Have had PMR for 18mths have tapered down to 6.5mg from 15mg cant seem to get lower at present. Was anxious about a 5 wk holiday planned to Western Canada and Alaska, could I manage my prednisolone regime with time differences and crossing date lines etc not to mention the increased exercise and early starts and the prolonged sitting on flights to and from Australia.
Well I have to tell you I had the most fabulous time, no flares, no increased doses needed, hated the early starts was a bit stiff until I got going was tired at night but really the PMR did not impact on my time away. I know all our journeys are different but if your situation is stable dont put travel off we deserve fun and goodtimes and great memories.
Just for the record I did consult with my Rheumatologist and he was very supportive.
I guess now I have to recommence my taper to 6mg, oh well!
Back to the dead slow method which works for me.
Look after yourselves.