Just wondering if anyone with PBC experienced mild night sweats as a symptom. It’s not waking up drenched in sweat just waking up a damp clothing and bedding feeling.
Is mild night sweats a symptom for PBC? - PBCers Organization
Is mild night sweats a symptom for PBC?

I have that happening almost every night in the past few months. Im not sure if its related to pbc or something else.
Thank you for responding. I just read an article online that said PBC patients reported night sweats so I guess it could be. I’m so in my own head right now. Waiting to confirm my diagnosis and all my symptoms and blood tests are pointing to PBC. I really appreciate your response. Have a nice day!!
Greetings, Lorelle! I also have nightsweats, and I searched the same question. The only thing I came up with is that no connection between the two has been established. I don’t think there is one. Over two decades ago., Mayo Clinic/Jax’s “nightsweats expert” did intensive testing on me and concluded that I have “nocturnal thermo-regulatory dysfunction “: I said, “Sounds like nightsweats to me.
They recommended that I try three medicines whose side effects decreased sweating at night. As it turned out, I couldn’t take any of the meds.
Their approach was to go after the SYMPTOM, as they had no idea as to the cause, nor does anyone to this day.
I don’t know the cause of your sweats ( mine are severe at times), but I don’t think it’s your PBC.
I get them too.
Hi claygi do you get them from PBC? And how often do you get them?
I’m not sure if they are exactly from PBC but recall only starting to suffer from them just before I was diagnosed back in 2017. I wondered why I was having them. I thought I had a virus of some sort, but they carried on for over a year. I was honestly very scared. I get them regularly.
I think for me that’s what it’s from but never really read that it was a symptom so I’m glad for your responses. Is yours mild like just damp feeling on clothing and bed? Mine is not drenching. So you’ve been having them regularly since 2017? That’s horrible I’m sorry. Can I ask you what else symptoms you still have. I deal with this annoying pain in my right abdomen and upper back. It’s when I’m sitting in a chair, riding in the car, lying down. So annoying and I don’t even want to talk about the fatigue omg. I’m glad to have met others online to share information. Again thank you for taking the time to respond to me.
Not drenching, just damp like yours. I have pain in liver area, radiates into back. Sometimes goes into lower right quadrant, but maybe deferred pain. When I drive, it’s painful too. I wriggle around in seat. Also, I have bad joint pain, from RA. I have CREST syndrome too, Raynauds is the worst, feet are swollen, purple color. I’m highly fatigued, feel crappy. But...I look good, that’s what everyone says. As you know it can be frustrating. I’m not well at all, in Stage 2-3 fibrosis already.
I’m the opposite! I get freezing and start shaking. However, that could be the Urso. That’s a hard drug on your body, but once my enzymes come down, I can go on a lower dose - so that should help!! Good luck!