Fatigue has well and truly hit!: Hi guys, currently... - PMRGCAuk


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Fatigue has well and truly hit!

Allsgrandso profile image
36 Replies

Hi guys, currently tapering on tortoise not hare method from 7mg to 6mg. Have been so well past 6 weeks or so and even had energy to do stuff other than just what I needed to😀

Yesterday and today I’m completely floored. Feeling really heavy and tired. Just fit for lying about. How long should this last? Need to work on Tues and wondering if I’ll be ok if I rest tomorrow too. Suppose it’s hard to answer. Started tapering 20 days ago... how long before energy comes back? Or is that a daft question? 🙈 Feeling impatient 🤪 thanks so much x

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Allsgrandso profile image
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36 Replies
PMRpro profile image

If I were you I'd go back to 7mg, wait a month or so and then try again. This is adrenal function territory and it does tend to take a few weeks to catch up with you. It doesn't mean they won't wake up - just they are protesting. If you have to work, it's a no-brainer.

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to PMRpro

Thanks PMRpro for your swift reply even though it’s not what I want to do 🤪 but I know you are probably right. I’m just wondering if this fatigue will lift on it’s own or if I stay at 6mg will I risk it getting worse and possibly a flare then too? I’m actually struggling to remember anything today I’m so tired!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Allsgrandso

At 7mg your body is still being told that the adrenal glands need to wake up - and that is the important bit. If you stick at 7mg for a month and try again it may work because they have started to get their act together and in the meantime you can function. It isn't saying you can't, just wait a few weeks and it may make all the difference. This really isn't a race - more haste less speed. And if you can't function properly you are probably a liability to yourself and to your work and colleagues!

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to PMRpro

Lol too true!! Concentration just disappeared 🤪 more like myself today on 7mg

Allsgrandso profile image

Plus if I wait another month and begin tapering again, I’ll be going on holidays 3 weeks in and although looking forward to it I’m a total bag of stress about flying so need to be stable. Wanted to be stable on 6mg for that as holidays last year were a nightmare. I wasn’t diagnosed and in agony every night and morning ... it was awful. Really want to enjoy this year ☀️

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Allsgrandso

In which case - stay at 7mg. You have no guarantee you will stabilise at 6mg, nor any guarantee that the fatigue will have resolved by then. Or do as DL suggests and use 1/2mg in the DSNS taper. It is far less of a change for your body to adjust to and if it works you can then try the other 1/2mg.

But you can "want" all you like. PMR has its own rules - and you can't dictate to it.

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to PMRpro

“But you can “want” all you like. PMR has its own rules - and you can’t dictate to it.”

🙈🙈🙈 yes indeedy, keep forgetting that!!

Thanks again x

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Hi p,

Agree with PMRpro about adrenals and going back to 7mg. Next taper why don’t you try just 0.5mg reduction- been there....but fortunately I wasn’t working!

Your body needs all the help it can get, so be kind to it!

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks will ask pharmacist about cutting tabs that’s a good idea 💡 x

SheffieldJane profile image

Oh dear! Hello and welcome to running in luke warm soup. I’ve been stuck here for,ahem,a long time. At 7 mgs I mean, every time I try to reduce by even 0.5 for one day I feel unwell and the pains start. My solution to the fatigue is not open to you because you work. ☹️Basically it’s early to bed, early to rise and a siesta. If I stick to that and some pretty slothful weekends I hardly notice. I think it’s risky, well for me anyway, to reduce when you feel like this. I really think I might end up at the beginning again. So I am mindfully staying here until somebody brandishes a steroid sparer at me again. ( Personal opinion only).

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to SheffieldJane

Ah that’s crap Jane, how long are you stuck on 7mg?

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Allsgrandso


jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to SheffieldJane

Have you thought about a Synacthen test?

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to jinasc

Nope at least not yet anyway... it tests your adrenals does it?

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to Allsgrandso

Yes and it can be done at 7.5mg and below, just to see if they have woken up...........

Lovely test it was, slept all the way through it, book dropped and they took my glasses off and woke me up with a cup of tea.

Allsgrandso profile image

Right so, back on 7mg tomorrow it is! Could be worse. Just one thing please, would you recommend trying to taper again in 2 weeks or is that too soon? If I wait a month it’s gonna be too near hols ✈️

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Allsgrandso

You could try, depends on how you feel. But you can always wait until you get back off holiday you know! It’s a tapering plan.....and plans sometimes need to be amended!

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to DorsetLady

True 🙏

tgca profile image

I'm at the beginning of tapering from 7 1/2 to 7 so it seems there are quite a lot of us at this stage...keep posting!

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to tgca

Good luck tgca 🤗

Ohhhhh, bummer. After 6 weeks, that must be so disappointing and frustrating!

If it's related to the reduction (and not a flare) hopefully it will only last maybe 3-5 days, which is the length of time my withdrawal symptoms usually last.

How much and how often are you reducing by? Isn't the recommended reduction not supposed to be more than 10% of the starting dosage?

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to

It’s not pain like I had before when I had a flare(also while tapering to 6mg) it’s just extreme fatigue so must be adrenal related as PMRpro suggested.

Last visit to rheumatologist was to taper to 6mg and to stay there for 6 weeks then taper to 5mg where I’m to stay until I see him in August. My starting dose was 15mg July 17

Johnnox profile image

I can certainly understand your frustration as I am going through periods of extreme fatigue. Currently on 7.5 from 10/8.5/7.5 at monthly intervals and not having much fun. maybe I should go back to 10 (when I felt OK) and reduce 1mg strictly monthly and see. It's so debilitating and I have to work with this also. Catch 22! Anyway, good luck to you!

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to Johnnox

I would definitely consider going back up to last dose where you were well. That’s the advice usually from the aunties here. I’m back to 7mg and hopefully will be ready to rock tomorrow 🤞 very hard when you’re working, take care and hope you feel better soon!

Jura1959 profile image


Allsgrandso I was diagnosed with pmr in 2017 put on pred but think it got reduced to quickly had a massive flare up in 2018 which resulted in another 3mth off work sick and like yourself found the fatigue dreadful and difficult to cope with but tackling each day has it comes really gets me down has I like to be so active.


Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to Jura1959

Oh I hear you Jura!! I was the woman cutting hedges, lawns, painting walls and ceilings! Walking, jogging, all go go 🤣 I have learned to take time now to read books and also got a gorgeous British shorthair kitten and he makes me sit. (Always promised myself one some day) I only work part time at least. Honestly don’t know how people manage working full time with this. You can have a few great weeks and then next thing BAM. Be kind as you can to yourself X

Telian profile image

It does get tricky at this point, and as others have already said I would go back to 7 and stay there until you settle down again then perhaps reducing by .5. Would definitely rethink tapering prior to hols. One things for sure impatience won't help you, sorry.

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to Telian

Thanks Telian, I thought I was on the pigs back! Had it nailed and 6mg was gonna be good. Oh PMR puts you in your place doesn’t it... getting too cocky I was. Painted a wall last week, did a bit of gardening... how dare I!! Back up to 7 I go and hope that will suffice. You are right about tapering before holidays, I’m just going to leave it be for now and try and settle again. Hope you are well x

Telian profile image

Sounds like the pigs thrown you off! BUT also sounds like you've got a plan to get it back on so careful cornering tactics next time eh! I'm okay thank you - you just have a great holiday!

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to Telian

Oh thanks will do my best 🤗

Stella3 profile image

Hi, I am interested in your post as I am about to go from 7mg to 6mg this week. I stayed on 7mg for a while as I was on a two week trip and didn’t want anything to happen while I was traveling. I am sorry that you feel tired etc. but I do know that the adrenals do have to get to work. I am not sure if you have GCA which is what I have, started with PMR. Good luck with your next taper.

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to Stella3

Oh good luck Stella 🤗 hope it goes well for you. You were wise not to taper before your travels. I just have PMR diagnosed in July 17 age 50 🙈

Lin6075 profile image

Hi Everyone

I have been having flares every 4 months since this began in 11/2016. I have finally figured out it is all about the reduction of prednisone. ( I think) I was going very slowly about 1mg every two months. I did ok until I got to 6 and wham got hit with a big flare that is now been going on for about 3&1/2 months. In the meantime, I suffered a stress fracture (my first) and have suffered more pain than I would have thought a person could stand and still live thru it.

When this all settles, I am going to go up and down with the doses. Someone here suggested it many posts ago. I am at 8 trying to get to 7 &1/2. Some days I do ok with the 7&1/2 and some days I don't. On the days I don't do to well, I go back up to 8. In the past week I have tolerated the lower dose about 3 days. I'll see how this next week goes.

This is one miserable disease and is just maddening. I try and stay up beat and find the positives in all of this..

Sure do appreciate all of you posts.

Have a Wonderful week.

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to Lin6075

Oh dear you poor thing! I really feel for you. Maybe you should stay on the 8mg for a good 6 weeks until you are more stable and then start to taper? I know going down when you are not stable where you are is risky. And on top of that I’m sure the stress caused by your fracture hasn’t helped either. Mind yourself x

LMAR profile image

So sorry for your pain & suffering....I too tapered from 10mg to 9 mg, felt fine for 3 weeks & then had so much pain I had to ask the MD for sleeping pills to get thru it....did not understand that 'a flare up' would hit after 3 weeks....??? Had to go back up to 10mg....at least you are down to 7mg/day....that by itself is great....!!

Allsgrandso profile image
Allsgrandso in reply to LMAR

Oh dear that’s terrible LMAR yes I believe from the wise ones here that if you have pain initially in the first week or so then that could be withdrawal from preds. Later on like 3 or 4 weeks then it’s usually a flare. Mad the way it goes! PMR does dictate to us, we really have no control except to listen for signs and try our best to taper if/when it lets us. I hope you are at least comfortable now on 10mg and will get tapering again when you are ready. Mind yourself x

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