Muscle pain: I usually write here about being... - PBC Foundation

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Muscle pain

boneytoys profile image
23 Replies

I usually write here about being asymptomatic for pbc but in the past four five days I have been hit by a bus it seems

It started with stiff neck and now everything aches fingers hands Arms ..even jaw ache as the day progresses it eases but in the morning I can barely move

Is this a pbc side effect?


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boneytoys profile image
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23 Replies
skdavis59 profile image

Hi! I have PBC/AIH Overlap now for 8+ years. I have had muscle and joint pain for a few years now. Some of mine is osteoarthritis, but I hurt all over my body sometimes. And yes, joint and muscle pain is one of the symptoms of PBC.

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to skdavis59

Thanks for your reply

I know I need to move so have been out walking

boneytoys - my layperson with PBC's response to you is that you need to be reporting these symptoms to your doctor. PBC affects people differently and I haven't experienced what you mention. If we have an autoimmune condition we can often have two, three four or five more as well. I would want to be checked by my doctor on any significant change to my health status. We know that early diagnosis/intervention leads to better outcomes, so if you do have another autoimmune condition, have it under surveillance by your doctor. Best wishes, let us know how it goes?

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to

Thanks for your reply

I live in nz and am visiting family in uk

Will see how it pans out but will definitely get checked out when I’m home

in reply to boneytoys

boneytoys - how lovely that you are visiting family - Do get checked out, neck, jaw, arms hands, fingers doesn't sound typical PBC to me. It could sound a bit rheumaticky. And it may be due to travel and different climate and emotional environment. We are sensitive peeps, us PBCers! But don't leave it unattended. I hope you have a lovely visit.

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to

Actually my brother in law is very ill and I’ve just had 2 stressful weeks in Spain with the family

Flew back yesterday

Onwards and onwards I hope...


in reply to boneytoys

boneytoys - how stupid of me not to realise that people travel for such reasons. I am sorry for my clumsiness, and sorry that you must have been having a very difficult time. Autoimmune conditions do go to work on stress. I hope you will find some time for relaxation going forward. Onwards and onwards, like you say x

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to

Not at all

Thanks for caring

in reply to boneytoys

It is hard to pamper oneself when someone close is very ill. But it is what we must do to survive the bigger demands stress puts on us than it puts on a non- compromised person. We care for each other here, don't we? Especially as, like you say you feel like you've been run over by a bus, but non PBCers likely think you look just fine. We have to be true to how we feel and are, not try to live up to the expectations of people who don't know how we are, however kind and loving they are. Go gently :-)

AngelaBarron profile image

Just a thought- have you been eating more sugar than usual? That triggers the pain for me but if it persists get it checked out. You have enough to cope with without the worry of not knowing what is wrong. Feel for you!

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to AngelaBarron

Thanks for your reply

Not the sugar as I don’t have a sweet tooth

Nice to have company here x

IAmTheGlue profile image

For me, stress = pain. I try to keep moving as much as possible but when I'm stressed out I'm in so much pain.

I do suffer from bone, muscle and joint pain regularly but stress makes it flare. As to whether this is PBC related or not, I don't know. I had a doctor tell me some 15 years ago that he believed I had Lupus which I wrote off as BS when he was arrested for running a pill ring or whatever. He lost his medical license and everything so I assumed he thought I was there for pills, which I was not.

Anyway, I have an appointment for rheumatologist consultation next month as my hep is concerned about my pain level.

Back to the point...for me stress causes pain and I feel like your stress level has to be insane right now. I just keep moving. I walk every day. I've started doing yoga. It helps. I hope sincerely that you feel better very soon. 🙂 I do hope that you let your doctor know since this is out of the ordinary for you.

JaneAnderson1966 profile image

I think aches and pains are common with PBC. I know I suffer from this. I was convinced I had RA but this has been ruled out. I now take turmeric everyday and this has made a significant difference for me. It might be worth you giving it a try. I am currently on a clinical study and they are fine with me taking it so I don't think it can do any harm. Good look in finding something to help.

mtrafter profile image

Hi boneytoys I have had PBCfor 12 yrs, 2 and a half years ago I had similiar symptoms to you was checked out with blood tests and found I had accumulated another autoimmune disease-Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR.)

Do get a check up when you return home.

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to mtrafter

Thanks for your reply and concern

I will be getting it checked

It’s very painful

deep breathing


Candy12 profile image
Candy12 in reply to boneytoys

I’ve been reading your post and the aches and pains may be PBC related , it seems others have similar stories and perhaps it could wait until your back home.

However, your comment on it being very painful when breathing deep, should be investigated sooner rather than later, it doesn't sound like thats PBC related. Better to get checked out now rather than continue to suffer in pain, especially when you have a long flight ahead of you. I’am assuming your still in the UK.

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to Candy12

Sorry I mislead u there

I was meaning Deep breathing for pain release as in meditation or yoga

Thanks for thoughts much appreciated

shaza1966 profile image

Hi boneytoys i thought i was reading about my self there when i read your post , except i say hit by a lorry . My fist symptom back in 1999 was very very bad itching and falling asleep to the point no one could wake me i could sleep for five hours then wake up at 10pm then go to bed to sleep a normal sleep . Then came the joint pain in every joint except my toes . Soon after the muscle pain my wrist have become so weak i need a helping hand to open jars . Yes it is all symptoms of pbc i am on gabapentin for pain shoulders & shoulder blades kill me every day . The more i try to do the more it hurts . If i did do work in the house i'll suffer badly for the next 3 to 4 days and suffer exhaustion . Wishing you better with your symptoms x

bluehaze profile image
bluehaze in reply to shaza1966

Hi Shaza you are my twin for everything, except my feet are badly damaged my feet are permanently numb but also hurt at the time, individual toes can have excruciating pain. Great for driving I am now having my car fitted with adaptions

shaza1966 profile image
shaza1966 in reply to bluehaze

Hi bluehaze i now drive an automatic car as my ankles can get really painfully and wrists are weak for changing gear . Do you sufferer from cramps in your feet and hands i do cramps everywhere mostly toes ad hands . Hope your on a better day x

Vivaldii profile image

I have terrible flares and sometimes excruciating body joint pain docs believe it is pbc related .....the inflammation factor ....there are days I can hardly move

saarima profile image

I have just the same symptoms. Also hair loss but no itching or tiredness.

Do you have also face or mouth pain?

boneytoys profile image
boneytoys in reply to saarima


Just the aching limbs

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