Has anyone experienced a strange intermittent buzzing in the tailbone area? I'm tapering to 7mg daily for PMR and getting this strange sensation like a mild electric shock both when sitting and standing. Is this just another weird PMR symptom?
Buzzing buttocks?: Has anyone experienced a strange... - PMRGCAuk
Buzzing buttocks?

Hi Zebedee, finally a weird symptom I haven't had. It could be related to Sciatica though. Does it hurt to walk? Sounds like one for the Physiotherapist. Good luck!
Doesn't sound weird to me. I've had tingling I my legs on and off for three years. Started as a mild feeling almost like goosies but before PMR the sensations were getting stronger. I got "that blank stare" from medical professionals.
They mostly went away when I was on higher doses of Pres. Now at 9/8.5 mg I feel them coming back. They are not painful. Never have been.
I assume they come from something in my lower back that isn't right. Some kind of pressure on some nerves. I figure that if Pred. It better, it must be smtg. Like that. Hope I never find out exactly what the tingling is about. That would probably mean it's gotten worse and it needs some big intervention.
Hi Zebedee 44, your introduction of "Buzzing buttocks?" Fits me perfectly. I am sitting at the moment writing this reply. Both buttocks and just the top of legs where the touch the seat are feeling like I am sitting on stinging nettles. When I get up it goes away. It doesn't matter where i sit it happens. I have had this since being on about 10 mg of pred. ☹️ and before anyone says I must be sitting on something which causes it, you can rest assured I have checked this out, even asking the other half to change the detergent in weekly wash.
Doctors just scratch their heads. One gave me gabapentin (spelling) but l felt terrible and only took one tablet and stopped taking it. I have had it for About 2 years. It looks as if I have got to live with it.
I am hoping that it is a rare side effect of pred by somehow I doubt it 🤔
Hope you can get to the bottom of yours problem (sorry for the pun)
Pete 🙁☺️

Thanks Pete. I am disappointed to hear that that this sensation might be long lasting. So far it has come and gone only for short episodes. I thought it might be another indicator of overdoing things.
I wonder if my GP will have anything to say about it. He mostly ignores my comments about pain and tells me to taper taper taper!
good luck, I know what you mean by "He mostly ignores my comments" I usually take that attitude as meaning they haven't got an answer
either that or they think we are balmy
Hi Pete
When you sit put a wedge under feet so you lift thighs up a bit. I have car seat so I bend knees and lift thighs where possible. That seems to help the sensations I get smooth themselves out. Initially technique came from physiotherapy after surgery and I just adopted it as standard practice.
Thanks Poopadoop for your input. I must admit that I have tried various postures because I have had the problem for so long. My most comfortable position is sort of laying on the sofa with upper part of body raised on the arm of one end, if you can imagine that. This way I can watch TV or read. My best position is walking, which I try to do most days. I Will have a go of trying your suggestion.
Many thanks
Pete 🙂
I can relate to that position. One I use most often. Lol
Ha Poopadoop, yes but I use it on medical grounds, same as my glass of Red Lol
Well Zebedee, are you sure your spring doesn't need a drop of oil?
Apologies to those who don't know that Zebedee is a Jack-in-a-Box in the children's story programme 'Magic Roundabout'!
Couldn't resist that, Chrissie - you know I'm only joking. Seriously, now - could it be related to riding on your pony?
Take care, x
Haha that's very good Sue.
I didn't connect it with riding because that was some weeks ago and this sensation has started more recently.
I'm not doing anything with the pony now other than driving up to visit him and I sometimes get this buzzing there and also while sitting quietly at home. It's very strange.

I get shooting electric shocks just before a hot flush type of event. Doctors look confused at that too!
I used to get a sudden startle feeling before a hot flashes. I interpreted it as an internal alarm as my body prepared itself for the coming onslaught of heat.
My mother had those feelings too. She said it felt like anxiety.
It is fascinating..
All these deeply personal things we experience that we can only try to understand but have no external guidance for understanding...and no vocabulary to convey to others.
When I first developed gerd, some 43 years ago, good after giving birth, I had a host of various symptoms but no heartburn. It took six years to diagnose and finding a research oriented MD who spent two and a half hours taking a detailed history and ordering tests that confirmed his diagnosis.
By the time I was diagnosed I weighed what I weighed in 7th grade. I felt full and bloated much of the time and was afraid to eat for fear of the discomfort and bloat that would follow eating. When I complained of the fullness and bloat I felt three hours after a small meal, the doctor said that that I might feel full but I was really hungry. It was an acid surge that made me feel full and bloated. He encouraged me to eat something when I felt that fullness. I tried that, and the fullness went away! I was amazed to find how distorted my perception of something as basic as hunger could become.
Now, with PMR and Pred I feel so many new, and often uncomfortable or alarming sensations, I am having to come to know my body all over again. Things are just not the same and I find it hard to understand what all the signals mean and how to respond or manage them. A work in progress at 76. Lol.
I found Paresthesia on the internet that they describe as a " cell phone buzzing" in the tailbone. It can be caused by a number of things like vit B2 deficiency, Calcium deposits, a herniated disc, a trapped nerve of some sort, Thyroid problems even MS. Blood and Urine samples should be taken, possibly an MRI scan to get to the " bottom" of this. That ought to get your GP started on discovering a cause. Hope this helps - don't ignore it because of the MS comment.
I have had intermittent buzzes fizzes and spider crawling from lower back downwards for years. Initially had MRIs but we're clear 're MS. Finally a bulging disc in lower spine herniated completely. Had surgery. Nerve was trapped for months and has left its mark. The fizzing has returned periodically all round hips and lower spine. I suspect it's nerves that are trapped or complaining. Always good to get things checked. Nerve pain often presents as electrical type issues...understandably. I tend to rub the area vigorously and mess up the pain gateways messages.

Thank you. I have complained for years about random buzzing in my feet, fingers and groin since a severe whiplash injury 7 years ago but none of the medics ever paid any attention. I haven't had any of it since submitting to constant severe pain for 12 months prior to onset of PPM now its only in my groin and tailbone.
Lots of good comments on this topic, looks as if I will have to investigate further 🤔😎
Do you try stretching exercises with your back? It seems like it could be something equal to restless leg syndrome - which is neurological in nature - but just in your lower back. I like that some are referring to the feeling as “buzzing” as I have always referred to it as “whirring”. My doctor gave me gabapentin also, but I don’t like the feeling when I take it, so I don’t take it! I DO take Hylands brand herbal remedy for this - For Restless Leg Syndrome. It seems to work, as after I take it, it seems to subside after about 10 minutes or so.
When giving some chemotherapies we would give the patient iv hydrocortisone,(to reduce reaction to the drug,ie chemo) it was best to give it as slowly as possible so that the patient was less likely to experience the feeling of sitting on a hedgehog! Sounds as though it might be related to the pred.
Hi Mama48,
Now that is interesting, do you know of a link so I can investigate further??

Sorry it was just a routine administration with some chemos, to minimise the chances of an adverse reaction.Maybe if you googled it, there might be an article explaining it.
I have a recurrent buzzing in my Tailbone, buttocks, legs and feet. It comes for days and then changes to a tingling just in my feet and lower legs. At the moment and for a few days it is a strong buzzing which feels worse when I am sitting down reading or in bed. I have had an MRI which showed a few minor things associated with PMR. I cant remember what they are and cannot find the letter explaining it at the moment ! My brain is not working brilliantly at the moment as you can see ! I am on 6.5 mg Pred and have been trying to reduce to 6.25 with horrible side effects. Shaking, dizziness and generally feeling unwell. I am beginning to wonder if I will ever manage to reduce any lower.
That sounds more like adrenal insufficiency. Maybe if you just stick at 6.5mg pred for a few months your body will catch up. One very trusted PMR rheumy likes to keep patients at 5mg for up to 9 months to allow that - but of course, that assumes you got to 5mg in the first place. It hits some people sooner. Just be patient for now.
And if it doesn't work - ask your doctor to consider doing a synacthen or ACTH stimulation test to see if your adrenal's are CAPABLE of producing cortisol again. If they are, it is generally a question of go slowly. If they aren't, it won't happen however slowly you go.
Thanks Eileen. I have been on 6.5 mg for about 5 months already. Its odd because the buzzing is not so bad today, but the shaking is worse, and I had virtually no dizziness today. I wont try reducing again for a while, am thinking of perhaps taking an extra mg for a few days to see if the shaking gets better or stops.
I had a synacthen test a few months ago and was told that my adrenal glands are capable of producing cortisol again, but the endocrinologist said he would want to do it again when I get down to 5 mg. i have always found if difficult to reduce, even going at .25mg, but it seems to be getting harder.
There are a lot of other reasons it isn't working - like it needs a full fuel tank, a healthy battery and a lot of other things to make your car start!
What's he going to do if you can't get to 5mg?
Yes, it’s one of my symptoms, along with lower legs burning. It has been going on for a little longer than 2 months. I was checked for diabetes but that’s not a problem. ( thank goodness). I can only sit for short time or sleep before I need to get up n walk around for a bit I asume it is a PMR symptom It’s all so crazy!