Stronger Than I Realised: Those that can't do... - PMRGCAuk


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Stronger Than I Realised

66 Replies

Those that can't do... RANT!

Warning; This blog post contains some strong language. If you are easily offended by expletives, please think twice before clicking on the link!


66 Replies
Xanthe12345 profile image

Brilliant as per usual!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

in reply to Xanthe12345

Thank you... thank you so very much.

CT-5012 profile image

Absolutely 😂

Meteoric expression once again! Great blog.

in reply to

Cheers Pepperdoggie! Cheers.

SheffieldJane profile image

This is brilliant and so relatable. You really have hit on a way to talk about chronic illness in a vibrant humorous way. It really helps me. You should honestly compile them into a book. You will look back at this record when you are fit and well and be astonished that you survived and found colour in the darkness. I love that your creativity came to your rescue. It’s like we have an emergency pack that can only be opened in extremis. It happened for me too with painting and crafting with my little Theo and to other people like Mark, Pepperdoggie, Mrs Nails, Rimmy and Rugger to name just a few. Thanks for posting and go wash your mouth out! 😂

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to SheffieldJane

Likewise SJ !!



in reply to SheffieldJane

Yes Ma'am! Mouth has been duly washed... Thank you, for you kind words and continued support. xxxx

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Someone's had a breakthrough...

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

I feel an I told you so coming on... Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

Happy 4th, Mel.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Love you GG!!!!

Happy 4th!

Rimmy profile image

Dear Melissa

Well SJ has I think put it 'perfectly' - you certainly do have a wonderful talent for expressing in an imaginative, amusing and sometimes oblique way what many of us have felt and been unable to articulate in a fashion comprehensible even to ourselves - let alone 'others'. A book YES YES YES !! - which is NOT the predictable medically oriented diatribe but more the psychic experience of an illness which is unimaginable - often even still to those of us it has beset !!

The BEST thing though is that we have been fortunate enough to have you here just when we have been struggling ourselves to control - even 'make friends' - with this wee beastie that 'wriggles and jiggles' inside of us and who we try to tame with the 'devil's tic-tacs'.

So thanks again for it all Melissa - YOU are a real 'gift' - I am just sorry it is because you have had to be a 'medium' yourself for some of the less amusing 'slings and arrows' of this thing called GCA.



in reply to Rimmy

....this one made me cry. I'm not sure why; they're not tears of sadness and they don't taste bittersweet... they are more like tears of extreme appreciation, caused by a heart exploding with gratitude! Your words touched my soul and filled me with "love." Thank you Rimmy (thank you everyone) because after all, where would I be without all of YOU?

Christophene47 profile image

Sick as you may be, you are a bright light. Your humor and sense of fun is a cocktail for all of us. Very important not to lose sense of humor while going through this..whatver it is.🍷🍹🍸🍻 Very therapeutic evening for me.👸💋💋to all.

in reply to Christophene47

Thank you... thank you so much.

ConventCassie profile image

That’s pretty terrific writing. Hard to add to it and a given that we all relate. When I finally realized I couldn’t “do” all the things I used to , this journey has allowed me to rediscover the joy of doing new things for the first time again, along with the pride one experiences of new accomplishments. Others our age, just slow down and take things in their stride. But we get to go back to celebrating the small things of our youth. Makes me feel younger!

in reply to ConventCassie

Thank you ConventCassie. I feel a bit younger today as well!!!! : )

Angiejnz profile image

We are!! Love reading the rants, makes me feel normal.....or are we both bonkers??

in reply to Angiejnz

“Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so.

You're entirely Bonkers.

But I will tell you a secret,

All the best people are.”

~Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

Thank you!

Melissa, Melissa, Melissa!

What an absolutely brilliant read! This most certainly could be turned into a book 📖

You are extremely eloquent & l think possibly the Pred has heightened your talents! 📝

30mg is the highest Pred dose l’ve been on for my PMR but l have experienced the addition of Dexamethasone while l was having my Chemo! Those were fun filled non sleeping days & nights when l was high as a kite! On Line Shopping was my Entertainment of Choice 🛍

Continue your writings we love to read them!

Happy 4th July 🇺🇸

Angela xx

in reply to

Thank you Mrs Nails!!!!! I appreciate your support and continued encouragement!

joyce69 profile image

A lovely ‘read’ to wake up to. I am in awe of your eloquence and creativity.

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to joyce69

I agree, Joyce. Most of us are incapable of findings such words, but once Melissa has written them, we can relate so well.

in reply to Rugger

Thanks Rugger! I so appreciate your support and I'm thrilled you can relate to my rantings!!!

in reply to joyce69

Thank you Joyce69! Have a fabulous day!

joyce69 profile image
joyce69 in reply to

5 and a half years in and back on oral steroids after 3 injections might make that a tad difficult but I’ll try. Keep ranting please 😀

in reply to joyce69


Bummer, sounds like you could use a GOOD RANT as well!

joyce69 profile image
joyce69 in reply to

I do, regularly and often at anyone within earshot! I am a pain in the butt, but apparently I look so well...

in reply to joyce69


Brilliant!! So well written and I can so relate to it with my PMR/GCA. Please keep writing.

in reply to

Thank you... and I'm afraid, I have no choice but to write. : )

Footfairy-1 profile image

Fantastic! So enjoy reading your "rants". They are so good I don't want them to end.

You are brilliant in all ways. Thank you for the joy you give.💐

in reply to Footfairy-1

Ohhhh Footfairy-1, what lovely words... thank you! : )

Longtimer profile image

Those pictures really cheer me them!

in reply to Longtimer

; ) Good!!!!

Mary63 profile image

Beilliant Melissa. You MUST write a book. Thanks so much for putting into words how we all feel....and for making those words so ****ing funny.

Thank you Mary63, I'm so happy my words resonate with you!

Jean56 profile image

Wow! I wish I could write like you. It says it all. A book is an essential. Thank you.

in reply to Jean56

Thanks Jean56, thanks very much!

PMR2011 profile image

Not only have you perfectly captured the inner collective “us” with your words, the illustrations are marvelous! I think we should all wear t-shirts that say “KEEP RANTING!” Thanks Melissa!

in reply to PMR2011

Cool, thank you, PMR2011!!! I love it... “KEEP RANTING!” Tee shirts for all!!!!!!!

ipsidipsy profile image

oh your rantings are brill. Just like you, I felt another person had taken over me, I even had the courage to have dental work done that took 5hours - something I had feared for along time. Well 4 1/2 years on I think, only think, I am back to who I was??

in reply to ipsidipsy

Wow! Totally cool ipsidipsy!!!! I am happy to hear you are back to who you were!!!! This is GREAT news and gives me hope that I'll find me!!!!!!

Footfairy-1 profile image

I was just in the middle of putting a colour on my hair (what's left) and for some unknown reason I felt I needed to suggest that you write about the time your "little devil" decided it would be best if you didn't have contact with all your new friends and supporters. Well, we all couldn't let that happen. You are too precious to us. You definitely showed it who's boss!

in reply to Footfairy-1

Synchronicity Footfairy-1!!!! Synchronicity. Thank you... thank you for your kind words and for being on the same wave length as me!!!!

Footfairy-1 profile image
Footfairy-1 in reply to

Note to self: remember you're on Pred and have to concentrate more!

When I sent my last message I was waiting for the hair colour to "take". So I went back into the bathroom, looked in the mirror..... it was then that I saw the great big blob of colour on the front of my dress. Don't get me wrong, this is not a dress I go out in any more, it's a sundress I wear in the house and garden. I normally wear old jean and t-shirt when doing this but I thought I'd be ok as I've been doing it for years and never have a problem.

Was about to take the dress off and noticed another blob on my shoulder! Oh well, I was about to go into the shower so off came the dress - the blob at the front had gone through onto my boob. Lovely! Into the shower to wash my hair, boob and shoulder. Halfway through the plug hole blocked. You guessed it - with hair. Managed to unblock while still in there. Got out. Was drying myself and found another big blob on my big toe. Had to use nail varnish remover for that one.

All done now and the dress washed ok.

Back to normal, even if that is with less hair, a fat face,boobs and stomach and of course a muzzy head.... concentrate, concentrate.

Now what was I doing.......

in reply to Footfairy-1

OMG! I peed myself a little laughing so hard!!! That is way "Too Much Information," I know, I'm sorry! .... but it's true!!!! Hysterical!

Perhaps you should write a book!!!!!

"The Misadventures of Footfairy1"

nuigini profile image

Amazing writings/rantings. Where on earth do you find the incredible pictures and illustrations? You must be a professional writer?!?!

in reply to nuigini

Cheers nuigini! Thanks so much!!! Ahhhh, the pictures/illustrations... I search "high and low" on Google Photo, until I find the perfect one. I usually know exactly the image I want, it's just a matter of finding it. And thank you (so much!!!!) for the lovely compliment, but no, I'm not a professional writer. I wish I were... I do love it!

Chrob profile image
Chrob in reply to

Go for it , I’ll buy the book 📚

in reply to Chrob

Awe... thanks Chrob!

PMRCanada profile image

Thank you for sharing your experience in such an accurate and entertaining way. You certainly have a "way with words", and I appreciate your vulnerability and humour. I admire your resilience and you are a true inspiration. Glad to have you along my journey!

in reply to PMRCanada

Ahhhh PMRCanada! Thank you so much... I appreciate your support and your very kind words.

bunnymom profile image

Well put and always love your pictures. Wish I looked like the gal on the couch! I am between 5 and 6 and many things are better but I am still sick and think I should be"doing better" which is a thought that's a curse. So I guard my self talk

in reply to bunnymom

Thank you bunnymom!!! Yes, GUARD that "self talk." You are doing as good as you're doing... Don't compare yourself to anyone else.

"So far you've survived 100% of your worst days. You're doing great." ~ Unknown

Insight329 profile image

What a wonderful retrospective - complete with pictures of that time. Such a reminder that although the road we travel back to health is rocky, like most trips each mile(stone) brings a different view - and intoduces us to different personalities (sometimes from within). Very inspirational, Mel. Truly!

in reply to Insight329

Hi Insight329!!! Thank you and as always, a very wise and insightful perspective. Cheers!

Jackoh profile image

Wonderful writing- always is . You capture feelings, experiences , worries, doubts and fears so well. This does and will inspire others on this " journey" Seriously Melissa start making these blogs into a book for future sufferers - it amuses, comforts and helps at the same time.

in reply to Jackoh

Thank you Jackoh! I appreciate your kind words... So many people have mentioned a "book." today... It has got me thinking! Thank you for your encouragement and support.

Peachy6958 profile image

Hi Manici,

What a wonderful rant for us all to read. Has really brightened my evening. The photo of “you” lounging on the back of the sofa is brilliant, looks exactly the same as the one of me which my husband took yesterday ( I WISH )

( actually, so does my husband )

Good to hear you not only back on form but on adrenaline as well. Big hug to you.

Thanks Peachy6958! Happy to have helped brighten your evening! Yeah, it was good, I had that photo of me just hanging out on the couch! : ) Funny you have one similar!!!

Hugs back at ya!

coda123 profile image

Rant on, you are one inspirational woman!

in reply to coda123

Thank you coda 123!

Pipalina profile image

Totally brilliant, Melissa!!

"As the weeks/months pass you unknowingly experience what feels similar to (if not exactly the same as) Elisabeth Kübler-Ross,’ “5 Stages of Grief & Loss.

Those stages are defined as: denial, isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance..."

To endure a short or long-term debilitating illness that changes or steals the life you knew away prompts a myriad of emotions - exactly as you describe in your statement above.

After 26 years I haven't quite reached the acceptance stage either...but I do believe each day will be better...

You certainly are one strong lady and an extremely talented writer...continue please!

Kathy xxx

in reply to Pipalina

Thank you Kathy, I'm happy that resonated with you. I have experienced enough "grief," to know what it feels like, and this is it! I'm grieving for the loss of self! Not sure if I'm strong or a but "pigheaded," in either case I'm still in the fight! : ) xxx

PS ...and thank you for the writing compliment! It means a lot!

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