To Knee, or Not to Knee... : I spent much of my... - PMRGCAuk


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To Knee, or Not to Knee...

59 Replies

I spent much of my morning at the Spire, Montefiore Hospital, because today was... "YES," you guessed it, "Knee Aspiration & Injection Day!!!!

The pre-procedure waiting room experience was much more exciting than the procedure itself... I noticed the bearded, heavily tattooed, large man sitting on the couch and thought, "Hmmmm, I know him?" And I did; as it was none other than Brighton's own, Rory Graham (aka The Rag'n Bone Man) and winner of the 2018 Brit Award for British Single! He won it for the song "Human."

Anyway, with my hobnobbing over, it was time to get down to business!

The (of course) young, handsome, New Zealand born doctor took one look at my bruised and battered leg and knee and said that the knee was "very swollen" and "full of fluid." *Hmmm? Thanks doc, I hadn't noticed!* His plan was to use an ultrasound, find and aspirate the yucky fluid out, and then inject the joint with steroids. Taking the fluid out should relieve the pressure and reduce the pain... it sounded like a plan to me!

He numbed it first, but I could still definitely FEEL the long needle going into my knee joint... and then this weird pressure, as he sucked out what looked like the juice that comes out of the Thanksgiving turkey! A little more viscous, perhaps. Golly gee, he got about 1/4 of a cup out! 😳 YUCK.

All in all it was easy peasy, lemon squeezy! I actually spent more time with the Rag'nBone man, than I did with my Kiwi Doctor friend.

I am now home on the couch with an ice pack and will probably be here the rest of the day. Hopefully, some of the pain will be alleviated and just maybe I'll be able to walk further than the kitchen!!!!!!

Happy Monday!!!!

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59 Replies
Rimmy profile image

Hi Melissa - So pleased to hear that 'little event' is now behind you and that you might soon be able to trip the light fantastic again !! Lucky you having one of my compatriots to medic you - and some 'celebrity' entertainment beforehand - a good result today !!

Take care



in reply to Rimmy

Cheers Rimmy, Hopefully I'll be dancing on the ceiling in no time! 🤞🏼

PS - Any package yet... I'm getting concerned as it's been 18 days.

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to

It can take a while from the UK - as we live in a regional/remote area but we got a note in our mailbox today for things at the PO - so hopefully your 'mistresspieces' will be there - can't wait and will let you know as soon as they arrive !!


Sandradsn profile image

Glad you got it sorted and found someone famous to chat to as well x☺

in reply to Sandradsn

Cheers Sandradsn, Yup a god morning al in all!

Longtimer profile image

Hope it eases now, did rag n bone sing......don't put the blame on me!....sorry, couldn't resist it!😉

Hey LT.... I understand... you're only human.


Suet3942 profile image
Suet3942 in reply to


PMRpro profile image

Don't go mad - I hope I'm wrong but be warned you will almost certainly develop a kneeache that will make the GCA look a pussycat. If it does - don't hang around getting pain relief.

Did he offer any suggestion as to what is causing it? I was wondering where you were last night... Get well soon

in reply to PMRpro

Yeah, cheers PMRpro, I am waiting for numbing agent to wear off and PAIN to kick in, that is what happened in April when Rheumy drained it! I was in agony for 24 hour, but like magic it was fine! I need a total knee replacement (I have bone on bone, degenerative osteoarthritis) and the fall I took back in July did't help! Hopefully surgery in February!

Oh, I have been up in Manchester spoiling Mad Max!


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Aaaahhhh - that accounts for the quietness!

I couldn't remember if you had had the experience before - and the ache I had was something of a surprise! It was horrible :-( Forewarned is forearmed..

in reply to PMRpro

Forewarned is definitely forearmed! Ice bag, hot tea and Netflix kind a day....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

Sounds a plan to me...

peace_lover profile image

Ooooooh, “long needle” and “into kneecap” made my spine shiver! But hopefully it will make a big difference once the anticipated pain subsides. Onwards and upwards ( just in case you were thinking about kneeling...) x

in reply to peace_lover

🤣🤣 Yeah.... No! I was not thinking about kneeling! ...but GOOD tip!

PMRCanada profile image

Glad you finally got these procedures over with. Did they happen to send the fluid away for examination? My (former) Rheumy wanted to have that done to rule out ((or in) other types of arthritis related conditions.

I didn’t have fluid taken out, but I did have a Medrol injection that provided instant relief (due in part to the Novocain or whatever was mixed with the steroid). I had 5 really good weeks then one walk too long and some of the OA pain came back from a spot of bone-on-bone contact. Certainly relief though, and I’m hoping you benefit from good results! Time for things to swing positively your way given all of challenges of late.

Love your specs by the way. Very stylin’ 👀👓

in reply to PMRCanada

Hi PMRC, When I had procedure done in April, they sent 3 vials of fluid away; Rheumy gave me an "all clear," but I had no idea what they tested for, so thanks you!!!! The Doc today said they would not send it to pathology, as Ortho guy did not request that (?). I had about the same relief that you had, about 4-5 weeks of NO PAIN! Then when it came back, it came back with a vengeance! it would be great if today's procedure could get me to February, when I am hoping to have knee replacement surgery, but that is very optimistic! I wish YOU and your knee well!!!!! Hope you get it sorted soon!

PS - Thank you on glasses front... I can actually see!!!!! 👏🏻

Telian profile image

Didn't know it was today, not been on here as much as usual. Pleased it all went well, give it a good chance to recover won't you? I just love Rag'n'Bone Man music - 'Don't put the blame on me'....did you get his autograph!!! xxxx

in reply to Telian

Thanks Telian! I had been in Manchester with Mad Max since Wednesday, and didn't post about the appointment, so no reason you should have known... It was just Rory and me in the waiting room... I Googled him to make sure it was him, and then said, "Excuse me, may I ask you a question." I knew the second he smiled that it was him and he knew exactly what I was going to ask... We talked for a few minutes but I felt bad bothering him, especially in that setting, so I left him alone... turned out he was waiting for his girlfriend as she was the patient, not him. No photo, no autograph... 😟

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Lovely - bet you two had a lovely week - precious moments. Funny how we don't 'bother' famous people when given the chance - it's called respect. How's the knee tonight? xx

in reply to Telian

Thanks for asking, not too bad! I’ve iced it on and off all day... and kept it up! Xxx

karools16 profile image

Oh, Oh, Oh!!! YOU COULD feel THE NEEDLE going in! And looking at what they were doing. Brave girl. Hope there's a noticeable improvement. Lay the 'poor patient' on thickly, to your hubby, so he can wait on you, hand and foot. All the best, mamici.

in reply to karools16

Ooooo.... you're a clever one aren't you karools16! Perhaps I should not have made a lovely dinner.. may have given it away! Hahahahahahahahaha

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to

You can always say the meds had completely dulled the pain but now they've worn off....

in reply to HeronNS

Yup... I played the “meds wearing off “ and got served tea and ginger biscuits, while lounging on the couch! But then again I get served tea and a biscuit every night... because I make dinner! He’s a good guy!

Mks9558 profile image

So glad your handsome doc was able to drain your knee and shoot you up full of meds. Hopefully it will last awhile and the pain reduction will kick in soon. Feel better!🌷

in reply to Mks9558

Thank you Mks9558! Fingers crossed!!!!!

HeronNS profile image

So glad you finally got this done. Hope it keeps you going in reasonable comfort until the big op in Feb.

in reply to HeronNS

Thank you HeronNS, from your mouth to God's ears!!!!!!

SheffieldJane profile image

Oh well done! How brave and not squeamish you were. I do hope that it feels great soon.

Fancy you meeting Rory Graham The Rag ‘ n Bone man. I find his song very stirring. Angels in different guises. A handsome kiwi doctor to boot. You almost, almost make it sound like a picnic. 😘

in reply to SheffieldJane

HI SJ, Yup, it was much better than I had anticipated!!!!! Rory... Kiwi... what's not to like.

I too find that particular song magical.... there's just something about it!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Totally agree, love his music , met him at a music festival a few years back , he was a real laugh too, you lucky girl .

Was that a private appointment ?

Just wondering if adding " meet cool celebrities " would be yet another of the selling points of a private appointment ( as well as getting the job done quicker).

I love and appreciate many aspects of the NHS , but the endless waiting is beginning to get me down!

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

It kind of speaks for us all right now. Healing beams coming to Brighton from Sheffield. 💫✨🌟⭐️

in reply to SheffieldJane


Rose54 profile image

Glad all went well

Just make sure you rest

in reply to Rose54

Thanks Rose54, I am resting... on the couch; tea, ice pack and Netfix!!!!!

Blearyeyed profile image

Thank goodness you have been seen at last , you really "kneed-ed" it!!

Sorry , couldn't help the pun.

I am , however, going to have to get the image of your procedure out of my head before eating my Christmas turkey this year....was that image revenge for all the chatter on leeches last week? If so, well played my friend 😋😂😂😁

Don't forget to try and keep your knee slightly raised in bed at night too, the pain will come tomorrow unfortunately, have you got extra pain relief for it, or have you been given any guidelines about if you may need to increase the Pred (as some do) with the impact of minor surgery on your general symptoms?

Zinc cream , helps topically with the healing , and lots of vitamins for quicker healing, try some good honey in your tea , and a warm wheat bag under it at night ( or well insulated water bottle helps reduce the throbbing).

Take care and I am very impressed with whom you get to hobnob with at your hospital , it was worth the wait , love that man!!

in reply to Blearyeyed

🤣🤣🤣 Sorry about the Thanksgiving image!!!!! Ahhhh, the "leeches," I had forgotten... but well played me!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

Good tips... Re: knee, thank you! Yup, always good honey in my tea...

Yes, me hobnobbing! ...what can I say!!!!! xxx

Pongo13 profile image

Love rag n bone man but can only play when hub is out as he can't stand his music! Hope knee is improved after this procedure. X

in reply to Pongo13

Oh wow! Bummer. I love his music too! And, thank you so much!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Pongo13

Play it good and loud while the Hub is in, desensitization therapy and he will eventually have your great taste in music too!!

stellafmdm profile image

So glad you are feeling better in the knee department Melissa! Keep up the quads exercises and don’t over do it. The knee will definitely be better without all that yuck


in reply to stellafmdm

*ahem* I think you mean, "...Get back to the quad exercises Melissa!!!" I have slacked off, big time. You are 100% right though... Thanks you!!!!!

stellafmdm profile image
stellafmdm in reply to


in reply to stellafmdm

i know.... I know.... 🙄

Mai45 profile image

The question, surely, is whether the Rag’n’Bone Man appreciated with whom he was sharing the waiting room? I take it he asked for your autograph?

ps: great news about the knee

in reply to Mai45

I like the way you think Mai45, I like the way YOU think!

...and thank you so much!

sennetta profile image

Glad you are going to be in less pain for a while. Would people think I am very odd if I admit to never having heard of the "celebrity" to whom you refer? Everyone else on here seems to know about him!

in reply to sennetta

Hi Sennetta, thank you and you are not odd at all!!!! Maybe he's just not your thing...

sennetta profile image
sennetta in reply to

We don't have a TV (I've never lived with one) and most modern culture (including advertising) passes us by! In most people's book that would merit being labelled odd!

in reply to sennetta

I think it's amazing and I envy YOU!!! You get to escape all the bullshit... Wow!

Valnvaughan profile image

Happy Monday, indeed.

Hope your recovery continues, now it’s Tuesday.

Walking is such a joy after weeks / months of not being able to do it without difficulty.

Me: still on 2 crutches, 5 weeks post 2 nd hip replacement. But it is getting easier, and have been out on my mobility scooter.

Valerie👠👗🤸‍♀️💃. Here we come!

in reply to Valnvaughan

It's now Wednesday and my knee recovery is well underway. If it wasn't for the il effects of a UTI and being on the antibiotic from hell, I'd he out there in the Brighton sunshine hopscotching! ...well, maybe walking.

Good luck to you! I hope your recovery continues to go well! 👠👗🤸‍♀️💃 Woooo Hoooo

ptm2018 profile image

Happy for you. What’s causing this build up of water? Do you have joint erosion and need a replacement?

in reply to ptm2018

Hi and thanks ptm2018, I need a knee replacement... but can't have it done until I reduce my pred... maybe February. 🤞🏼

Jackoh profile image

Well done Melissa! You almost make the whole situation an exciting escapade! All the best and hope you're not in too much pain at the mo. Enjoy your tea and ginger biscuits!! Xx

in reply to Jackoh

Cheers Jackoh! It was an exciting escapade! Well, not the big needle part, but the rest!

It's feeling GREAT I'm happy to say. ...but the ginger biscuits are gone now. 😢

Sorry Melisa only just catching up now, how’s the knee this morning, l hope having the fluid drained has helped?

Take Care

Angela xx

in reply to

Hi "Grandma" Angela! The knee is feeling really great! It's kind of weird actually, to take steps and not wince in pain! Hope all is well with you and yours! xxx

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