wonderful to watch him out the window. Here it is winter and gloomy. Come quickly Spring ☀️
What a great photo. Where are you?
According to articles in the Express and Mail you've got a 1 in 100,000 (or one in a million for the Express) chance of seeing one .. they had pictures of albino squirrels earlier in 2018. The man who spotted them said he was both 'shocked and privileged'.. not sure I could manage those simultaneously. Depth perception a bit of a problem with their eyesight, so the article says. Amazing what you dig up on Google! How lovely to have one as a frequent visitor.
That's impressive , I love it!
Just the sort of stuff to cheer us all up from the inflammatory gloom!
You talked about it the other day and my first thought was I want to go and see it , wildlife is one of my two big passions. I am jumping about like a happy flea ( in my mind d I am actually lying flat on the bed) to see that lovely photo .
Thanks so much for getting out there and snapping it for us to see , a treasure it is and you are.
( blimey , I am turning into Yoda , is that another drug side effect!!)
But we don't get to see squirrels much on Anglesey ( and I've volunteered with the Squirrel Trust!) Just the odd rare sighting of a red.
Nutkin loves of the world unite , peace out , Bee xx
Lovely picture,really cheers me up ,the squirrel is beautiful,l only see grey ones in my garden,although there are black ones around here apparently.l am hoping the squirrels have not taken too many of my spring bulbs out of the garden.l try to cover the tulip bulbs as they seem to especially like those,and crocuses !! They were selling bunches of daffodils in M&S today, l love having a vase of those in the house,a reminder that Spring is getting closer.Best wishes ,Patricia xx.
Lovely to see an albino squirrel. We only have gray and blacks ones here.
Love the photo. Shoo one down my way! ( to Lee).
I love the red squirrels on Brownsea Island too.
We need the cheering up.....thanks. Valerie
Adorable. Thank you so much xx