keep getting very hot : hi all i keep getting... - PMRGCAuk


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keep getting very hot

ballyboy profile image
66 Replies

hi all i keep getting like hot sweats for no reason i am down to 2mg of steroids . Isthere any one out there like that .i am afraid to go some places ,

for some time i keep getting like hot swee

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ballyboy profile image
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66 Replies
PMRCanada profile image

I get them too, especially around my neck. I’m at 11mgs. In my case I’m not sure if it’s pred or menopause???

in reply to PMRCanada

This beats the Hot Sweats from the Menopause hands down! 😪

Daisychain12 profile image

Oh my gosh I am the dissolving woman. I am sorry to be graphic but I drip perspiration to a hideous degree. I am down to 14 from 75+. Linda xxxx

Yep! There’s a fair few of us around, I’ve been suffering since February when I was on 7.5mg & I’m now back up at 10mg

It is most definitely worse when the weathers hot, I was on a Caribbean Cruise in March & mainly stayed on the air conditioned ship, l suffered terribly through our exceptionally hot summer & I’ve just come back fro a week in the South of France with same issues!.......

It also gets worse if l rush or am on a time deadline or have to exert myself etc!

It is my main complaint at this time & I’m constantly reporting it to my GP, my Rheumatologist, The Endocrinologist l saw all to no avail!

Wish l had some answers for all of us!

Mrs N 💅🏼😓

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to

Angela there seems to be no answer which is bizarre isn’t it xxx

Mikb profile image

I sure do. But it's my head that sweats. My hair gets soaking wet. It's embarrassing when I am out. Specially if I am in a store with air conditioning and the other people are wearing sweaters.... mind you it is still really hot and humid here.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Mikb

Yes Mike me too. No point me blow drying my damn hair it just goes limp and wet. I hate it 😭😭😭

Footfairy-1 profile image
Footfairy-1 in reply to Daisychain12

Me too! My hair just drips all over everything.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Footfairy-1

I hate it. Nothing you can do with a dripping fringe

shazstep profile image
shazstep in reply to Mikb

I too sweat so much my hair is drenched. Then it started running down my legs. Very uncomfortable. Yesterday I noticed I had not had the sweats for over a week. I would not be disappointed if they do not return.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to shazstep

Shaz have you ever left a wet patch in a leather or vinyl chair? I have and it’s sooooo embarrassing! Xxx

SheffieldJane profile image

It is a well known side effect of Prednisalone but like you I am puzzled as to why it is severe at low doses. I am on 6 mgs. I agree with Angela ( Mrs Nails) this is much worse than the menopause (hot flushes/flashes depending on where you are in the world).

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to SheffieldJane

Jane I had no idea. I already sweat horribly due to my pain killers and now this on top. I can’t believe a human can lose so much liquid and not melt. Xx. My nighties get as wet as though they have been in the washing machine. My whole bed needs to be changed. My upper body is awash. I have no words to describe. Xx

Rosbud profile image
Rosbud in reply to Daisychain12

Don't know if it will

Help you but my daughter has bought me A cool max insert for my pillow and it's been A god send , I'm actually sleeping for more than A coulee of hours at A time and not waking up with soaking wet hair X

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Rosbud

I have not heard of that. Is it like an ice pack please? Xx

Mourneriver profile image
Mourneriver in reply to Daisychain12

I swear by Cucumber nightwear , made specially for night sweats, actually one could wear some of the garments by day. My pyjamas are fantastic, I only need 1pair because they dry very quickly. They don’t get smelly and are anti bacterial, sooo comfy. They also make a headband .

Rosbud profile image
Rosbud in reply to Daisychain12

No it's A gel pad that you can either put inside A pillowcase or rest on top and it helps to keep you cool , made by JML ,I love mine but my other daughter can't get I with it x

CT-5012 profile image

I don’t know why either, friend calls them power surges. 😤

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to CT-5012

I admire anyone who trues to put a positive spin on it but I just can’t. Xx

polymy profile image

Even although I am down to 1mg pred I still get these sweating episodes. It’s particularly bad at night. Wake with soaking nightie and bed damp. In the day I have sweat dripping off the end of my hair. It was a lot worse on higher doses of pred. It’s also very weakening. I thought it would go as the doses decreased but alas it hasn’t.


Mary63 profile image

I get those sweats as the first sign my dose is too low. There are a few others like me on the forum.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to Mary63


Lizzery profile image

Hi, me too mainly just head sweats, with a very drippy face. I’ve slowly got down to 3 1/2 mg and had wondered whether this was a consequence of pred reduction. Just one of the many weird and wonderful effects of pred I presume!

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Lizzery

Oh dear! Xxx

Telian profile image

Quite a few of us ballyboy and the lower the dose the worse the symptoms seem to be, I'm on 4.5mg. Having said that I did get to 3mg once without problem in comparison but not this time - perhaps there's something in what Mary63 says, the dose is now too low. I'm going to ask at my next Rheumie appt in October. ATB.

PMRpro profile image

Morning sweats as I lower the dose are a failsafe sign for me that I am having a flare - i.e. have reduced the dose too far. Sweats can be a symptom of both PMR and GCA and a side effect of steroids. Can't win!

Valnvaughan profile image

I am either too hot and sweating or too cold and need to wrap up!

This too shall pass.......but WHEN!

Linny3 profile image

I have had them so bad while in a store that the drops of sweat land on the counters. Very Embarrassing to say the least. There is no stopping them when they start. I have started carrying a mans hankerchief to sop up the mess. What Fun! I was hoping when the pred. was decreased they would be better, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Linny3

Me too! Oh drips! They are impossible to describe As people think I am exaggerating. If they see it they go EWWWW in disgust which feels horrible too xxxx

There’s certainly a lot of us suffering, Terri l still haven’t looked at the name of those tablets, l’m just so tired of so many Meds.

I definitely was much worse while we were in France last week as it was very hot. Still having them now I’m home but not in need of a towel to mop myself up like I did in France. I’m more convinced than ever it’s something to do with the Adrenal/Pituitary/Hypothalamus but that Endocrinologist Guy l saw wouldn’t even consider it!

I’m halfway through a post on this subject!........

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to

I invested in an attractive little fan in Mallorca, low tech. Sat through a Chopin recital ( he lived in Mallorca for a while) systematically drying parts of my head and face, like an old fashioned coquette. It worked. 😉

in reply to SheffieldJane

Oh the Joys! 😉

in reply to

I ‘found’ a lovely black lace fan yesterday while unpacking a ‘random’ box 📦 keeping that handy! x

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to

Ooh you will look so mysterious and elegant! Xxxx

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to SheffieldJane

Oh yes the joy and fun of the fanXxxxxx

Lochy profile image

My sweats seem to have reappeared! Particularly at night. Often find it’s after eating certain foods eg carbs but not always. Can’t really work it out but find it frustrating. Doesn’t appear to link in with a flare either. Will have to monitor more closely.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Lochy

Let me know if you find any common denominator! Xxxx

Grants148 profile image

I have had an intolerance to humid weather,and sweat runs off me even during did get a little better when l had settled down on 3 mg. of Pred.,but since l tried to lower the dose the sweats are back again.l do find they are worse after eating too much sugar os salt. They are really uncomfortable and l avoid going anywhere abroad where the weather is very hot or humid.l had this problem before PMR,and for a long time l could not tolerate too much heat without breaking into a sweat.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Grants148

Yes I am in fear of humidity it makes my fibromyalgia much worse. Sweating was never part of my life until about five years ago and I never even had to buy deodorant! Now I sweat for Australia but (sorry to be graphic) I don’t have the sort of sweat that gives one body odour. It’s just a pouring if sweat from head, neck and upper body xxxxx

in reply to Daisychain12

Hi Linda

Same for me ~ we have two types of sweat glands

Apocrine Glands ~ under the arms, where we use deodorant & in the perianal region.

Eccrine Glands ~ which are situated all over the body, which is where l suspect most of us are perspiring from ~ neck, head, face, back, chest & l perspire in the flex of my elbow & on top of my wrists.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to

Angela thank you so much for explaining that to me. I had no idea!!! It is definitely the second set of sweat glands that are the problem for me. It makes perfect sense. The trouble is there is no way of treating it. I know some people have Botox for excessive sweating under their arms. It’s not like we can do that! Xxx

in reply to Daisychain12

No problem!

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to

So glad we have each other xx

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Daisychain12

There is medication that reduces it - one of my grandsons suffers from excessive sweating and is on something to "dry it up". It then means though that he has to be very careful about not getting overheated as the body sweats to lower its core temperature.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to PMRpro

Really? No one has ever told me about that!!! Do you have a name for it? I might be a bit nervous of it but it would be interesting to know xxx

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Daisychain12

There are suggestions here:

And as you have already heard - there are supplements that are said to help. But do check with the pharmacist (not the counter staff) that they are OK together with any medication you are on.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to PMRpro

Oh thank you! ( Linda gets stuck in doorway in mad rush to get to shop). I will be careful. If I could stop this darn sweating I could wear make up again. I look like that cake in the song " someone left the cake out in the rain" !!!!

Marilyn1959 profile image

Only on this site could one openly admit to dripping sweat on counters in shops and out loud describe sweating in such graphic detail. Just one of the wonders of this condition and site. Long live PMR/GCAuk! I too am a member of the PPSC (PMR Prolific Sweat Club!)

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Marilyn1959

Marilyn I agree. I was nervous about bringing it up but it’s a real problem and we are all adults. How do you cope with it? It’s awful isn’t it xxxx

Anitao2 profile image

Hi me too ! Down to 2.5 my and have the same symptoms plus aches and pains in my neck and shoulders I guess it's just one more symptom to put up with Hope things improve for you soon

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Anitao2

Anita sending you a hug. I am sorry to read that. I guess also I was hoping that by the time I got to that low a dose my sweating would have resolved! Seems not. We have to support each other xxx

Anitao2 profile image
Anitao2 in reply to Daisychain12

Thank you sending a hug back it's so good to have all the support on this site am sure it makes us all feel a lot better : ) x

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Anitao2

Anita being alone wait would have been the last straw for me xx

Estellemac profile image

I am always hot and sweat when everyone else is wearing jumpers. I never used to sweat even when I lived in Cyprus. My hair is a mess and I wear it tied up all the time due to excessive sweating. Sweat runs down my face and I have wet patches on my tshirts. If I don’t move it eat it’s fine. Got to be steroids for me I am on 8 mg.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Estellemac

Estelle you too!! Your description sounds just like me. It’s really horrible isn’t it? Xxx

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to Daisychain12

It truly is. It’s not menopause either as I am on HRT.

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Estellemac

No it’s definitely not menopausal. Xx

Lynnray profile image

I’ve tried sage in tablet form from Holland and Barrett it works for me !

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to Lynnray

Might ask a herbalist here for some?

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to Lynnray

Sage? I love that!!! I have sage in the garden I could make tea!!! Xxx. Thank you!

9lives profile image

Hi yes me too, it starts at my head and works it’s way down my body.

I get an anxious feeling in my stomach just before it all kicks off and my head feels weird !!

Carole x

9lives profile image

Forgot to say down to 2.5 x

Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to 9lives

Are you doing ok? Xxxxx

9lives profile image
9lives in reply to Daisychain12

Hi yes not doing too bad, compared to others on this site.

how about you,?


Daisychain12 profile image
Daisychain12 in reply to 9lives

I’ve actually had three good days I’m so happy!!

9lives profile image
9lives in reply to Daisychain12

Well done you x

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