Like most on this forum pre PMR I led an extremely active life, competing in agility competitions and training 2/3 times a week with my two dogs. I knew lots of people, nothing about their home lives, but their dogs names the grades etc.
I am trying other fun things to do with my dogs therefore meeting up with past doggie acquaintances. Here's the thing, I weigh at least half a stone more, I've had my hair cut short to try to suit the hampster look, I walk with a stiff slow gait and even my personality is subdued as I try to string a sentence together with out sounding as if I'm in the early stages of dementia. At first on meeting with people I hadn't seen for 7 months I had this overwhelming desire to explain myself and guess what, not the least bit interested. It was either the - oh my cousin had that- put down or - glad to see you're well now - .
I did explain to my trainer though as to why I couldn't run.
Last night we had a fun timed competition with 19 obstacles. You've guessed it, I forgot myself and ran it in 45 seconds, yes I felt slightly nauseous after and very out of breath, but noticed my trainer looking quissically at me, reading her mind, she was thinking this woman is making a fuss!!!! Bit like Manics post yesterday does it seem to some we are swinging the lead? Another saying for you.