Has anyone had their pudendal nerve Frozen ?(cryoblation) and if so how did it work?
Cryoblation of pudental nerve - Pelvic Pain Suppo...
Cryoblation of pudental nerve

Yes it does work and has been carried out mainly in America, however there are side issues, the main one being incontinence. The success far exceeds the Nantes procedure, I would say as much as eighty percent. But in the case of PNE affecting the bowel some would prefer a different route.
My wife has suffered for ten years and I have spent as much as thirty thousand pounds on the best consultants in the UK and got nowhere, indeed pain is thought of as being an amusing issue by some. For ten years my wife has been unable to go out or do anything in the house, even enjoy the garden or grandchildren. For her comfort she was prescribed Clonazopam, an anti anxiety/ muscle relaxant. Unbeknown to us long term use can cause Parkinson's which she now has, together with Lowry syndrome causing some halusination. She has taken herself off all medication including the Madopar specifically for Parkinson's. She is still as bright as a button but bedridden requiring a hoist to bed from chair operated by two carers morning and night who tend to her ablutions and bowel movements. I deal with everything else for her care but I am helped by a housekeeper and gardener. I have since had to lay off the housekeeper as I am one of the one and a half million who got a text message and am now in isolation for twelve weeks due to age and terminal cancer which I have had for fourteen years and am kept alive by a trial drug which after ten years seems to work well but I am sure that if corona virus got hold of me that would be it and my children would have to find a nice home for my wife.