I am on 30mg of pred. Is it normal to have a sore throat and breathing is so shallow? Dizziness I expected but I am now wondering if that is to do with the shallow breathing. What a misery I am but I do feel rough.
Throat and breathing: I am on 30mg of pred. Is it... - PMRGCAuk
Throat and breathing

I am sorry that you feel so rough and if you can’t moan here, where can you moan.? Do you have PMR? If so 30 mg is a high start dose. 20mg is far more usual. How long have you had GCA/PMR?
I experienced an unpleasant sensation of oxygen starvation in the early days of PMR - gulping like a goldfish.
I had checks on my heart and my blood pressure. My blood pressure was elevated and I was prescribed Atenolol. The heart was fine.
The pollen count is high, not everything is Pred. Try not to feel too anxious, it tends to make a breathless symptom worse. Have some checks done and rest assured that this too will pass.
I have GCA so started on 55mg. I have been taking antihistamines. As I now have no voice at all and I am as weak as a kitten( mind you kitties I feel are stronger) I saw the nurse practitioner and joy of joys she said I will probably be like this for a good few months yet. Apparently I am her interesting case!!!!! Thanks for all your replies they are really helpful and reassuring.
A lot of people around my village have sore throats at the moment. It must be something in the air.
My throat often used to get sore at 15mg because of snoring when I got a larger get neck as my body fat shifted. It seems to only happen periodically. But at the same time there are a few sore throats. A gargle with warm salt water and paracetamol will let you know whether some bug or other. Hope you feel better soon.
There is a virus going around my area and l have had a sore throat and cough for about three weeks.it seems to feel a bit better only to return again a couple of days later. There is a lot of pollen about at this time of year and this is not helping the sore throat.Another reason for a sore throat is acid reflux,the preds could be causing this,l wish you well again soon Sharon .

If you had GCA a sore throat can be a symptom - so don't rule out a flare. But it's that time of year - I've just had my second sore throat and cold this year which is unheard of.
One of my main symptoms of GCA was hoarseness, which would get worse as the day progressed or if I was tired. In early days it was a great indicator I was doing too much. Now down to 5mg Pred and it resolved a while ago. Didn’t have the sore throat tho.
Hand in there, things do get better.
YES! I am always hoarse! Especially at the end of the day (which makes no sense because I don't talk {except to myself} all day!) By the time Hubby gets home, I have this low, deep, sexy, sultry voice...
Seriously... NO, just NO.

Great way to gage if you’re overdoing or need a nap!