I am a 60 year old female and my GP suspects I have PMR. (Pain, immobility, raised ESR and CRP.) I have my first Rheumatology appointment due in February 2017. Never having heard of PMR before, I am SO PLEASED to have found this amazing and informative forum!!!
I reluctantly started taking the dreaded steroids (15mg Prednisolone every morning) ten days ago, with amazing results... I can once again roll over in bed, get out of bed, get dressed, get in the shower, walk up the stairs, etc., all without assistance, and I can sneeze without thinking my head was going to snap off!!! . I still have some pain and stiffness, but things have improved dramatically so I'm not complaining.
However, I have noticed that my resting heart rate (normally 60 beats per minute during the day and 54 during the night) has gradually been dropping and is now 48 during the day and as low as 38 during the night. I also get a slight 'pressure' feeling in my chest and light-headed if I stand up too quickly, neither of which I've had before. I'm seeing my GP in three days time, so will raise this issue then, but I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this with PMR/Prednisolone as everything I've read so far seems to discuss increased heart rate.
Regards, JR.