If so, have you received any favorable test results that would indicate it is helping your condition?
Has anyone been taking a Tumeric (Curcumin)... - PBC Foundation
Has anyone been taking a Tumeric (Curcumin) supplement?

I have read in a Bear Facts (the newsletter of the PBC Foundation) that a patient found it helpful for the itch.
That aside, here are some medical articles and studies, fyi:
Hello KarenRL.
I don't personally take tumeric as in supplement but I do sprinkle some in rice I am boiling and also we mash cauliflower with a bit sprinkled in (gives it a lovely colour).
Shall have a look at the articles mentioned previously later but I have read somewhere that it is possible that over-useage of curcumin could block bile ducts.
I think certain things are best used with caution and altho' I've no inclinations myself to take a supplement in this form with regards to this spice, in event I did I might be more liable to take it on an alternate day one myself.
I have a Reader's Digest book on natural health and I have found that certain things that are said to be good for this and that, I then can read elsewhere a bit of a conflict of information but at the end of the day I see it that regardless, if someone feels something is of help and it's not proving to be of a disadvantage...then why not try....
......after all, I believe when you do have something you currently know there's no cure for, then it does make one think much differently and unless you actually have a condition like PBC for eg it's all good and well someone from the medical profession giving their opinion as they themselves are not in that situation plus it's a fact a doctor does not know everything.
I think I read a while ago that although it is thought to benefit the liver it is not thought to help with PBC.
I've read conflicting reports and research results. Some articles will claim it's good for the liver (and even PBC specifically) and others will say that those with liver disease should not take it.
Of course, I don't want to take anything that will make my condition worse....so, it's hard to
know whether to give it a try or not. I have AIH/PBC Overlap....maybe it would be good for the AIH, but bad for the PBC???
I was hoping maybe someone on here had tried it and had favorable results.
As always, thanks for the replies!
Any specific pointers to articles that say that PBC and Turmenic / Curcumin is not a good idea? For example, these articles mentions both