I Guess in Retrospect...: It may have been a wee... - PMRGCAuk


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I Guess in Retrospect...

52 Replies

It may have been a wee bit ill-advised to use a new product (ON MY FACE!) without seriously weighing the all of the possible consequences. However, 80 mg of Prednisolone a day, really does encourage the wild and seemingly overnight growth of a-hell-of-a lot of "peach fuzz." Seriously, I looked like a Wookiee!!!!

The product, was a well known brand, made specifically for "Sensitive Skin." What could possibly go wrong?

I followed the directions explicitly, and voilà in 3-5 minutes I had skin as soft and hairless, as "baby's behind!"

Ignoring the fact that my face seemed to be tingling most of day yesterday (not "burning" per se, but an odd prickly sensation) I went about my merry way. I was hairless and I had my mojo back!

Imagine the SHOCK and HORROR, when I looked in the mirror this morning, and saw 100,000 teeny, tiny red pustules covering 60% of my face!!!

Uh-oh... not good, not good, not good! Panic. Hyperventilating. Freaking out. WTF? What have I done? OH GOD!


Why, was I worried about a tiny, little, bit of light, peach fuzz? LOOK AT ME NOW! I look like I have the Bubonic Plague or Smallpox!

I can hear children screaming at the sight of me, in the distance...

Oh my... This is soooooooo not going to be a good day.

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52 Replies
Rimmy profile image

Hi mamaici

Oh dear - but don't panic - this will resolve in a few days I'm sure with some gentle treatment. The 'peach fuzz' you describe may not be related merely or even at all to pred - at least not that I'm aware of - but it happens to a lot of us post menopause - or I have found so. Unfortunately however, our skin IS often quite affected by high pred doses. Mine bruised and scratched and bled MUCH more readily with doses over 20 mg - I would only have to knock the top of my hand and the skin damaged and wrinkled like tissue paper for a while. Anything you do to it - even rubbing it too briskly - especially in sensitive areas like your face even with a soft cloth for example - can produce a lot of redness or even tiny blood-blisters - which sounds similar to what you now have.

Best thing I think is to use no chemicals just some lukewarm slightly saline water with gentle face rinses would be best for now. But I understand how you must be feeling - it is all so frustrating - adding insult to injury just about when you need a boost not a 'kick' when you are down. But don't despair - it is temporary and things will improve - in the meantime one of those nice 1950's hats which would fit with your favourite images of women - with some netting would be a 'look' - but I'm sure this prospect isn't particularly comforting at present !!

Take care


in reply to Rimmy

You always make me feel better! Thank you!! Now, where is that damn hat with the netting????

in reply to

I am missing my 70s Elvis stache and sideboards as dose reduced (not).

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

Sorry Rimmy - peach fuzz, and often far worse than mere peach fuzz, is a common side effect of pred, especially at the higher doses. I developed a beautiful black beard at 20mg Medrol, no bother with any of the other versions of corticosteroid I've been on. My epilator was my best friend...

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

Oh dear - that's disappointing - and was being SO 'optimistic' !!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rimmy

Sorry - but surely it being pred is preferable to the other? Pred is reversible, aging is not unfortunately...

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

Yes you're right PMRpro so we need not be too miserable after all - but a shame about aging not being 'reversible' though ...

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


Yes skin is very sensitive with Pred, especially at high doses!

Cooling moisturiser, non scented, and a couple of days indoors are what’s called for methinks!

PMRpro profile image

Does coolth help? Ice cubes in a plastic bag, wrapped in a towel so it doesn't burn.

Newer epilators come with a cool pack which is said to reduce any reaction.

nevagivup profile image
nevagivup in reply to PMRpro

You are so brave to use an epilator! Even with an ice epilator I couldn't take the pain and watering eyes, and the rash afterwards. Mine is fine fair hair, so I am in awe of you using it on dark hairs. I resorted to shaving my jaw and lower cheeks, but the fuzz remains all over the rest of my face, albeit much finer than jaw and lower cheeks. What the heck, at 77 I should worry about being hairy-face!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to nevagivup

I'd been using it for the best part of 20 years for legs so was used to it! Not for my face I hasten to add - that delight came just with Medrol. I have a bit of peach fuzz with prednisone but light, with Medrol it was dark. I have no idea why! But it was really only the first time or two it was a bit stingy and I ofund doing it in several short bursts also helped. It is the only time I use body lotion on my legs - after epilating. And it always seemed to make the difference, no rash at all.

JulieR2 profile image

Thanks for sharing I am sorry for you:) try savalon it works on everything for me:) but thanks for sharing you did make me smile :)

yogabonnie profile image

Wish only for the REAL photo of you!! LOL.... but...SO SO SO sorry. !!! And so pleased that you posted this because I have been thinking how wonderful the prednisone has made my skin..and the slightly chubby cheeks smooth the wrinkles but whining inside about the HAIR.. trying to madly pluck/shave... and now I will benefit from YOUR mishap. thanks!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to yogabonnie

My epilator did a brilliant job - and now they make ones specially for the face.

nevagivup profile image
nevagivup in reply to PMRpro

Do please tell us what it is? I tried the usual ice one on my face and the pain and watering eyes were beyond endurance. It is the one that is advertised all the time, something about no-no? I don't know if we are permitted to mention brand names on this forum.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to nevagivup

I doubt anyone would remove a brand name!!! Sometimes they don't even remove trolls...

My epilator is a Braun Silk Epil - but it is years old so fairly basic. Using the head with fewer tweezers and a bit slower speed and just short bursts does makes it hurt less. And you really do have to persevere - you do get used to it, or perhaps it is a case of your brain realises it isn't a danger and ignores it! I remember sitting out on the patio with my older daughter when I first got one and an us both laughing with the stinging! I know - we're bizarre!

nevagivup profile image
nevagivup in reply to PMRpro

I have the Braun ice epilator, but not specifically for face. It says it can do face, but ouch! I cannot even use it on my legs. Perhaps I'd better" keep on shaving," instead of dancing, because of pain. There are recent models but they all seem to incorporate a cleansing brush, which I already have.

IdasMum profile image

OMG OMG.......I am so grateful to have not been here....never having been on higher than 20mg.

I feel for you and hope that your plague subsides soon.

in reply to IdasMum

Hahahahahahahaha! Yeah.. being up in the the 80/70s are interesting times!!!! Mentally, physically, emotionally....

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to

Oh, you are sooooo right! !

enan-illuc profile image
enan-illuc in reply to


Being on 60mg was bad enough, I cannot imagine 80mg! Keep that great sense of humor!


Insight329 profile image

Oh boy! I’m sure that was quite a surprise!

If you absolutely have to go out, you could stick on a ‘germ mask’ - or whatever they are called. (Is the UK experiencing the flu that we in the States are?) Or you could mumble ‘allergic to meds’ if someone looks at you strangely.

I’ve been watching for the peachfuzz. So far, so good — other than the grove of rogue hairs on my chin that I have to continue to uproot. But they started pre-Pred.

True story: My mom and I were driving down the interstate/freeway on a sunny morning when she asks me “Why haven’t you plucked that hair?” I ask “What hair?” She responds “The one growing out of your neck”. My hand flies to my neck, does an exam, and I’m horrified to discover a 2-3” rogue hair. I said something like “Gesh, how long has that been here?” My mom’s reply “I don’t know. But I saw it glistening in the sun”

in reply to Insight329

Hahahaha! Too funny! "Thanks Mom!"

Yeah, I was not happy about having to go to the grocery store with 500,000 teeny, tiny, blood red pustules covering my entire face! (Yes, I did exaggerate all figures by a huge percentage). I feel like an extra in World War Z! : (

in reply to

Maybe aqueous (?) Cream. Basically emulsified water. It was only thing I could use for a while. Amazingly apart from dryness in feet and hands (latter from washing) my skin is better than it has been since menopause. I am lucky that even though there is still dark hair on face my hair has always been fine. 🙆

Pongo13 profile image

I might be able to see my own peach fuzz when I pick up my new glasses. But I won't be trying out the haemorrhoid cream recommended by my best friend for the black bags under my eyes... No I will leave well alone and look like a hairy panda after reading all your adventures.... I confess I laughed out loud at this string of messages 🐼

in reply to Pongo13

I had firgotten the old film starts used prep for eyelid before BOTOX..

in reply to Pongo13

Thank you... that is the best best compliment you could have given me! You laughing out loud! Losing my face was well worth it....

Pongo13 profile image
Pongo13 in reply to

I'll be queuing for your book when it comes out...

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

Oh, dear. That is a problem. I'm sorry. Maybe some aloe vera ointment would help soothe it away.

It reminds me of a time years ago when I tried a similar product early one Saturday morning before going to the beach for the first time that summer. I slathered it all over my 34" inseam and outseam from my ankles right up past the bikini line, and sauntered out of the bathroom to the kitchen for a cup of coffee while I waited for the time to elapse before I rinsed it off.

Along came Cleo, my sleek black cat, to give me my morning leg hugs, covering herself with the dephilatory! I grabbed her and ran to the shower stall, dousing us both with water to wash the stuff off.

Poor Cleo went around for about a month with half of her bald, and I had cat scratch tracks all over my arms, legs, chest and abdomen from her frantic efforts to get away from the shower. Needless to say, I was covered up most of the summer, no need to worry about any stray hair.

Never tried that again.

As for the pred peach fuzz, I decided to ignore it, which I admit is easier for me than for some since it's blond and fine. I use a little extra moisturizer a couple of tines a day where it seems to "fluff out" along the jaw line near my ears. I consider it a small price to pay to be relieved of the pain I was in this time last year.

I know it's hard but try not to fuss with it more than necessary. It will only make it worse. If you're really worried about it, go see a dermatologist. Bring the product with you for show and tell, then throw it out.

In the meantime, have a drink, have a laugh, and consider it fodder for the book you should be writing about your adventures into PMR/GCA. You're a talented story teller, and we need story tellers to focus attention on our daily struggles wthout seeming to feel too sorry for ourselves.

in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Hahahahaha! That is too funny.... the poor cat! Thank you for the kind words...

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to

I've decided to treat me body like a science experiment, changing only one variable at a time, in teeny tiny inrcrements, and waiting some time to see the results/reactions.

Repeat after me: "I'm like a petrie dish experiment in progress. Handle with care and see what develops."

Sunnyj profile image

Oooh my goodness...can't imagine how that must feel but full of admiration for you putting it out there and all the others' tales. Just wondering if anyone has tried threading for removal of the dreaded unwanted body hair... I've only been brave enough to get eyebrows and my 'whiskers' done but much more bearable than waxing/plucking. Also always wondered how an epilator would feel nd it seems there is no pain without gain for any method.

karools16 profile image

I bet the men on this forum, are falling about, with laughter, with this thread! In 12 years GCA, have never had any facial hair.

in reply to karools16

That's okay... I have enough for both us!!!!

nevagivup profile image
nevagivup in reply to karools16

karools 16. What is your secret? You surely cannot be post-menopausal and have to take Pred and have no facial hair? You're just born lucky, I guess. I didn't think I had it either, until new varifocal lenses revealed every one of them.

karools16 profile image
karools16 in reply to nevagivup

Ha, I sailed through the menopause at age 45. Have never had to shave legs either.Will be 71 in a few days time. I guess there's something good along the way!

Jackoh profile image

Mamici1 am stuck between finding these posts so funny and having sympathy for you with your skin. Best I think to leave well alone but often we discover that too late!! I have the urge to pick and rub at any small blemish on my face- always making it more red and longer to heal but do I learn!! - No! I also have the peach fuzz which I've decided to ignore- it's those stray large hairs on the neck and chin that appear from nowhere that keep me on my toes! So don't pick them Mamici1 and hopefully they will just heal. Whatever next!!!

in reply to Jackoh

You can NEVER go wrong siding with the hilarity of life! Sympathy is over rated!

Best advice ever, "DON"T PICK!" It applies to pimples, scabs, sores, people, situations, relationships, thoughts, feelings... a myriad of stuff!

Perhaps a bead at the end of a long, stray chin hair?

And yes, whatever indeed!

bunnymom profile image

I just shave like a man and it works perfectly 😁

Blondenettie profile image

I was on a high dose of prednisone and developed a “peach fuzz” beard and mustache. Thank God I have light hair. Went to the salon and had it waxed off. Be careful how you remove your peach fuzz. You don’t want it growing back thicker and darker!!

in reply to Blondenettie

Yup.... waxing for me going forward!

The Mayo Clinic and a lot of other sites say that the thicker/darker thing is a myth. I've read, "...the main reason for hair changing its depth of pigment and thickness is down to hormonal changes, i.e. puberty, age, menopause, PCOS, your DNA and in some cases, medication."

In any case I won't be using the facial hair cream removal method again!

Blondenettie profile image

The esthetician that I go to said you should never shave or pluck facial hair because it can grow in darker. I took what she said as true but I never researched it. Glad your going the waxing route. The lower the prednisone the less you have facial hair growth. I just decreased to 2 mgs and haven’t had to have a waxing for months.

in reply to Blondenettie

WOW I'd grow a full beard to be on 2mg!!!! I just reduced yesterday to 70mg and thought that was a huge accomplishment... down from 80mg!

I think they (the professional hair remover people) so that you don't do-it-yourself and have no need for them... I didn't do a lot of research but did look up a few reputable sources and it seems the consensus is, it's not true... but who know!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Blondenettie

I think mamici is right! But it isn't true anyway - and waxing is actually exactly the same process. I have a few stubbly hairs that I have been plucking for the best part of 15 years. Still the same colour, white. I have a single darker hair in the same area - has not changed either.

Singr profile image

Hahahahahahaha!!!! Now that made me laugh my sore sorry ass off. While you have my sincere sympathy, thank you for the great imagery. I too have sprouted a filtrim fuzz. I decided to get it threaded and howled like a banshee all through it. Never again. I had a Freddy mercury tash but only in red angry tones. I'm going to need a tummy and a chin tuck after I come off this medication. We should be able to get this on NHS. The drug companies should compensate us. I can honestly say the side effects of Pred have been worse than the condition itself. Swollen digits, split skin, open wounds on hands unable to dress or fasten a bra, cut tongue and unable to eat, bruising looking like a battered wife, farting like a cuddy, nails breaking, hair thinning and breaking, random body hair, facial hair, spontaneous vomiting, body and facial bloating beyond recognition..........and then I've been put in contact with someone who was pretty bad who controlled it through homeopathy and diet. Says it was not easy but she no longer has the condition and it never returned. I could have wept hearing that. Too late once you are on it. But we should be helped with the outcomes.

Just as well we can laugh. Saves the crying.

in reply to Singr

OMG! Thank you for this post!!!!! I had NO IDEA!!! I am really struggling with dry cracked skin on my hands & fingers, split skin, cut tongue and lip, nails breaking, random body hair, facial hair!!!!! I should have know! The freakin steroids!

My fingertips are so bad my fingerprint has changed and I cant unlock my phone unless I type in the password!


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

I know a few homeopathic practitioners who say that while they can help with the side effects of pred - they can't deal with the PMR istelf. And take pred for their PMR/GCA. Truly, most people do not have as bad side effects from pred as you describe.

Why should the drug companies compensate us? They developed the stuff and manufacture it safely - which is a life-saver for many and for us reduces the risk of going blind if we progress to GCA. In the meantime we can move and are in less pain.

If you have dry skin - stop washing with soap so much and use emollient products. My nails have never been better than they have been on pred and I know a few others who found the same.

Singr profile image
Singr in reply to PMRpro

The more I learn the more I realise that everybody’s experiences of Pred are different. I wouldn’t down play anyone’s experience. The Pred Is destroying my body bit by bit. Some of the side effects I’m having I am told will be irreversible. With the weight onslaught I’m heading towards diabetes which will be the icing on the cake. They don’t even know for sure if I have GCA. I would have preferred to have been given the info to make an informed choice instead of being rushed on to 50mg of Pred. Apparently there is a different system in Dundee which would have allowed urgent appointment and assessment before Pred. At least we might know if I had GCA. No doctors took adequate notes for us to pinpoint the headaches. It might not have been necessary. Now I’m on 17.5 and reducing. I’ve requested second opinion and will travel to Dundee you are lucky not to have such bad reactions. On a daily basis I’m thinking “Oh what now!!!”

Singr profile image
Singr in reply to PMRpro

Oh and I’m washing with emollient cream and moisturising hands when I feel skin tightening again. To no avail. You’re obviously not having the extreme reaction my skin is having. I knelt down in the shower to pick up my emollient shower cream and my knee bruised black and blue the size of a grapefruit so I looked as if I had been kicked really hard. My hairdresser can’t believe how badly it’s damaged my hair and nails. We’ve had to cut all short as it’s just breaking off. Nightmare fat and short hairdo. Feel/look like a bouncy castle, look like a bloke.

in reply to Singr

Singr, I am so sorry. Yes, It totally SUCKS! ...and I do hear you and I feel your pain. You are right, I believe , everyone's experience is different and quite unique to them. Each PMR/GCA journey is similar, but very different based on the individual. Each of our journeys causes us different measures of pain and heartache. We each experience mental, physical, and emotional issues on different levels and with our own unique perspective. I try to engage my dark humorous side to deal with it... allowing me to mask the pain, behind behind a measure false and sometimes imposed laughter. Hmmm? Not healthy perhaps. Hang in there.

Singr profile image
Singr in reply to

Cheers. Yes, I have to use the humour but I’m angry at some of the medical professionals involved in my treatment. I am a professional singer and singing teacher my career is unfortunately based upon appearance. I refuse to become depressed about my appearance but I’ve had to take time out from my public performances and for the first time in my life I’m almost ashamed of my appearance and hesitate to meet up with old friends. That is something I need to work through. I wonder if that is largely a female reaction. Hmmm. Anyway let’s see what happens on this journey. Hope yours is positive.

in reply to Singr

I totally understand! If you've read any of my older posts there are many references to my vanity and healthy ego! Along with the physical effects of PMR/GCA there are numerous and very I believe complex emotional and mental side effects as well. We're dealing with illness, ageing, our ever changing appearance, loss of control, effects of sleep deprivation, personal energy depletion and let's face it, to a certain extent our own mortality! It sucks! I get that you're angry! I am stuck in the "rage" phase and there is no view to the acceptance phase yet! But yes, lets' be open to the journey... I fear we have no choice.

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