Does anyone know where I could get information about prednisolone and its benefits/side effects? I would be grateful for any help. Thank you.
Prednisolone information booklet?: Does anyone know... - PMRGCAuk
Prednisolone information booklet?

It depends what sort of info you want and what sort of language you are able to understand - can you read and understand texts written for healthcare professionals? Is there anything specific you want to know?
Pete has given you a link to the site which has good reliable info for both patients and medical professions. You can use your search engine to find loads of info online - but be wary of sites that tell you it is evil and dangerous! Used properly pred saves lives and makes normal life possible for many millions of patients with various disorders.
This link takes you to the PMRGCAUK northeast of England site. Under Resources and Useful medical Info there is an article about pred and several of the Newsletters also have articles about using pred in PMR and GCA. They also have a booklet about PMRGCA for sale which includes info about pred. All these have been written aimed at patients with little or no medical background.
Benefits? In the context of PMRGCA, pred is currently the only proven medication to successfully and reliably manage the symptoms. It does that by reducing the inflammation caused by an underlying autoimmune disorder that makes the immune system turn on your body and attack it by mistake. In PMR that allows a better quality of life while waiting for the autoimmune disorder to burn out and go into remission - which it does eventually in over 75% of patients but it can take anything from a couple of years to some 6 years or even longer in others. in GCA it is what stands between the patient and possible permanent loss of vision. Pred does nothing for the real disease - like cold remedies it manages the symptoms.
Side effects: there are 82 listed side-effects. No-one gets them all, some get next to none. They range from the common such as weight gain leading to hamster cheeks, an apple shape and a buffalo hump, delicate skin and easy bruising to the very rare. All are more common or noticeable at higher doses and that is the main reason for the aim to get you to the lowest dose that manages the symptoms.
You will find it online. Good luck.
Thanks very much for your help. It's much appreciated.
Amazon the book is called prednisone
Masie- Do you navigate the internet? There is a ton of info on prednisone. More than you probably need.😊