BBC.Site." Bick Dick Energy". Right now I'll settle for the energy bit myself!!! Dame Edna even your favourite plant can't take it !! Only the merest smidgen of rain here! Even a spotted Woodpecker in this morning for a drink of water & nosh of sunflower hearts. Never seen the Blood Moon last night did anyone have a good view?
Big Dick Energy!! WHAT THE!!: BBC.Site." Bick Dick... - PMRGCAuk
Big Dick Energy!! WHAT THE!!

BDE? I suggest you google tromboncino. I'd post a picture but some may be offended!
Mine this is 68cms so far this year. Two years ago was 2m long.
See you Pepperdoggie .
Sottons web site has a good pic.
Scats you surely do have bragging rights on this one. 2 m!! Do you grow it out of an upstairs window! New one for me. Ta.

We have a walk through arch I planted it against and it hang down from the top. Mind you there's a limit to the amount of pumpkin soup you can eat between two of you. I envy you your beans the rabbits got most of mine this year. Mice got most of the sweetcorn before they even reached the garden and pigeons eating most of the cabbage. Can't wait for the cabbage white.
Looks like it's pumpkin soup again this winter!
Ahh the joys of gardening.
The beauty of it scats & the madness of it all!

No blood moon, too cloudy! No rain either, so a lose, lose situation all round!
No luck with the moon on the south coast UK, too cloudy. 🙁 it did rain a bit though, but very windy. I’m rescuing the growing sunflowers from being blown to death...
My daughter, who has only just got into gardening, rang me last night in distress because her seven foot sunflowers had blown over. I've told her to leave the heads on the ground to feed the birds. Also my lovely dark red potted cosmos got blown over in the night and, because I've got an upset stomach today, I had to ask my neighbour to rescue it for me as she's on the ground floor and my flat is on the first and I simply feel to feeble to go downstairs and sort it out.
Lovely glads. I am going to have to learn how to load pictures so I can post some of my garden. We have had a cooler than usual summer with rain. My heart goes out to gardeners who have to watch their plants dry up/burn up.
Cloud parted here around midnight and when I was closing up the house I noticed the full moon and below it, shining very brightly despite the full moon, Mars in all its pinkish splendour .
I saw both clearly the day before both beautifully orange, but no eclipse
Eclipse not visible here anyway, not even the penumbral one, and it was raining. So last night made me happy. Wish the skies were like they were when I was a child. A few years ago counted thirty or forty meteors from my driveway in the middle of a city and can only imagine how spectacular it would have been in a dark sky site.
I know what you mean. We lived up a welsh mountain for 10 years and those skies will stay with me forever. Here I sit on the balcony in the shadow of the house which helps a bit, but usually the most exciting thing I see is the ISS. I do love the moon though and usually manage to see a few meteors each time there is a shower.
Isn't it lovely that we can all see these where ever we are in the world.
When they had that awful earthquake in Los Angeles, quite a long time ago now, and lost power, people were calling into radio stations and asking what was wrong with the sky, was it something to do with the earthquake - because they had never seen a properly starry night sky! I think we lose an enormous quality of richness to our experience of life on this planet if the night sky is closed off. Humility, wonder, desire to find out what it's all about.... Humans need a number of things beyond air, water, food, shelter, companionship. We also need a link to the cosmos, we need to be able walk across fields, or in deep woods, we need relationships with animals, respectful relationships where we show gratitude to the animals for feeding us, and treat them well while they live. Without knowing there is an immense cosmos out there we grow inward and lose our reason for being.
What a wonderful answer. I know just what you mean and so few of us now have that daily contact with or feel the wonders of nature. I am so lucky living where I do. I would prefer somewhere more remote but in all reality that is not really possible again, so I have planted trees around us and allowed nature free range below them. Now even on my worse days I can watch numerous wild species sharing our plot with us, nothing rare but always something giving pleasure, and that important connection you talk about.
I do complain about the amount the rabbits eat that was meant for us but I get hours of pleasure watching them. Having baby rabbits outside our windows first thing in the morning is a privilege and the bushes are just twitching with baby birds at the moment.
The best thing about working with young children was sharing this wonder for nature with them, opening their minds to new ideas, encouraging their questions. When this freedom was removed I had to leave teaching and now I have to be content with bothering my grand children when I can see them.
I wish I could express myself as you do but words were never my strength , suffice it to say I feel exactly what you are saying.
Same here re rain yesterday, just started though so fingers crossed for an all-dayer as forecast!
Lovely photo- you seem to have a massive garden!
It's about 50' x 50'. The camera angle shots tend to exaggerate it.
Oooh! seems mines bigger than yours then - ner ner! Ours was a hundred foot long but we had a 3m extension to the house built some years back - still big enough for elderly bones though!
Oh, my. I'd tell you what that title brings to the mind of a New Yorker, but I'm afraid I would get banned...It certainly has nothing to do with flowers or gardening...
It's a bbc genuine G-G seems a thread has a mind of it's own! Bit like PMR/GCA. ATB