High Gamma GT Blood Result. MMmm!: OK. some honesty... - PMRGCAuk


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High Gamma GT Blood Result. MMmm!

15 Replies

OK. some honesty! I enjoy a glass of wine or two!! It's helped & lifted me through many a challenge or enjoyable time! Latest bloods high Gamma GT. Other Liver stuff ok! Another bloods on the way! Can't fault my docs they were fast picking up the GCA. Taking many meds that are not kind on the Liver. Do steroids make an impact? Tilting at windmills/pissing into the wind or giving up the vine!! That is the Question!

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15 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Oh, don’t give up the wine (vine) - maybe moderate a tad!

As for pi**ing in the wind - not recommended! Just watch out for them thar windmills 😉

in reply to DorsetLady

Always good to hear the voice of experience DL. " A tad" though! Wise advice. Ta. Hope you had some time in the garden today. Scorchio here.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to

Well, as you know a tad is only a small amount - and that’s all relative to the end user!

Been in garden this afternoon, lovely lazy time today, do have a bit more to do, as always, but it can wait ‘til tomorrow!

Hard life this retirement, coffee by the sea this morning , then a gentle slouch round Sainsbugs, home for lunch in garden.

in reply to DorsetLady

Lovely. Now that's how I imagine the Dorset life! A gentle knock of croquet on the chamonile lawn & an afternoon doze too. You keep right on.

Sounds like you are turning into a superhero....isn't that what gamma does??

I remember rheumy asking if my GP had discussed fatty liver with me but I take a dmard too. I think the liver is quite resilient and can recover from a lot of stress. Pred is used for liver disease so could just be a hiccough. Just in case....don't get angry with all the gamma stuff in you. 🧟

(Sorry couldn't find a hulk emoji...so a sex change it is 😜)

Some superhero! Too late for the sex change! (unless I get on the tele! Bits still in working if neglected order!) Read all the Marvel,Hulk stuff in the early 60's for nought! Perk of the job as a paperboy! 10 bob a week. 1963 was a real monster too!

Lochy profile image

I have had elevated LFT (liver function tests) for years and pre PMR. One of the things that sent my GP into a spin was my liver tests. My GGT was 534 and my all phos 772 when I was experiencing all the PMR symptoms. He thought I had serious liver problems therefore sent to liver specialist and endured a liver biopsy before I was given the all clear. That biopsy was a very unpleasant experience!

They decided on my PMR diagnosis and reckoned my liver was just responding to the inflammation. Once starting 20mg of prednisolone I felt marvellous but two years down the line my LFts are still out of the normal range. But then they always have been. I’m a wine lover but wouldn’t say I drink to excess. I have a healthier diet now but the main difference is less cardio exercise due to my aches and pains etc. I get the impression my liver is just very sensitive to inflammation but they seem happy that it’s not damaged.

I wouldn’t give up the wine, we need something to cheer us up. Sitting in your lovely garden with a chilled glass of wine on a summers evening has to have some placebo effect, surely!

in reply to Lochy

Thank you for that cheering reply Lochy. Everything I wanted to hear! Must confess I have been known to be err! a little generous with my measures! Think you are quite right about the cheering effect. I have enough dealing with all my complaints without trying to have the perfect Liver!! May have to bite the bullet & see if it makes a difference though. Your experience of the the Liver numbers game is very interesting. I've heard that a Biopsy is a painful experience. Only had an ultrasound myself which indicated" A normal sized mildly echobright echogenicity in keeping with fatty infiltration & a normal texture with a smooth outline". Whatever that exactly means! Hope you are doing ok yourself. ATB

polymy profile image

I shouldn’t worry about the gamma globular transperidase. Mine has been up for over 20 years and , hand on heart, I never touch a drop of alcohol. So long as it isn’t steadily rising test on test I am told it’s ok. I have also read that the test for got is notoriously unreliable.


Thanks for that Polymy. I have no idea what the numbers are but this will be my third set of bloods in 3 weeks so someone is on my case! There seems to be so many varying complications with these systemic illnesses

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to

Hi Pepperdoggie, I ask for a printout of my blood test results which I find really useful when looking back to see how things are going.

in reply to piglette

Thanks. piglette. Had printouts the past few years in hospital & out. It's the making sense of them! Get your point on how things are going!

daworm profile image

when talking with my Dr about alcohol (beer for me, adds more muscle especially in the gut area) he said if it doesn't seem to have any bad effects on the PMR don't worry, moderation of course..."you still have to enjoy life"....good advise...doesnt seem to affect me one way or the other and of course blood work done to check things out...

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to daworm

Your doctor is spot on daworm.

in reply to daworm

Thanks daworm. You seem to have a sensible take on this. It's the definition of moderation that I struggle with! It's a personality thing with me rather than units & stats! ATB.

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