I saw a different rheumatologist, as last was on maternity leave. I was shocked ; statements so hurtful, though for most comments I was able to stand up to her. Until she said, "it'd take me an hour and a half to review your chart so go back to your last rheumatologist, as the person who diagnosed you was wrong. You don't have PMR, probably some other .... arthritis. Did you just want refills ?" I literally said," if you stop speaking at me I can reply." I let her know of my concerns, and no, a second opinion was a need- especially for my fatigue after times active. No reply... I had to hear a litany of her day. I stood up and walked out. It's so disappointing to come across overwhelmed physicians, though I understand I'm a bit frustrated MY waiting months has brought this to my now 🤔🙄
And I'm off...: I saw a different rheumatologist... - PMRGCAuk
And I'm off...
Well done for standing up for yourself. What a horrible, horrible experience. I am sure some better response than I can give will be along but I just wanted to lend virtual support.🌻
Thanks! I really want to relay we need to speak up - no one has right got to down talk or a demeanor of such negativity. Needless to say my "please review your experience" reply wasn't flattering. Still pondering ombudsman call.
PALS first.
That was totally rude and unprofessional to disagree with a colleague who has made a diagnosis that fits with your symptoms when she had't reviewed your file and didn't see you in the first place.
Does pred work at a moderate to low dose to manage your symptoms? The fatigue is a separate issue and not a lot they can do about it. It hits some people worse than others and in different ways.
Hi! It was indeed the professionalism which disappointed me. I get busy, I get disagreement. I do understand abrasive opinions without information . Yes, as I continued to drop my Prednisone, having to have added Methotrexate to assist, I've only hit a bump when I hit 10mg. (In April I was at 20mg- so I felt good with this progress) My numbers are all good. I have rare bad days when I do a day long event ( baseball game yesterday, mild pain today. But, she was vocal to say " at your onset 60mg would have made ANYONE with anything feel better", possibly true, I actually, don't see a "does it matter" adcto PMR, Lupus or. Another autoimmune. I think we all want relief? I've spoken to ombudsman and shall move on thanks!
Very upsetting for you, I empathize....sounds like my new GP.....she sees me every 4 weeks and "that's it!"...if I need something in between I have to go to the ER.....there's no follow up for anything.......she's "soooooo busy".....I've come home crying from every appointment....I hope you get the care you need and are entitled to...
I'm sorry you are crying post visit. Is it possible to change physicians? My GP is on text mode, she actually talked me down during my visit you have to find at least one advocate.
....this is a new GP and I was hoping for her to coordinate care, but doesn't look like that will be happening....I'm glad your GP is a comfort and advocate, sometimes they can be better than the specialists if they take an interest in you and the disease.....good luck....
You should make a formal complaint.Not just for yourself but for other patients. No one should have like this.