I'm trying to remember if paracetamol/tylenol helps pred withdrawal pains. I know it doesn't do anything for pmr or gca, right? Can someone help me out? Thanks.
Paracetamol/Tylenol: I'm trying to remember if... - PMRGCAuk

Some people say it does - for me paracetamol does nothing for anything. You will have to try it and see if it helps you.

Kate Gilbert write in her book that it helped her, and we do suggest it might sometimes.
As PMRpro says - only way to find out it’s to try!
I used it a lot at first and wine. While I’m tapering I use it at work sometimes. I try not to take too much and a lot of times I forget.
It helps me but didn’t touch the GCA pain in the beginning.
I guess I should have asked if paracetamol helps only with discomfort associated with tapering the Pred the first few days of a drop rather than later when pains may be sign of building inflammation and a flare, such as a week or so into a taper. Trying to tell the difference with what is causing what....
Tylenol definitely helped me with Pred withdrawal pains. If I took 2 extra strength before bed it would help me sleep much better as that seemed to be when the pains were worst. I did use it sparingly as it is metabolized in liver and Actemra affects liver. But all has been well with the labs. Hope it works for you.
Oh gosh you are where I am at. I am trying to cut down too and feel horrible. I am finding panadol osteo is helping, it is a bigger dose which just means I take it less often. It did nothing for the original PMR pain but the aches and pains I feel from the tension of the discomfort of reducing my pred rapidly is helped a bit. Might I ask what amount you were on and what you are on now? I had to reduce rapidly from 75, currently on 20 after only 5 days and hating it. xxxx
It's so difficult to know where all the achiness and discomfort comes from. Originally at 60mg beginning March 1 and only at 45mg now, lots of ups and downs, like most everyone else I came into this not knowing anything about the disease or prednisone and rheumy had me reducing too quickly. Can only do 2.5mg drops. Lots of trial and error and learning to listen to my body. I hope to get stable at 45 before reducing again. Feel ok today at day 7. Taking it easy. No stress important.
I woke up at around 2.00am with really awful pains all over. I took a couple of paracetamol and managed to fall asleep again. This morning the pains had gone, except for the usual ones. I always have paracetamol handy, because I feel it helps me.
I had a couple of hectic days beforehand, and thought I would have to pay later!
I’m on 500mg. I hadn’t thought about dosage, as I just ask for them at the chemist. I don’t know if doctors prescribe a different strength. I was advised to take them originally for headaches, as I have high blood pressure too. I didn’t have head pains last night, although I do get some strange ones. The pains (all over) were particularly painful last night, but not too common. I had really overdone it for two days, standing around a lot talking to people, and walking around several marquees, without a rest, just as I did in the pre-PMR days. Thought I’d suffer for it!
It helps to make it bearable for me - doesn't touch GCA headache at all - but helps me get to sleep if in pain etc - take two x 500mg. Hope that helps.
I get achiness in the head. But don't listen to me because I am not at peace yet as to whether I am accepting of the diagnosis of not having GCA. Please make sure your sight is safe. xxx
I totally understand. Is it inflammation building up or my body acclimating to the taper. Or my TMJ, or overuse of a muscle or sinus issues, or ?..... My dilemma.
I find that co fossil really does help me. I try not to take it during the day, but it helps me get through the night. During the day, if needed, I take Paracetamol Plus.
I have never heard of co fossil. Is it a pain killer?
I have no idea. You mentioned it in your previous post.