Frustration: Dear ones, excuse my vent, but... - PBC Foundation

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EileenUSA profile image
25 Replies

Dear ones,

excuse my vent, but I’m trusting that you all can “get it”. I had gotten through some crazy stresses in December and was really really “not myself”. Feeling depressed and frustrated and isolated from friends because I kept cancelling things..

Anyway- last week there was some light ( just in time) and I was able to finally really engage and be with some wonderful friends - it helped my mental state so much.. we planned some more things that I would love to do.

Sunday I came down with respiratory virus or flu.. that has me down... at home resting, drinking tea, water,

I know it’s only day3 and I need patience but sitting here alone for 3 days is getting to me mentally.. a couple good friends are checking in.. texting, calling..

honestly, I rationally “know” that given crazy PBC disease a cold or respiratory virus is least of problems.. oh boy - I’m hosting a pity party now 😬. I’d invite you all but don’t want you to catch the cooties.. thanks for reading and letting me share tonight. I pray for all who have struggles.

Love to all.

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EileenUSA profile image
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25 Replies
gwillistexas profile image

Sorry you’re sick. I started getting sick last Monday, dry hacky cough. Then by Wednesday low grade temp, headache, slight congestion. They said it’s a viral infection. Like you, lots of rest, fluids. Went to dr yesterday and little noise in my chest so steroid shot and script for prednisone and antibiotic. I know how horrible you must feel. This stuff knocks you down. My dr says it’s lasting up to 3 weeks or more (I think he meant the coughing). I’m back st work but I’d rather be home. You take good care of yourself and feel better soon.


Ellewoods1 profile image

I hope you feel better soon! 😊

EileenUSA profile image
EileenUSA in reply to Ellewoods1

Gail and Elle,

Thank you so much for the encouragement. Gail I know what you mean about this virus dragging on. I’ve heard this from several who have had it. Hope you get to the other side of it soon. ❤️

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to EileenUSA

Thank you. I have actually felt better today. Got more sleep last night and thinking my antibiotic and prednisone are built up enough to start helping. 😊

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to Ellewoods1

Thank you. Do you have a headache with yours? Mine finally went away Sunday. The only thing that has ever knocked me down like this was the flu. I take my prednisone in the morning which had me feeling a little better, so I thought. When it wore off I wore off with it, lol! Coughed most of last night so I’m about to eat dinner and plan to be in bed by 8:30. I wish this on no one. Let us hear how you’re doing 😊

in reply to gwillistexas


Hope you all feel better soon. When you've already got numerous conditions a cold will always feel worse than for someone who is ok. I've got bad earache at the moment. I've had about 10 ear infections in about 3 months!! Going to ent on 4th February. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to

Thank you. Yes, you’re so right. Longer to shake it off. Earaches are painful and miserable too. I don’t have them but as a child I did. That’s a lot of earaches isn’t it? Wish you could see ENT sooner. Maybe they will have a cancellation. You take care of yourself too!


in reply to gwillistexas

Thank you. I should have seen them last Saturday but I'd lost my letter, went to one hospital, not there , was sent somewhere else but on the way I said I'm still sure its at Rochdale so we went home, found the letter, it was at one of those mobile units. I still went, I knew I wouldn't be seen but to explain so I wasn't referred back to my GP, appointment now 4th February. Please take care of yourself Lynne xxxx

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to

Oh my☹️. Ok dear. I will. You do the same. 🙏🏻


in reply to gwillistexas

Thank you so much. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to

You’re welcome 🥰

P13jne profile image

Eileen, I Hope your on the mend soon my lovely.

I think we’re all guilty of cancelling friends engagements at different times. It’s all part of our illness and mindset. I’m sure your friends know the reasons behind it. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

I love your idea of a pity party, I’m in 🙋‍♀️. There has to be some well deserved treats filled with calories for such a special event.

Take care Jane xx

EileenUSA profile image


Thanks for coming to the party. 😀 My good friends do understand.. and I've always made clear that any time I've cancelled it's NOT because I don't love or care for them.. and I never want them to think that...

the hard part-- is for me-- just getting isolated if I can't get out and connect.. it works on my head in bad ways.. I live alone and have tiny number of family.

This cold thing is just frustrating because last week I had FINALLY broken out of December funk and was reconnecting with people and then this hits me.. ugh. I am trying to focus on the good and the fact that I DID have 2 or 3 wonderful times with folks and it WILL happen again..

( hah! On my best days I believe this 😬)

And I have been blessed with "chosen family" my circle of dear friends. We try to be there for each other.. and in thick and thin.

but as we're all getting older, everyone is having issues - hip replacements, heart issues etc. and most of my circle are all "partnered up" and so I'm often the only single one in the group.

today I feel grateful for the feedback and support I got here. Thank you. Helped me just to have a place to say this out loud. And I got some better sleep last night which gives me hope too.


P13jne profile image
P13jne in reply to EileenUSA

Eileen there’s always shoulders on here to help carry the burden. And also have a giggle with my lovely. Take care and hope you’re better soon. Jane xx

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to EileenUSA

I’m glad you may feel some better. I share some of your feelings. I’m now divorced and have so few family members close by. My best friend for 50 years passed away 3 weeks ago after a hip fracture. She was always there no matter time or day for me to talk to. I share your loneliness. I so appreciate people here, like yourself, who understand and are supportive in our times of need. I have become close friends with a few members here and communicate through other means. It is so uplifting. Loneliness is painful at best but we are all strong in our own unique way and we will pull through.

God Bless 🥰

EileenUSA profile image
EileenUSA in reply to gwillistexas


I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. That's a big hurt. As we get older being connected and not isolated is important for our all over health..

I get frustrated because I'll be trying to widen my circle of friends/support (joining a local book club, going to a lecture series etc)

and then BAM the day of the book club meeting I am inevitably sick and so it goes.. Grrrrrr.. but.. but I (we) still have to try.

love to all.

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to EileenUSA

Thank you. Yes, she was my biggest support through my divorce. But I’m stronger now and I’m soloing just fine😉. I’m sure I will broaden my horizons once spring and summer come. Working and short daylight hours don’t allow much time after work.

Are you feeling much better now?


EileenUSA profile image
EileenUSA in reply to gwillistexas

Hi Gail,

You have a great attitude and I know you will thrive. I’m on antibiotics now .. posted update down below. Take care and let’s think Spring! It’s

18 degrees here in Chicago. Brrrr..

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to EileenUSA

Oh wow! I freeze with it in the 50’s😅. Maybe your antibiotics will get to work and you’ll be good as new. I’m for sure counting down to spring. It’s 9:15 pm and I get up at 4:00, so I’m about to call it my day. Take care and stay comfy.


butterflyEi profile image

I am a bit late joining you all as the notification only just came through. Colds/flu do really drag a body down and I hope EileenUSA you are beginning to feel better and gwillistexas I am sorry to read you have gone back to work, I hope you get enough rest as well to recover from the cough. Hidden I hope ENT can find out why you have had so many ear infections, I had many as a child and the memory of them still lingers 60 odd years later.

When I go out I try to avoid touching anything that others may have touched so in the winter it is easy as I always have gloves on, in the warmer weather I use my sleeve on door handles etc. but particularly at this time of year my level of hand washing increases but then I think I may just have a little OCD about such matters :-) :-)

Wishing you all well

gwillistexas profile image
gwillistexas in reply to butterflyEi

butteflyEi...g’morning! Thank you and yes, I’m sorry I have to work too, lol! But I’m thankful I’m well enough to continue on. Have a wonderful day!

Gail 😊

EileenUSA profile image
EileenUSA in reply to butterflyEi

butterflyEi I am right there with you regarding avoiding touching doorknobs and other things full of potential cooties. 😬

I think I will go to the dr today to have my lungs checked... its day 5 and it feels like it's not making the progress it should be..

thanks all for sharing and caring.

genj65 profile image

Hope your feeling better.

God bless you..

liver-bird profile image

Entirely get it Eileen and hope you feel better soon xx

EileenUSA profile image

Once again — thank you all for the support, care and encouragement.

Was at dr today. No flu BUT I do have strep so I’m doing antibiotics.. which should start to kick in and defeat the infection. I don’t seem to have a super bad case but enough to be dragging me..

Glad I went.. the clinic is quite efficient- they do flu and strep swabs and have lab right there so dr gets results in 15-20 minutes..


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