i had endometriosis and was removed 3... - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
i had endometriosis and was removed 3 years ago and im in agony again but my periods are very light does any1 think it has come back ?

Sorry to hear your in pain Loopyloos, Im in the same situation as you i had my op two year ago i had stage 4 endo had a total peritoneal excision. I started having pain again just before Christmas and was started back on hormones "Yasmin" which then triggered more migraines so had to come off those hormones then i went on to the mini pill "cererazette" which was great for 3 months id never had so few migraines and also no endo pain yay But they made me very very down one day i started crying and my partner was very concerned i was in a very dark place for no reason so i was back in the drs and taken of "Cerazzette" within 24 hrs i was feeling humane and happier again. Now after 15 years of migraines i've realised that they are hormone related after all even though there is no pattern to it. So ive not been on any hormones for 7 weeks im waiting to have the levels checked and then 9 days ago got my period very light but very very painfull had 8 days of agony pelvic , sciatica , bowel pain ect... so i know mine is back
I was hoping to be one of the lucky ones who go into full remission but it was not to be. I dont know what to treat now the migrains or the endo ha ha. A new body would be nice
Endo can come back in some patients so you should go back to your drs, get it checked out i have PCOS too so i get pain from the two i dont know which pain is which though ? Take care hun
im so sorry to hear that hope u get it sorted out.i have had all the hormones pills and injections they made me feel very ill as i to got very bad head aches now there asking me if i want an hysterectomy but i realy dont no wat to do i go bk on wednesday so im stuck lol i also have ibs so that plays up at the same time lol were not winnin r we x

How old are you and have you got children ?
im 31 years old and i have 2 children i defo dont want no more lol but it dosnt matter at the moment the garno docs r just messing about now im really stuck on wat im suppost to do.its like everytime i go there they tell me things i think mite help but i have to go bk every 4 months and then they dont do wat they say and the pain is gettin worse im lost and so depressed.

Have you tried trying to improve the IBS symptoms with diet and or other ways such as peppermint oil ? If you can get some improvement with that it should have a knock on effect.
Others on here may have some suggestions too.
yes i have ive been on peppermint oil capsuals and yes i dont eat fatty foods i eat alot of vedg i eat very healthly.i also take movacol and senocot thats was i was prascribed wen i was diognosed.

Do any of those things help at all ?
not really it helps a bit with my ibs but dosnt help with the endo pain. im waitin for an appointment for pain management now more and more waiting had enough now.dont no wat to do orr who to ask for help think ive seen every1
I find the best pain relief I get from Endo is from my TENS machine. I got my ovaries and tubes removed 12 years ago, and still get endo pain. And the more times you're under the knife, the more adhesion pain you get. It's a vicious circle!
hi im actually new here and just noticed your question, im the same only it have only been a year from my removal but im in alot of the same pain that i had befor my opp , i had a disnostic lap in dec 2009 and had radical removement surgary last jully it has been a year now and ive been suffering from endometriosis 7years r so now and im really fed up an confussed ive had zodic the pill for 3months cyicle and the opps.. and my last period which was this week it started very light and was really painfull 3days prior i was wakening up feeling really sick and dizzy an very sweaty and was haveing stabbing back pains then my period came so i blamed it, with my period been so light i cuddnt understand why im so sore :S an a lot of cloting and brown spoting are u experenaceing this? my period then became rediculsly heavy for the last 3days of it ive just felt so tierd n frustrated.. im experancing alot of simmalar pain that ive always have i dont think the endo is away or it has came back i dont even think my doc understands . its maken me really down dose anyone have any advise i cud follow.. thanks emma
Hi, I have received Zoladex for endo. this helped but it restricted to 6 month treatment (due to possible bone loss) I found that my migraines increased whilst on Zoladex and discovered within the last treatment month that Magnesium daily supplement (i took tesco brand £2.50 ish) gave significant relief.
My endo has returned, but is more manageable at the moment. Tried microgynon, this was a disaster so stopped after the first month. I am trying to exercise the areas that cause pain, sounds daft, but it seems to be giving relief. I dont attempt this at time of my period; its not a good idea, but a few days after and then as much as possible throughout the month. Also exercise after warm bath or whilst warm in bed to avoid muscle damage.
Complete daily pelvic floor muscle exercises, easy, not instant results, but gradually over a number of months may help with periods.
For energy increase; Try spatone, iron supplements, no constipation, works immediately, a bit expensive, £4.50 per box of 15 sachets, take with juice or by themselves if you dont mind the iron water taste.
For pelvic/muscle pain, paracetamol, daily, (dont take nsaid very often due to stomach issues) but if all else fails take nsaid with gaviscon advance liquid. And hot water bottles or heat pads really do help.
I have read that constipation can have a negative impact on pelvic conditions; if you think that you may be constipated, but go to the loo daily try the sweet corn test (how do we know how long it takes for food to pass through our bodies) dont eat sweetcorn for a week, then eat some - see how long before it appears. if it takes over 4-5 days, you might want to gradually (you could do this too quickly and end up with cramps and gas) so again, gradually increase your fibre and water (you must increase the water) intake.
If you are not sure but think you may be constipated, ask your doc, there are many different ways of helping to keep regular and quick, but not too quick, passage of foods through our bodies.
Ask for a pelvic / vaginal ultrasound to check for general cysts, that the cervix is not blocked by a fibroid / small cysts. At the same time they can ultrasound your bowel to see if there are any adhesions.
Keep trying and never give up,
Make the most of your good days and dont feel guilty when having bad days.
Get a hot water bottle, paracetamol, nsaid and give yourself the few hours or rest you need to get through the worst of it. You can catch up with things on a better day.
Take care and best of luck : o)
Retrograde menstruation is one of theoretical causes of endo. It basically means that instead of your period blood coming out the regular way, it's being pushed up through the fallopian tubes and out into the body cavity. If you're getting the pain and light periods then this could be an explanation. I'd go and see your GP for a gynea referral. I'm no Dr but I think it sounds like you should be seem by one!
This could be a trapped nerve in the lower part of your tummy...I had the worst pain ever because of this ask hos to check for this