Amlodipine: Hello every one can any one advise me... - PMRGCAuk


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ritter profile image
16 Replies

Hello every one can any one advise me on how to get my BP down without taking pills it was really high before the Doc but me on Amlodipine,it is now 145/75,but the side effects of the pill is not nice at first I thought this is OK but a few months down the line I have put on a few pounds to say the least and very tired and the biggest problem is no sleep it keeps me awake most night right through,I do take this pill on a night,needless to say my legs have changed shape they are quite big and my ankles too. do u think it would help to take it every other night was going to try that and keep an eye on my BP.I ,,also feel like it is doing funny things to my memory and I was just starting to get it back as my preds are now down to 4mg,s per day and I was feeling so good before I started the BP pill 5 months ago,any advice would be nice ,many thanks and hope every one is having a good DAY love to all Anne

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16 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Although amlodipine is said to be a gold standard in antihypertensive medication it is by no means the only drug available. It is what is called a calcium channel blocker and there are others which your doctor could try if he is insistent on it being a calcium channel blocker. OTOH, there are other groups of antihypertensives: ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers and angiotensin II inhibitors. They can all be used on their own or in combination one with another. I'm on a beta-blocker and an angiotensin II inhibitor and I think it is fair to say I have no side effects at all. Having lost a lot of weight and being more active as well as on a much lower dose of pred my BP has fallen a lot and to be honest I'd like them to reduce the dose a bit - my BP goes below 100/70 in the morning a couple of hours after I've taken the tablets, especially on warm days! Amongst the best ways to reduce blood pressure are to lose weight and get more exercise - and these side effects are stopping both quite successfully I would think.

Go back to your GP and tell him you are unhappy about the side effects - the swollen ankles (common), weight gain and confusion (both rare) are listed - and you would like to try other options.

Don't ever sit there and accept things that make you unhappy about taking any medication. If you don't like the effects you are more likely to "forget" to take it and then it doesn't achieve anything does it.

ritter profile image
ritter in reply to PMRpro

Thank you for that good advice PMRpro I do a lot of dog walking about 2/3 miles a day 7 days a week and I was loosing pounds per month untill that pill had got down to 10st,from 12 when on high dose of preds for such a long time I used to look very svelt until this GCA 2ys 7 months ago,but i am only 5foot now and have 10 disc collapsed in spine,so have got a lovely spare Tyre if any one needs one and am finding it very hard to cope with it as it gets in the way of bending down.but that is the least of my probs need to feel good again before the bloody pill,thanks again for fast reply will sort it with doc and have wrote down all you suggestions ,kind regards


Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer

Ritter, I took Amlodipine for a while early this year but came off it when I could no longer cope with the swollen and inflamed legs which developed into a rash and varicose eczema being diagnosed. I seem to be extremely sensitive to most of the BP pills and am now on my 6th one - Losartan Potassium - which although not as efficient as Amlodipine in lowering BP, doesn't seem to be giving me any noticeable side far! A diuretic has now been added which is also a BP lowering drug. Although I know several people who are taking Amlodipine without too much of a problem, I know scores more who hate the side effects. Do ask for a different pill - there are loads.

ritter profile image
ritter in reply to Celtic

Hi Celtic long time no speak, thank you for that info,how are you doing?

I am finding it a bit hard to get to grips with website,

will have a chat with GP next week and ask for a different pill, nice to know you still around with good advice,thanks Celtic and I hope you are well,kind Regard


Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to ritter

Thank you, Anne, and yes, I'm doing fine, BP pills and side effects apart! And, yes, I'm still around, but life has been somewhat full lately as immediately following a holiday, I had the latest support group meeting to organise followed by having an elderly aunt to stay. In fact there isn't a dull moment at present with son having just announced his engagement, with the wedding being planned close to Christmas! Glad I'm not the Mum of the bride!

It isn't unusual for us to lose height as we age but problems with our discs and vertebra can exacerbate the height loss. My height was measured this week and I've lost two and a half inches! But well done on your weight loss - you'll soon see it coming off again once you are off Amlodipine and on a pill that doesn't cause such fluid retention. Do let us know how you get on next week.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Celtic

Do they not combine more than one substance in the UK? I'm on Losartan and Bisoprolol - the original recommendation from the cardiologist was an ACE inhibitor but I developed a wonderful rash and I have NEVER itched so much in my life! But the cardio had listed 1st, 2nd and 3rd options - he obviously had expected there might be problems. Second choice has been brilliant. You are on a lower dose of each so the side effects are minimised. No diuretic - it is bad enough fitting in going shopping before lunch with OH taking his every other day without me adding to the conundrum! Can't go anywhere before 11am - and the baker shuts at 12!

i don't think it is necessarily you being terribly sensitive - I think the majority of people struggle but don't like to complain. I'll complain if anything makes me feel worse than the complaint the medication is for.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Hi PMRPro,

Yes they do combine drugs in UK, I am on 4 (Aspirin, Atenolol, Amlodopine & Ramipril) all low doses and have been for a number of years, with no side effects. Recently I have lost weight, despite being on Prednisolone, and like you my BP is quite low at times. Have spoken to GP about it, and he suggests we monitor it, as he is loathe to reduce BP controlling tablets whilst I'm still on steroids.

Ritter, suggest you go back to GP and discuss options, it sometimes takes some time to get the right mix! Incidentally I take my tablets in the morning, is there any reason why you are taking your Amlodopine at night?


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you DorsetLady - I was just beginning to wonder if I was just looking at what is done here since I have come across several people in the UK on just one drug at a relatively high dose that was causing problems. And when they complained of the usual problems of exhaustion blah blah the GP seemed only willing to accept that's what happens. There are opinions that feel that the high rate of falls seen in the elderly are partly due to over-medication leading to postural hypotension - a sudden fall in BP and faintness/dizziness on standing. But they continue to do it.

Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer

I'm afraid it is me being seemingly "sensitive" to the pills, PMRpro with some of the side effects not being liveable with, for instance swollen legs and ankles making it nigh impossible to walk downstairs let alone walk, plus the varicose eczema mentioned in my earlier post on Amlodipine, followed by nausea and fleeting head pain on Ramipril (reminiscent of GCA pain!), then an overactive bowel on Diltiazem which was keeping me housebound in the mornings. Having recently added a diuretic (Natrilix) to the Losartan I was expecting the same problem as your OH with the waterworks in the mornings, but it would appear that I may now actually be retaining fluid! Did I ever mention I was awkward?!! Had blood tests yesterday so will see what the consultant says next week.

trish29 profile image
trish29 in reply to Celtic

Good Morning Celtic.. It is with interest that I read about all these people suffering with side effects to B/Pressure medications ..I see you are on low dose Ramipril the same as me ,I am also on 80mg Propranolal twice a day .Our Rheumy put me on irbesatan on my first visit to him last year but that made me Nauseous.. I am having real side effects at the moment with trying to take 10 mg of Leflunomide as well ..I'm either drugged up all day or just too exhausted to even wash up a cup. I have been back on Ramipril about a month and already the weight is going on but at the moment the ankles aren't quite so swollen..( I still can't get my normal shoes on. ) I am torn between the Devil and the Deep blue sea not knowing whether to take the Ramipril or not. I seem to have more PMR pain back in my arms ,shoulder and kneck and I've definitely got that iced cold water feeling back in the tops of my legs..I am due to see my Gp for a B/ P check on the 11th September so I must try and cope until then ..The last meeting was Wonderful ..Lots of information Thank many people are going through bad patches ..My best news this week was passing a thorough eye test with no sign of anything nasty lurking particularly as I get some head pain , but I don't even have to get my glasses changed that's positive..Take care and I when I was at our meeting I kept looking at you and thinking. This Lady is AMAZING..will I ever be able to be like her ? but I know and after reading your reply post that you are still getting problems.. Lovely News on your sons engagement and the pending Xmas wedding ..Very exciting. Lol. trish29

trish29 profile image
trish29 in reply to Celtic

Good Morning Celtic.. It is with interest that I read about all these people suffering with side effects to B/Pressure medications ..I see you are on low dose Ramipril the same as me ,I am also on 80mg Propranolal twice a day .Our Rheumy put me on irbesatan on my first visit to him last year but that made me Nauseous.. I am having real side effects at the moment with trying to take 10 mg of Leflunomide as well ..I'm either drugged up all day or just too exhausted to even wash up a cup. I have been back on Ramipril about a month and already the weight is going on but at the moment the ankles aren't quite so swollen..( I still can't get my normal shoes on. ) I am torn between the Devil and the Deep blue sea not knowing whether to take the Ramipril or not. I seem to have more PMR pain back in my arms ,shoulder and kneck and I've definitely got that iced cold water feeling back in the tops of my legs..I am due to see my Gp for a B/ P check on the 11th September so I must try and cope until then ..The last meeting was Wonderful ..Lots of information Thank many people are going through bad patches ..My best news this week was passing a thorough eye test with no sign of anything nasty lurking particularly as I get some head pain , but I don't even have to get my glasses changed that's positive..Take care and I when I was at our meeting I kept looking at you and thinking. This Lady is AMAZING..will I ever be able to be like her ? but I know and after reading your reply post that you are still getting problems.. Lovely News on your sons engagement and the pending Xmas wedding ..Very exciting. Lol. trish29

Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer

Hello Trish, I only took Ramipril for a short time and came off because of the side effects of nausea and head pain. Psychosomatic? Maybe as I had taken it some years previously and within 2-3 weeks I succumbed to GCA, with nausea and head pain being among my initial symptoms!! However, don't go by me - as I said previously, I'm awkward!! Hubby takes a low dose of Amlodipine and a low dose of Ramipril and he's fine - mind you he's tall (or would be if he stood up straight!) with large muscles, and I've often wondered whether their larger arteries and blood vessels lead to less side effects from BP meds. Certainly none of our male friends on such meds suffer any side effects.

Trish, your body will still be trying to adapt to the Leflunomide which might be causing your continuing exhaustion, plus you have only recently started Ramipril. Did you taper off the Propranolol or just stop it suddenly? It is a Beta Blocker and I was once told by a pharmacist that I should not have just stopped Atenolol (from the same family of drugs) without having tapered it over a couple of weeks. That is another thing your body is trying to adjust to at the moment and hopefully you will gradually improve. The Arthritis Care leaflet says it can take 6 weeks or more for the body to adjust to Leflunomide alone.

Great news about your eyesight - hang on to those positives. Aah, Trish,thank you, such kind words, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the meeting. Wow! I'm colouring up! Chin up you - you'll get there! xx

trish29 profile image
trish29 in reply to Celtic

Hello Celtic .. Thank you for all your valued information re B/ Pressure tablets .. I haven't come off of the Propranolol .I am still taking 80mg Morning and Tea Time as well as the Ramipril 2.05 mg in the morning ..I'm taking 1 day 15 mg steroid and 2days 15.05 mg seems to work this way so I am down a bit on the steroids compared to earlier in the year.. I will continue this way until the GPs appointment on the 11th Sept . I received Kate Gilberts parback from Amazon it looks like nice print easy to read will go everywhere with me when I go away ..It will feel like a comforter. Thank you for your support. trish

Celtic profile image
CelticPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to trish29

Trish, good news for you to be finally down a bit on the steroids, so heading in the right direction,so another positive for you - keep it up! Kate will be pleased to hear of yet another happy 'customer' - a very useful read from a patient's perspective, especially for those newly diagnosed.

aprilrain42 profile image

google, diet for bp. my favorite is mashed potatoes, lima beans and salmom, that usually brings mine down

Jr5769 profile image

Hi all last week was diagnosed with high BP. I am new to the H U site but already can see how important it is that we share our concerns. I too take Amlopidine -just hoping I don't get too many side effects. Only noticed hot flashing so far, and it doesn't concern me. As I am also hypothyroid, I want to be as healthy in the eating department as possible. I will let you know how I get on with Amlopidine! Next bp clinic meeting soon. Hoping I can get my bp down naturally. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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