Have been 2 years and 2 months on Pred for GCA. Have had a couple of flares at the very low doses i.e. 3 mgs and then 1.5 mgs using the dead slow reduction method. As I get nearer to zero (please God), I am keen to understand a bit more about the issue of adrenal gland suppression. Am I right in thinking that some unlucky sufferers amongst us, despite careful slow reductions, may never get to zero because they're adrenals are no longer capable of producing their own natural cortisol? If a Synacthen test shows this to be the case, is there nothing can be done to re-stimulate ones own adrenal production, and so mean a lifetime of prednisolone (albeit a low dose perhaps) is the only way to go. This is disappointing.
I have been suffering with extreme stiffness and fatigue for about a year now since the 6 mgs dose, and hopeful it might improve soon?????
I recently bought Kate's book, but am still unsure about this question. I recently requested the Synacthen test, but was told by consultant this wasn't available. It was the same consultant who told me I couldn't possibly be having flares on a O.5 mg reduction, that my esr's didn't bear this out and that he didn't think I had GCA as I was too young at 58.
Thanks, best wishes to everybody.