After many years of wondering exactly how certain foods/food groups might be affecting my health and wellbeing I've finally decided to take the plunge and try to actually find out!
Up till now I haven't had a good support structure (or the courage!) to take this on but I've joined a course, which I've checked out very thoroughly, to follow the Auto Immune Protocol - AIP - starting today...
I know all about low carb and I know from experience how beneficial this is but I'm curious about other things like dairy and nightshades, both of which I love.
I'm not expecting a cure. I know PMR is in charge, and I know it varies from person to person, but I'm hoping to discover whether identifying and eliminating certain foods can make any difference at all, including with other conditions I have like OA and A/Fib as well as helping with weight, energy and just generally feeling a bit better
I'm asking you guys to wish me luck because AIP is challenging. Basically for the next six weeks I will be gradually eliminating certain food groups - specifically alcohol, grains, dairy, beans, legumes, eggs, nightshades, nuts, seeds, sugar, caffeine, food additives & chemicals - not necessarily in that order.
As well as eliminating these foods I will also be adding/increasing other highly nutritious foods and exploring other important lifestyle factors like stress, rest and sleep, exercise, socialising etc
After the 6 weeks' eliminating there'll be a (hopefully quite short!) period of maintaining that and then gradually re-introducing things to see what affect they each have.
Ultimately the idea is to then maintain whatever 'diet' I discover suits me personally. This is what I like about it, that it's specific to me and this particular body, not some general faddish one-size-fits-all thing.
So this week it's alcohol and grains. This isn't too challenging for me because I rarely drink alcohol these days and I already tend towards low carb, although I might miss the delicious spelt bread!
I'm excited, optimistic and apprehensive so please wish me luck!
I'll let you know how it goes...
(For more see: Wish Me Luck! Update #1)