Hi all, I am new here. I am an 48 year old Dutch woman and I was diagnosed with PMR in February 2017. I was wandering if anyone here also has hair loss as a side effect of the prednisone and at what dose your hair became normal again. I am loosing a lot of hair since this summer and no shampoo for hair loss helps I am currently on 7,5 mg (started at 15mg). Thanks for your response!
Hair loss due to prednison: Hi all, I am new here... - PMRGCAuk
Hair loss due to prednison

Welkom compatriot, I have no answer to your question since I am not Losing that much hair ( one Year on the predpath, now only 2,5 Mg. ) hope for you there is growing a lot of hair back in a while, Aletta
I have not suffered hair loss, but my hair has changed from straight to wavy.
Mary (PMR diagnosed Jan 2016 , now on slow reduction from 10mg to 9.5mg.
Interesting.. My hair suddenly started being curly and I never considered the prednisone, but happy there is some good side effect. I am also noticing thinning of already fine thin hair but with the curl I can mess it up and go😆
Oh , I do wish mine went wavy , started on 65 mg 17 months ago . Methotrexate 20 mg , and my hair is still as straight as can be! I have never had any hair loss.( I am now down to 4 mg prednisalone, but it has been rather troublesome from 10 mg down, am doing the slow slow way now , not in a hurry to try lower until after Christmas.( I have GCA also)
I lost a lot of hair. Thinned all over, not patches. I started 20 mg 12/ 2016. Now at 8.5. I think I'm losing less now but then there is much less to lose. Hairdresser says she sees new growth. Maybe just wants me to be hopeful.I have a friend who lost a lot of hair from MS and meds. She was told by her MS doctor to take 10,000 mcg biotin daily. I was told by my Dermatologist to take
Hi thanks for your replaty, biotin is a good tip, what did your dermatologist advise, the same? I hope your hair is becoming better for now on! My hair also thinned all over, I wonder when it wil stop thinning....
Hi Ollanda and welcome to the site! My hairdresser tells me that my hair is growing back. It doesn't seem so wispy. I am 19 months into the condition and on 7 mgs. I think illness also impacts on hair so I put some of the blame at PMR's door.
I used to use a little dry shampoo at the roots, it seemed to give my baby hair a bit of body. I also had it cut into a shorter style with highlights and low lights giving the illusion of body. It's upsetting isn't it? Along with the disappearing waistline!
Hi SheffieldJane, thank you, yes it’s very upsetting, Washing my hair has become a horror. Good to hear that your hair is becoming better. And indeed the sickness itself can also be part of the cause. Thanks for the hair tips!
Hi there
I have had significant hair loss but I do have a large thick curly mop so it wasn't that noticeable. But I do use nioxin conditioner and felt that it doestrogen help. The texture of my hair has change to being very course and the curls are now very frizzy....or should I sayou more than normal.
I hope you find something that helps for you.
Take care

Hair loss is often a result of the illness - and it can take a few months for it to appear. So hair loss in the summer could be due to the PMR in February.
I lost quite a lot of hair last year after 2.5yrs on pred but then it grew back at around 7mg, first of all in a frizz which then grew curly, and I mean spirals! I got the scissors out and gave it a cut and love the new look .. I think the bubbles on my head just reflect the inner brain fog Take heart, it does grow back.
Unfortunately, I've recently had to increase due to a flare so am awaiting the same cycle all over again...
Hi Ollanda, welcome to a fantastic supportive group! I’m afraid I also have noticed my hair getting thinner and falling out a lot more than usual lately 😢 I was diagnosed in July,(age 50)started on 15mg Pred and now at 10mg. Finding it hard to get below 10 🙈 just treating it gently and trying to look after it although I think if it’s gonna fall it will. Hope you are well X
Hi Ollanda
I have just started losing hair after being diagnosed with PMR in March. My doctor thinks it is due to me reducing Pred. I am down from 15mgs to 5. Like you I dread washing my hair and even combing it and hairs all over my clothes! I have found that a John Freida serum put on my wet hair and then blow dry thickens it substantially. Apart from my chubby cheeks I am not doing to bad!! Keep positive and all this will pass. Lovely speaking to you and take care.
Hello Ollanda, join the club! My hair has thinned so much since starting on ‘the Prednisone path for PMR’ in February this year but I have also been taking Celebrex meds for the last two years for rheumatism, mainly affecting my hands and finger joints. Amongst many other possible side-affects of Celebrex is hair loss but I was lucky as my hair remained perfectly OK. Now, I think due to the combination of both drugs, my hair has gone from fine - (but lots of it), to fine - (with about half the amount of actual hair, that seems very reluctant to grow)! I am currently on the ‘slow almost stop’ method reducing from 15mg of Prendiscilone to 12.5mg, I am very much looking forward to getting down to the very low doses and hopefully leaving behind some of the side affects of Steroids. I would be lost without the information and help provided by this Group.
I hope you’ll be on a low dosage soon. For me I am very curious at which dosage the hair will be growing/ not falling out as before. I am now @ 7,5 going down to 5 in the course of 2 months. For now still no improvement
Hi Ollanda, I started symptoms of PMR in February 2017and started losing hair before starting prednisone (started approx. 8weeks ago). I think I'm now losing even more on prednisone so I think it is probably a little bit of both. Hopefully it will start growing again soon as my hair is becoming unmanageable. I'm even thinking of stopping coloring, shaving my head and buying a wig to wear while it grows out and just going grey. I just don't know if it will age me even more and not sure if I could handle another change to my constantly changing body...just thinking. Hope your hair grows back soon, soft hugs.
I was using minoxidol before PMR. It was due to typical androgenic age related hair loss. Then Pred and things got worse, a general thinning. I continued with the minoxidol using it more broadly, hoping to keep the follicles alive until I was lower on Pred. I also stopped coloring.
Now at 9.0 I'm becoming hesitantly optimistic that my hair is growing back. It seems thicker at the roots. Maybe, in a few months I'll feel comfortable enough to risk coloring it again.
Hi Ollanda - I was losing a lot of hair for several months. Started about 6 months after GCA/pred. It's not growing back yet, but it has stopped coming out in such huge quantities. Keeping my fingers crossed.
I'm now on 9mg pred (started on 40mg about a year ago). Cheers.
My hair was fine until I started on Methotrexate. It seems to have stabilised, but still loosing more than before. Must try Nioxin.
I have had hair loss and a hairdresser recommended a silk pilow case which is quite cheap on the net - Amazon I think. When you toss and turn at night on a cotton pillowcase it doesn't help it seems. In any event I rather like the silk pillowcase.
My hair started to fall out just before a cruise holiday when I got to 18mg in August from a starter of 60mg in March. It did it quite suddenly just like when I was on chemo; I could take out tufts. Luckily the painful scalp as the hair follicles died off (I think) I recognised from the chemo and didn't decide my GCA was back! It is very similar but all over. I don't know if it was a delayed reaction to the illness, stress or the Pred. As a nurse, in my experience I've seen skin shedding and hair shedding as a response to deep systemic illness before, but who knows?
Interestingly, after a few days on ship the loss stopped, so I'm a bit thin in patches but the rest has become thicker in the months up to being ill. I think once the hair follicle has decided to give up, there is nothing you can do to stop it losing its hair, but I may be wrong. So, as you can see from the above replies, there are many opinions and experiences!
I too suffered from thinning hair and a handful of hair in my hands after a shower. I am using Aveda Invati products. They are expensive, but do seem to be making a difference. This could be psychological- it's difficult to know! Can you get these shampoos in the Netherlands?