anemia and pbc?
anemia: anemia and pbc? - PBC Foundation
Hi. Do you have both anemia and PBC? That’s really how my barrage of specialists and tests started. I found a new GP and he did all new bloodwork as I was getting sicker and more exhausted daily. I was sent to emergency when he received my results because my anemia was so bad they had to decide on the spot whether they would do a blood transfusion or an iron intervenus. I was terrified. They did an intervenus and I was sent to the hospital 2 days later for a full day of tests. The dr there then referred me to at least 1/2 dozen specialists for more tests. When I finally saw the liver specialist about a month ago he diagnosed me with PBC. I’m now on Urso and still taking 300 mg of iron a day as my iron levels are still very low. All this time, probably about 2 years, I beat myself up because I (and others) thought I was just lazy. I’m praying that the Urso will give some of “me” back.
I have pernicious anaemia which is another auto immune disease to go with PBC and one other.
There are several types of anaemia, do you know which you might have?