Hi all advised needing please I’ve got I’ve had PMR for 2 and a half years started on 25mg had ups and downs along the way I’ve had kidney cancer kidney removed lung cancer bottom of left lung removed af 3 cardio version followed by ablation abdominal hernia and last but not least diverticula disease and 4 weeks ago correctioll surgery but thank goodness no bag everything fine with that and the cancer I’ve got right down to 4mg but have got severe shoulder and hip pain so spoke to doc he said go back up to 5mg to see if that helps how long should i wait to see if that 1mg increas has worked he said if it has then stay on it for a month then do 5mg one day and the next day 4mg do that for a month then down to 4mg then 4 3 days and so on do you knowledgeable people out there think that will work 👍👍
Taper : Hi all advised needing please I’ve got I’ve... - PMRGCAuk

Do I think that will work? In a word - no. I'd like to proved wrong mind!
More helpful would be to try adding 5mg for a few days and THEN drop back to 5mg if the 10mg has helped. Then you need a really slow reduction onwards - and that is not slow. Why is he looking so far ahead at this point? Deal with where you are first. The 4mg is possibly not enough to manage the PMR - especially after all the stuff you have been through in the last few months. The rate he's suggesting you'll lose an overview. No reduction should be more tha 10% of the current dose - and that is only 1/2mg at this sort of dose.
Blimey you need a medal for surviving the stuff you've had thrown at you. I've not got any sensible answers to the pred, just tons of admiration of you. Keep your chins up 🤣
To add, it might also be worth getting the opinion of a chiropractor or good physio just to make sure some of this isn’t from the op directly. I’ve seen it many times from people being pulled about a bit too much when they have no muscle tone to protect the body due to the anaesthetic.