Just returned from Italy where I had a super time in great heat and toured Rome including god knows how many steps and was in an apartment in Sorrento with 4 flights of stone steps!! I can almost say my PMR symtoms vanished because apart from a little morning stiffness No symptoms and just 3mg steroids a day.
Well you can guess what is coming next can't you!! After 3 days back I feel really unwell, feverish and tired and poor arm and thigh motion. But to top it all I have really sever lower right back pain which radiates to the knee and in certain positions pain takes breath away!! I think Ive read on here about a certain muscle beginning with a p. And also, I remember reading a post from a lady who had returned from Rome and then had a PMR flare. I was cheerful and optimistic and congratulating myself on my achievements a week ago. And now I just want to give up!! Started PMR in January 2017 when just 54. Any suggestions dear friends?? Best wishes to you all