despite explaining I have extreme stiffness in pelvic area, and shoulders, so much so I can't wipe my bum, without pulling muscles in my side (pain lasted 7 weeks).
I can't bend forward, back, sideways. It is worse when I get out of bed in morning, but lasts all day. get stiff sitting for too long. Back hurts standing in one place for too long, for walking for too long.
I do have osteoarthritis of neck and lower lumbar spine, but osteo consult didn't think chronic pain I had last year for 3 months was caused by that. Now consultant Rheumy, suggests it is probably the osteoarthritis!!!! He has given me 15mg Prednisolone for 7 days and says if it relieved my symptoms in a few days then it would prove I had PMR. Don't know what to think. Feel quite depressed, as been in pain 7 weeks this time and can't do normal activities. I am seeing NHS rheumy 14 Feb, near me in Ashford, so I will start Prednisolone on my 60th birthday the 7 Feb, so I have that week to see if it works!!!! All very stressful. What do people think?
would appreciate any advice. Thanks. Denise x