Here is the picture of my first Yorkies!! - PMRGCAuk


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Here is the picture of my first Yorkies!!

MartiFL profile image
62 Replies

I have been so disciplined since April 23 of this year.

Not a single potato, nor bread, nor rice. No pasta or anything sweet. Have lost 13 pounds.

So no regrets when I devoured a yorkie at dinner. 15 grams of carbs down my throat in a few seconds.

And then, as we were cleaning up after dinner, I noticed that there was one, pitiful, deflated yorkie left in the muffin tin.

I’m not going to confess to having eaten a second one, but next thing I knew, it was gone!

So delicious! In my next life (after these 5.9 years are over), I’m going to eat ten!!

Now, back to my regularly-scheduled vegetables and salads.

Hugs to you all!

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MartiFL profile image
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62 Replies
Bronni profile image

Those look fabulous! Are you in Florida? I want one! 😄

MartiFL profile image
MartiFL in reply to Bronni

Yep, Central Florida. And you?

Bronni profile image
Bronni in reply to Bronni

Oh. You’re too far ☹️ I’m in Sarasota. (Snowbird🌞)

PMRpro profile image

They are seriously impressive! Though you will need some practice to be able to serve gravy in them...

PS - great with jam too (aka jelly)

MartiFL profile image
MartiFL in reply to PMRpro

Tell me more!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to MartiFL

The original idea of yorkshires was they started the meal, with gravy. Whoever ate most yorkshires, got more meat. The hope was they'd be too full to want as much expensive meat. Many families then used left-over ones with jam for dessert. Waste not, want not...

Chrob profile image
Chrob in reply to PMRpro

Nan used to serve them with ginger jam , going to have to make some this week now . Diet again after next Sunday.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Chrob

I do like ginger jam - it is as well I can't buy it here or I'd be out the door to get a jar...

Chrob profile image
Chrob in reply to PMRpro

Have to go on the list for next visitor .

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

Always kept mine to have jam on, gravy makes them soggy. Mind you everyone thought I was mad.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

Yes - I don't like them with gravy but then, Bisto gravy is just - no, I'd be banned,,,,

scats profile image
scats in reply to PMRpro

Not by me! The only sort my mum knew.

You do realise we're talking about food again, we're all obsessed with food. Blame the pred.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to scats

Only sort my family knew - hence the nightmares...

Nuff1 profile image
Nuff1 in reply to PMRpro

...and we had them with butter, sugar and raspberry vinegar (syrupy - an East Yorkshire recipe).

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Nuff1

Think OH's family did them with butter and sugar - like their pancakes.

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to Nuff1

We had homemade raspberry vinegar! Don’t know if it was a Derbyshire thing. Gravy with them for the main dinner. Raspberry vinegar if for the pudding.

York54 profile image
York54 in reply to PMRpro

You are well informed do you originate from Yorkshire then? None of my non yorkie friends had ever heard of our unusual ways before???? Like eating cheese with Xmas cake!!! 😂😂

Although we now reside in the Midlands , old habits die hard!!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to York54

My husband is from Cleethorpes (Lincolnshire) but his mother's family was from Yorkshire, he used to visit family in Cherry Burton and around Beverley somewhere.

I always ate cheese with Christmas cake and mince pies - I was brought up on the Welsh Borders, north Herefordshire. I have no idea how Yorkshire habits got to me!! Cheese and dark marmalade too.

York54 profile image
York54 in reply to MartiFL

A great Yorkshire tradition , me a Yorkshire lass we do have them at every opportunity!! Mine were much smaller this year done in a 12 bun tin, but I only had 2!! Those are magnificent. My nan would do a huge one in a roasting tin and we each hacked off a piece!! Lol😂😂😂

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to York54

I like them best in a big tin. Especially with really crispy "bones"...

Joaclp profile image
Joaclp in reply to PMRpro

My English mother used to serve them with roast beef juice, not gravy. Is that a no-no?

Chrob profile image
Chrob in reply to Joaclp

Don’t think so , remember when we had steak and trying to share between everyone, taking the option of wiping bread round the pan . Tasted so good.

Joaclp profile image
Joaclp in reply to Chrob


Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Joaclp

Bread and dripping! The east end family next door showed us that delight!!

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Chrob

Oh yes!! I remember my dad having steak and me getting a little corner piece of it. Nowadays my dad would be put in clink for child cruelty no doubt!! But that’s how it was then! “ we knew our place lol” xxx

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Joaclp

She was just posh ;-)

Joaclp profile image
Joaclp in reply to PMRpro

You don't know the half of it


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Joaclp

But there isn't a lot of juice from a roast - you must have fought over it. That's why gravy is made...

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to PMRpro

We always had plenty, depends on the pan and how it's roasted. I do remember a box of Bisto in the cupboard but I suspect my continental father had a poor opinion of it, so meat juice, unadulterated by flour or anything else, was our gravy. You could get more by adding water and dissolving what had started to stick to the pan. I have never in my entire life made gravy.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Joaclp

Jo you know the writer James Herriot? He said he met an old Yorkshire farmer who announced “ the definition of a posh gentleman is someone who gets out of his bath to go to the toilet “ !!!!

Joaclp profile image
Joaclp in reply to Daisychain12

Ha ha ha.

York54 profile image
York54 in reply to Daisychain12

Read all his books many moons ago!!

in reply to Daisychain12

And I always thought the definition was "breaking wind into a handkerchief"!

ClarkB profile image
ClarkB in reply to PMRpro

At home we had homemade raspberry vinegar in them!

karools16 profile image

Well done on losing that weight and being so disciplined!

MartiFL profile image
MartiFL in reply to karools16

Thanks so much. But I’ll be afraid to step on the scales this Sunday. ;-(

Longtimer profile image

They look wonderful.....impressed with your willpower!!

1964-karina profile image

Love your kitchen! Very jealous that you live in Florida it’s my favourite place in the world! 😩😆


Cyclegirl54 profile image

They look delicious! I broke my discipline yesterday with a piece of Christmas cake! Back to being good today!

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Cyclegirl54

Darling I’m thrilled you had cake cxx

Joaclp profile image

Good for you with the weight loss and diet! I went on an almost no carb diet for 10 months, lost 60 lbs gained on 15 yrs pred, and then was in Italy for November and ate yummy bread and pasta. December back on greens and protein but yesterday blew it on friend's daughter's fabulous mince pie with whiskey sauce. Lesson here that as much as I thought the cravings had gone, well, gee...

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Joaclp

Bloody cravings never go 😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡

MhairiP profile image

**Nee naw nee naw - wine & carb police here!** Is that a glass of wine in the photo? Disgraceful! 😱 AND yorkshire puddings. Shocking! 😳 😂

I hope you enjoyed every last drop of wine & the yorkshire puds! They look amazing, and your kitchen looks lovely. I've thoroughly enjoyed all my 'forbidden fruits' - and it's only boxing day! 😂

MartiFL profile image
MartiFL in reply to MhairiP

It’s champagne! Never have looked to see how many carbs in it.

MhairiP profile image
MhairiP in reply to MartiFL

Champagne doesn't count! 😂

Carrollee profile image

Fabulous, those are some serious Yorkshire’s. Now you just need to master Toad in the Hole and I will be on the next plane over to Florida! All the best cc 🤗

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Carrollee

Oh yes!!!

York54 profile image
York54 in reply to Carrollee

Now you're talking!!😂😂😂😂

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Carrollee

Toad in the hole - that brought back memories!

Daisychain12 profile image

You look amazing so happy. You deserve a treat go for it!!! Xxx

SheffieldJane profile image

I really want your fridge!

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to SheffieldJane

Fridge envy xxxx

I'm sorry to have to tell you Marti but those Yorkshire's would be considered small in some parts of Yorkshire. When I lived in South Yorks the pudding would be the size of a dinner plate and the meat, veg and gravy placed inside. That's when the men worked down pit so no excess fat on any of them!

York54 profile image
York54 in reply to

I do that for my hubby now, it's called a Yorkshire flat cap!! Big piece of Yorkshire filled with stew plus spuds!! Gosh I'm feeling peckish!! 😉😉😉

Sheilamac profile image

Gosh! Well done! You really deserve these yorkies! Happy New Year from Scotland! X

Fieldofdreams profile image

Hurrah you lost 13 lbs, what a triumph and to crown it with a yorkie is just perfect! Congratulations and heres to you. I raise you a mince pie! My first sweet and carb offering since 1st Sept..... lol.

Happy New Year.

MartiFL profile image
MartiFL in reply to Fieldofdreams

Happy New Year back to you!!

maria40 profile image

They look delicious. Like you I've been good ( well, fairly good) throughout the year but couldn't resist, when clearing up after Christmas lunch at my daughter's, all those delicious golden bits that had to be scraped of the dish - too, too good for the bin!

MartiFL profile image
MartiFL in reply to maria40

Those carbs don’t count, Maria.

maria40 profile image

P.S. this was the roastie dish, of course.

Christophene47 profile image

Me Too. Have you been exercising in any way?

MartiFL profile image

Hi, Christopher. No. I am a complete slug and spend most of my days (sitting on my behind) playing duplicate bridge. There are three people at the club, however, who ARE exercising and eating low- carb. One has lost 42 pounds. The second has lost 48 pounds. And the last one (a guy) has lost 91 pounds.

We are believers!

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