I started on 20mg prednisolone last January, getting complete pain relief within 8 hours.....miraculous! I was put down to 15mg by another GP after 6 weeks with no ill effects.
I felt really well at that stage apart from occasional night sweats, and maybe one night a fortnight when I couldn't sleep. I was able to continue working full time, and was very busy completing a book and getting it edited and published.
At the beginning of July I was down to 11mg.
Then I started feeling more tired, really overdid it organising and cooking everything for a family party in mid July. Hoped I would feel better with a few days recovery from that, but didn't. So in the second week of August I went up to 12mg again, and felt somewhat better, but was definitely needing to pace myself. Had to go down to working part time, and really watching my 'spoons'.
Since early September I have been going down 0.5mg a month using DSNS method. I felt similar to how I had in August all the way through September, October, November.
Started 10mg to 9.5 mg at beginning of December., and have been on 9.5mg for the last 5 days. Right through December I have been sleeping appallingly...waking for 3 or 4 hours every night apart from when I have had a lot of alcohol. And even though I try to catch up with sleep in the day I have been bone numbingly tired. Like I was before diagnosis. Night sweats are back with a vengeance. In answer to a very obvious question, I was less busy in December than I had been in previous months, as I just did not feel up to doing much. There is no way I was overdoing things at all.
Pain wise I have had a slight stiff neck for the last few days...nothing at all really.
Sorry about the long post, but my question is, does it ever happen that a flare would bring back the original symptoms of PMR (sleep difficulty, fatigue, night sweats) but without significant pain?
If that is possible than I will up my dose a bit. I have my next GP appointment on 9th Jan. I never see the same one twice. My latest rheumatology appt should have been on 16th December and they have put it back to June. Again I never see the same doctor twice.
Thank you!