I'm on holiday at the moment and unfortunately my brain has decided to go on vacation as well. I looked at my pillbox for today's dose of preds and wondered why it was empty. Funny,I thought. I must have forgotten to put Sundays dose in. So I took some out of my emergency pack and then realised (too late) that I've taken double the dose of preds -14mgs! Any advice anyone? Or should I lie in a darkened room and hope the end is quick?
Ooooops : I'm on holiday at the moment and... - PMRGCAuk

Or hope for a really good day! Love your name by the way. I've christened myself granny canny since PMR came along 😉
You should be fine just don't go overdoing it today as you may feel much better .
Go back to normal does tomorrow
Enjoy your holiday

In the famous words “don’t panic”, just enjoy a pain free day, but as others have said don’t overdo it or you’ll likely suffer tomorrow!
Back to normal from now on!

Enjoy the boost it will give you - don't overdo it but make the most of it. Loads of people are on that sort of dose anyway. And tomorrow, take the usual dose.
Thanks for the reassurance , everyone! I just feel so STUPID!🤪
Don’t feel stupid for giving yourself a reprieve with higher dose. Feel thankful! We all do things related to Pred head (or aging) and must learn to be gentle with ourselves and laugh it off! We deserve and have earned positivity!
I manage to forget to take the pred which is definitely not a good idea. Never again though. Taking extra for a day will be fine in fact possibly better than fine!
Enjoy your boost for the day.
It's all been said, you'll be okay but not to swing from the rafters 'cos you think you can!..... wanted to say love your name...