I have just read about some on here having. Problems with there eyes could some please tell me if it is the pills we are on that can cause problems as one min I’m ok the next no good lucky enough I am going eye hospital as the optician did pick up problems I thought it was age related although it came on all of a sudden I would appreciate it if any one knows if it could be the pills
Eyes : I have just read about some on here having... - PMRGCAuk

Hello, Pred certainly caused my eyes to be unable to adjust from one depth of field to the other. For example, if I read something up close and then look up the garden, it’ll be blurry for a few minutes until my eyes catch up, and I’m long sighted. It has lessened with dose but still not quite right. All eye tests ok. Optician said it is the effect of the Pred on the eye muscles.
My ocular pressure increased (heading to glaucoma) and returned to normal as dose decreased.
I'm near sighted and find my focus doesn't return quickly after reading a long time (or spending too much time of the laptop) but this was already something I noticed before PMR/pred so it's an age thing. I do notice it takes longer for my eyes to adjust to darkness; it was quite a marked and sudden change when I started pred, and it doesn't seem to have improved.
Hi, I was diagnosed with GCA. I already had glaucoma. My eyesight has improved with the tapering. It was so blurry as the day went on. Now mainly just watering. My glaucoma is raised which the ophthalmologist keeps a close check on. Unfortunately I have also developed cataracts.
Hello from Charlie444
I have a lot of trouble with my eyesight. Originates fro not having GCA
Properly diagnosed at the start as did not show in blood markers.
As well as poor focus sing I also have a lot of twitching and pain round my eyes and severe headaches that seem to be connected to trying to read
or find correct glasses to read music. Used to play golf but. Now cannot follow the ball in flight
Warning to anyone who gets. symptoms of GCA even if no blood markers
Insist on biopsy and demand initial high dosage of preds
Eyesight has always been good could get away with cheap reading glasses . Since pred both eyes cataracts, one removed the other developing. Trouble focusing, it's unpredictable one day can read subtitles on TV next cant. Can change through day as well as I get tired. Now need expensive specs.
Hi , Don’t think it’s the pills, the doctor told me that steroids are used for some eye problems .
Mine seems to be ‘ dry eye’ Oh Joy ! Just another little gift from Polly x
My cataracts developed last year and have become bad enough to warrant surgery which I have scheduled for 3 Oct and 10 Oct. My ophthalmologist has been on the look out for them as I have been taking prednisone for a number of years. My eye pressure is great and everything else is fine. I barely have a prescription to correct my vision in my left eye and my right eye needs no correction to see well. With contacts I corrected to 20:15 but as I said I am scheduled for surgery because the cataracts developed and worsened greatly in one year. I’m looking forward to see colors for what they are and no long have halos and flashes of light at night.