When do adrenals kick in and how and why when on ... - PMRGCAuk
When do adrenals kick in and how and why when on prednisone. What to do if they don't and how would I know.

Cue PMR pro, fountain of knowledge especially the entry about the difference between steroid withdrawal and flares
Hi Sunshinemaggie. Hope you’re having a good day.
Just read your previous entries, and see you’re at about 13.5mg pred. Also read that you’re a ‘worrier’. I think a lot of us are, with PMR & pred it’s a recipe for worrying, so many and various symptoms and side effects to contend with.
I would suggest you put your concerns about adrenals on the back burner for another year, as that’s a bridge you won’t have to cross until you get to around 8mg or a bit lower. And frankly it’s a ‘wait and see’ scenario. You won’t know til you get there. No point worrying now about something that may or may not be a problem in a year’s time. Save your energy and observations of your body for your monthly reductions.
Quick way to read the thread started a couple of days ago about Adrenals etc...........just put Adrenals glands in the search box, top right hand side of page.
There are also two items listed in the Related Posts box. Right hand side above Pinned Posts.
Hope this helps.

As long as you are taking more than about 8mg pred it isn't a concern as that is the amount of corticosteroid your body would make as cortisol anyway. if you are then able to reduce SLOWLY below that without increasing fatigue and other non-PMR symptoms then you don't need to worry about it. Most people have no problem at all as long as they are slow enough about it.
May I ask...if I`m at 9mg starting to lower maybe this week....I am in the last week or so getting really heavy fatigue/nausea/dizziness....could it be my adrenals, if I`m one of those people that dosen`t absorb the full 9mg...if you get what I mean....and they recognise the dosage as being lower....sorry have dizzy head, so not easy to explain! Thank you...
You could be right enough. They say 8mg is the equivalent sort of dose - but that is assuming you absorb most of the dose (say 80% or more). If you only absorb half of it - plenty low enough for problems. Of course - your next thing will be to find a doctor who will consider it! In the meantime - I would wait a bit and see if it improves. If you don't feel as well as you did before starting the last reduction - wait.
Yes, ok, had decided to wait.....thought it might even be a bug of sorts, but this has happened on and off lately...... . then thought about the dreaded adrenals.......I do have a doctor that my agree to having a check on them.....will wait awhile first...thank you.Th I
Think we maybe as hot, if not hotter than where you live's hard to adjust...Living on East side of the UK....very changeable lately...
I think I’m in the same boat with you Longtimer, my reduction to 7 went completely pear shaped. 8 didn’t resolve it, so taken myself back to 10 for a bit. Couldn’t stand the nausea and complete fatigue.
How did you get your docs to acknowledge you don’t absorb the full amount of pred?
I haven't as yet, but having been on pred nearly 7 years......PMRpro has often posted about it.....I have had huge struggles to lower from 15mg originally.....and realised maybe this could be why, not absorbing the pred.....
It has always puzzled me and the ex rheumy as to, watch this space......
Good this awful battle
I just won that battle today by giving all the text book symptoms of Adrenal deficiency and my lack of PMR symptoms even when I reduce. I gave it as the only reason that I had been stuck on 7 mgs for months. Then she had the great idea of doing the Synacthen Test there and then. I had to point out that I had taken Prednisalone that morning so the test would be no good. She sent me to pathology anyway, I’d had blood taken and was poised ready for the cortisoid injection when a nurse skittered in saying that the Rheumatologist had decided on reflection that the Pred would spoil the test, so I will have one next week. All her idea but not comfortable territory for her. God I hope they are capable of working!
The synacthen test is done at 9am - to get the baseline cortisol. They are not normally done later in the day - and you must not have taken pred in the previous 24 hours.
Oh dear, doesn't give anyone confidence does it.....she may have looked it up quickly and decided you were right...goodness me....but we now know with PMRpro`s reply when to have it done and no pred.....
Yes, hope they are capable of working too...……
Had lots of pain last week, was invited out yesterday for a coffee and chat, so went....when I came back a relative was at my house …..she said maybe if I went out more I would feel better!! grrrrr
We really don`t need all these bl....y obstacles do we when going through these rough patches...….sorry for the rant......keep us posted....
Thank you PMRpro. Sorry for not responding. I've cut my leg open of course barely any skin on my shin but stitched it!! Came undone and I bled day, fell against corner of wall once again, 2 major cuts I was alone and tried to put a tegarderm on, kept bleeding but it's stuck on now, will try to see somebody tomorrow about arm and leg, both are a mess and I'm a type 1 diabetic. I just tapered at 13.5 for 21 days now I've started another .5 I have to get off this med. so trying 13 mg . as of today. Been laid up with heat and quite the mess. I feel I'm on too much prednisone. I do react poorly with meds. Have every side effect. Already starting with head rush and sweats. I'm going to taper down as quickly as I can and suffer through it.
It's just so unknown.....nothing cut and dried with this condition. Ugh, now my muscles hurt. In my calves.