It Never Rains But It Pours!!: No big deal really... - PMRGCAuk


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It Never Rains But It Pours!!

28 Replies

No big deal really. Just how it goes sometimes! 10 year maintenance plan now past the "sell by"! Now a device rebellion in this household as well! " What is the nature of my discontent? Why the frigging ex-excellent self winding hose sprinkler has refused to lock! (Heath Robinson thank you!) Yes! It's another day on the front line of PMR/GCA. Different experiences for us all I feel. ATB

28 Replies
Ruadh profile image

Ex-exactly the same with 'No kinking' and ex-extra 'Easy to wind'... Ho-Hum. As for my ex-expletives...had difficulty deleting !

in reply to Ruadh

Did the job well for a few years. Always a bit of tug of war though!

Purplecrow profile image

Spectacular blooms, my favorite color of Hydrangea!

Sorry about the bloomin'hose winder🤣

in reply to Purplecrow


in reply to Purplecrow

It's a beauty thanks, Must go into the ground for next year. Too many pots to water this year

stellafmdm profile image
stellafmdm in reply to

If next year is like this one you'll still have to water!!

in reply to stellafmdm

I reckon a coastal sand type garden will be the only option soon Stella! Even our Fig is keeling over & wifes cacti & succulents gasping!

maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to

My fig is surviving - even tiny fruits beginning but my hydrangea is in mourning. Yours makes me green with envy, My hose is irretrievably tangled and have resorted to watering cans - seven this morning. Thanks heavens my garden is small.

stellafmdm profile image
stellafmdm in reply to maria40

Our hose is functional thank heavens, but I fear we may get a ban soon if this goes on!

Oh the trials and tribulations.... First no quiche and now this????

in reply to

Welll! There you go! Different lives lived! Me! Gearing up for the next Drs. ATB

Grants148 profile image

Lovely well watered Hydrangea Pepper,it is taking a lot of time and effort to keep my garden plants alive in this long spell of hot weather,l hope that there will not be a hosepipe ban.l have put some of my plants in pots to try and save them as the soil here is chalky and dries out very quickly. kindest regards,l hope your hose sorts it’s self out!

in reply to Grants148

It's hard work watering & that one is in a pot Grants. What a heatwave this Summer! Clay soil here 2" cracks opening up all over & rock like. Chalky for yourself then! Not good for blue Hydrangeas or holding water. Always worth the effort & see the birds coming in. ATB

christine2715 profile image

I think I am on the wrong site! is this Gardeners Question Time? Seriously - the hydrangeas look great

in reply to christine2715

Just a bit of distraction Christine I'd go crackers without it!! ATB. Monty.

Grants148 profile image

Yes it is worth the effort,l always look forward to the spring to get started on the garden again.l was unable to do much when the PMR was at first very disabling,then it was amazing how the steroids worked so well and l could go out there and get on with it,being careful not to overdo it of course !

in reply to Grants148

I lose myself in a different time zone looking & planning ahead. Pithering about is very relaxing. Easy to do too much though!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

Me too, hubby says when I get out in the garden I'm in another world and don't want to come back! Are those flowering now, you haven't given us an old photo have you? Mine haven't any flowers on!

in reply to Telian

No it's real time Telian the pot has been in the shade & well watered. Thirsty they are. Our one in the ground doesn't look well at all! It's a waste of time & water hosing the garden with the large cracks that have developed. The lawn is shrinking inward from the rest of the garden. Amazing how the weeds still do though! Cherry toms every day now. Hope the nightshade family isn't causing my inflammation!! Never mind Tom & Gerry it's Tom & Bean here!

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

After seeing your photo I took notice and did see a couple of gardens with flowering ones, I've got one in a pot and water it everyday x 2 but it still isn't well! My toms are ready to ripen though, even though the leaves look unwatered! Funny how the weeds do survive..... My runner beans are not thriving either should have been picking them by now but watering them isn't helping - they don't seem to be able to retain enough moisture and look as though they are dying , leaves very pale green now and beans stunted... Ha Ha Tom and Bean...

Grants148 profile image

It is so therapeautic Pepper,such a good feeling .

in reply to Grants148

Think I go back to childhood in the huge garden where my Dad was the full time gardener. Can't do the bonfires now. Used to love those. They never really went out,always smouldering away getting through the unburnable stuff.

Telian profile image
Telian in reply to

I remember the bonfire days too but as you say no bonfires today Pep! just listened to the news re Greece and Japan where lots have Greece 60 have died trapped in their homes or cars where they've tried to escape - lots of children apparently - unimaginable. They're calling them natural disasters in some countries now as the temperatures are consistently over 40 degrees.....

in reply to Telian

Certainly responsible for plastics & other chemical stuff we surely are. Not sure if I buy into the total global warming thing myself! Lots of vested interests on that one!

(Long history our Earth.) Always very sad to hear of these disasters but we can do nothing about them & modern media hits us hard & fast.

Grants148 profile image

Dreadful news from Greece,a terrible way to die,l also think about all the wildlife ,pets and farm animals,so devastating! It is always nice to have warm sunny days but this extreme weather is causing dangerous situations .l used to love the large village bonfires on Nov.5th when l was growing up,and we still have people around here sometimes burning rubbish but l do not enjoy those because they pollute the air which does not help people with breathing problems. Imagine the temperature above 40 degrees,l am finding it hard to cope as it is here now.

in reply to Grants148

Yes! Always dreadful news Grants. What can we personally do though? Proper bonfire great! Modern day any shit goes in! Bonfire night! Well that's something different now! Not that I ever knew the plot!! But it was great!

Grants148 profile image

All we can do is pray for the people involved Pepper,but we did have some much better news recently when those amazing divers rescued the boys from the cave in was sad that one diver lost his life,but those brave little boys will never forget him.The boys themselves are a credit to their parents and their country.

Very heartwarming to see the bravery & effort that went into the rescue. The lads held up well with great spirit. A life changing event for all involved I think.

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