Bear with me! The results are in for my annual screening. Diabetic Retinopathy. OK. Cataracts starting to form! Runny eyes caused by "Dry Eye". ( need tear prescription!) The sun glare & light sensitivity problem could be solved by Xperio Polarized Crizal Sun Lenses. Seemed impressive in the opticians! Anyone else been down this road? Ta.
Diabetic Eye Screening,Cataracts,Tears & Sunglass... - PMRGCAuk
Diabetic Eye Screening,Cataracts,Tears & Sunglasses. (advice/experience please)

jinasc often says her optician told her to get reactolite glasses and use them - the tiny cataracts never progressed. So I'm not arguing about that at all - but "Xperio Polarized Crizal Sun Lenses" sounds seriously expensive to me. Does that make me sound cynical? Maybe I can afford to be - last time they looked there was no sign of cataracts much as I would welcome them. (I know - but I could get rid of one pair of specs, the thought of being able to move around without them is SOOOOOOO appealing).
My sunglasses cost me IRO £300 about 10 years ago - that hurt! I need the thinnest plastic lenses you can have and they costaloto!
I'll swop then. You can have my developing cataracts. I'll take your sun glasses. Tight arses rule OK!
Sounds like a deal! Now, how do we go about it...
Noo problem! Meet on European border to suit yourself. Only two heavies allowed & no mafia or shitty shiny suits. True Gorilla exchange! You take my cataracts & I have your sunglasses! Mmmmm!

Ooooh don't do it Pepperdoggie.
I have had both lenses replaced 2 years ago. It was simple, painfree and each took less than a morning. I definitely do not miss wearing glasses all the time although I still do need them for reading.
PMRpro will definitely get the best of the bargain.
Blinking marvellous. Thank you Fren for your advice. Well as regards PMR pro believe me I know a tough sunglasses woman when I see one in the pale light of day! The Peaky Blinders will stand down on this as the issue disperses!!!! I don't want the mafia on my arse. Ta.
I have no experience of this yet...but I know when my dad had amging macular degeneration the opthalmologist said sunglasses are the most important tool to stop deterioration. The local rnib were very helpful and had a range of different lenses to choose from.
I had my eye vision tested for the first time in 11 years last week (I have had my yearly eye exam for diabetic retinopathy etc) and heard the optician talking to a bloke about Xperia reactive lenses. Started at 325 and up to 600 or something. It does sound like an expensive solution but eyes is eyes. Good to keep them working as long as possible.
Ta. Poop. Don't they do the usual eye vision test for yourself with the diabetic one? Eyes is eyes. Quite right. Always difficult to give up the broken biscuits!!!
They used to but then they started a mobile clinic at the go surgery every year. I was naughty but felt no changes and to be honest hadn't the cash for new glasses...varifiocal lenses last time were over 600 but I was working then. Once on pred I didn't want to waste money until my pred blurriness settled. My frames this time are 20quid with cheapest varifocal which worked out cheaper than 1 distance and 1 reading pair. My birthday present from family 😂

You need the best sunglasses you can afford, whether that be pre or post cataracts, so shop around and do some research. Your diabetes obviously brings it’s own problems to the mix, but as Poopadoop says - eyes is eyes!
At least you’ve got two to look out with, I object to paying for a “balance” lens for one that’s never going to work! But such is life!
Why not try a monocle? Could set a trend...
Yes might do! Trouble is you have to screw your face up to keep in situ - and have enough trouble as it is! Unless, of course, I had one with a diamond encrusted handle........
😂😂😂 but if you get them fitted properly you don't have to squint...but everyone would shout Patrick Moore after you.
That'd be a lorgnette - some lovely images of ones if you google lorgentte reading glasses. Very you I'd have thought!
Ahh, absooolutely daaarling! 👁 one has to keep up appearances, doncha know!
Absolutely!!!!!! Thought the diamondy ones were SOOOOOOO you
I could do with reading glasses like those. Wouldn't lose them quite so much.
Tell me about it. Wish I had a fiver ever time I mutter - now where did I put my glasses!
One of the plus points about needing specs all the time...
Have had to sub reading glasses ...on top of varifocal to use my phone. Had a Headachefor 10 days. Hoping it goes with new stronger varifocal. My distance ok but reading...blind as a bat.
Mind always still there though Poop. Always contributing.
Love a good banter.
My father worked with a man who had only one working eye and he refused to pay for a sun glasses lens for the blind eye having a plain lense on that side, they did look odd, but he was a true Yorkshire man, like the Scots but with their generosity squeezed out. 😂😂😂😂😂
😂😂😂 I laugh as a true and proud Yorkshire woman.
"Such is Life". Lucky GNA. For myself regarding any specs. till mid 50's. Still can't use any of them well! There I am holding a paper a foot away or staring into this screen to type!! They are an amazing attractive fantasy item too! I could do so many new looks. Yer! A new me! A total reinvention. Wake up Bluenose it's time to take your tablets!!!!!!
Think that's good advice from yourself DL. Ta.
Nothing wrong with your eyes then ........
arms too short!
Very! But there's no need to be personal DL. Don't you get on my case as wel!. Life appears to be one bollocking after another! An I thought!!!!!!!!!!! Think I Better pack in before the wine is finished. Lovely. Thank You.
Moi! As if! And at least if I bollock you it’s done with care and affection! And in your best interests, of course!
Of course DL. As if! It's just my whining schoolday Brummie defence I fall back on when confronted with authority & certainty!! Seems some shades of grey here!! Take no notice of my weird humour. ATB
Bit like a gibbon DL.Good for the squash court,doing my laces up & putting ceiling light bulbs in. Downside jumpers & shirts sleeves look daft. Plus my knuckles get badly abraded dragging along the floor. Oh! well! Goodnight from me.
The humour serves you well but it must be a bitter blow so take care of those eyeses.🌻