I saw my rheumie yesterday and it seems I have been losing weight since I last saw her. She then tried to calculate the loss and came up with an incorrect figure. She sort of panicked, so I told her the correct one. I made a joke that I did Maths A level, perhaps I should have said I was taught arithmetic as primary school. It is quite concerning as numbers are so important in medicine. This is the third time I have had similar experiences.
My CRP rocketed to 132, the GP read it out to me from the screen as 123. Luckily I was actually able to lean forward and read it.
With another GP I had my blood test results and was talking to her on the phone and she said my CRP had gone down, I pointed out it had gone up, she then said "Oh only be a little bit" I said "it is over 60%" her reply was "Well if you want to look at it like that".
In my case it did not really matter but they could have had some nasty effects in other cases. It really does seem worth checking that they are talking sense.