Not sure what happened, but February my ALP was 111. That was before an extremely stressful event in March. ALP jumped to 192 in my lab last week. I am hoping it was just stress related. My hep will not be back to my hospital until next Friday. He had said as long as long as levels stayed normal, he would not need to do biopsy. Well...I may be biopsy bound now. He was aware of the break up of my marriage and knew I was very concerned. And my Internist had not checked thyroid since February which was normal. Now my TSH shot through the roof, practically nonexistent , 29.500. Highest range in normal is 4.680. In a big mess.
ALP ⬆️: Not sure what happened, but February... - PBC Foundation
ALP ⬆️

So sorry to hear. Prayers that ALP levels will come down along with your stress. Sounds like you've had a rough time! Often we can't control our stressors so find the time to be extra nice to yourself, do things you enjoy, and try to relax. Wishing you the best and keep us updated on your labs and potential biopsy. 💕🤗
Gail you are truly under lots of stress which indeed can trigger our autoimmune stuff. The ALP is still under 200 which from all I’ve read is considered “okay” for us PBC folks.
The thyroid management can be such a roller coaster.. I know.
I am glad you shared this today. We are here for you.
Ho gwillistexas,
Sorry to hear you have had a bad time of it last thing you need when dealing with health issues. The alp result is not that high, they may be concerned why it has risen but i know my personal results fluctuate, lowest i have gotten is 284, highest was 1256. I dont have thyroid issues so can't comment on other result.
Stress does play a factor in anyone but certainly more on someone with an autoimmune disease.
I hope things brighten up for you with your health and personal life.
Take care
Angela xx

Thank you so much. It’s a great concern to me. 😊
Gail your feelings are completely understandable. The ALP could be an isolated blip though, so I’m keeping fingers crossed for that! I had a couple of consecutive higher than usual ALPs but it settled again. The thyroid thing I know little about, but I guess at least that’s accessible to treatment. Thinking of you. x
Thank you. I was a total wreck as the separation was a bombshell. Funny thing is, I see him very often. He promised he was not turning his back on me and he hasn’t. He knows how devastating this was but he remains supportive of this disease. Goes to Dr appts , etc. guess I’m fortunate in that respect. 😊
Well, crap! I am very sorry to hear this news. Stress can really work a number on your system. I pray that is all it is but even so, you still have to find a way to getting a peaceful mind. I really like some of the meditations I find on YouTube.
Sending you all my best wishes prayers and good vibes
so sorry to read your post. stress does impact on us in so many different ways.
I hope you have plenty of support around you and that your problems can be shared with those who care.
best wishes
I'm so sorry you are going through such a stressful time, stress will definitely play it's part . You will get there, everyone on the forum so helpful and caring. Glad you have remained friends and I hope you have good support. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Thank you. Yes I am seeing first hand the effects of stress. Not pretty. I will find my way through it and hopefully everything will calm down. Yes I feel I have good support. What would we do without it. Take care
Gail 😊
Yes, that's very true. You can om me any time of day or night if you need to. Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

gwillistexas - dear Gail! I'm sorry to read about your concerns over numbers. Under 200 is ok but maybe you are worrying about where is it going? There is no use asking that because the answer isn't known. But for sure, the end of your marriage in March, that was the start of a process, not a single event. And your body is reflecting this. (You'd have to be the Tin Man for it to do otherwise!) The way you can best manage this is to stay with your good, wise, calm, strong, loving self, doing what a body can to stay healthy. You are good at this. You are a much loved, fine example to us all in this. And if you've always been a worrier, you can learn not to be. Take on the fight you can do, and forget numbers. They will take care of themselves. With much love to you...
Sorry to read of your recent breakup, it’s one of life’s major stressors, I hope you have lots of support through this time. Your ALP number is still good, try not to worry easier said than done I know, it can and does fluctuate. Its most likely stress and possibly the thyroid as well, thyroid and the liver connection. Take care of yourself do lots of the things you enjoy.
Thank you. I don’t have a lot of support. I have no brothers or sisters, only a son. I have one aunt still living but you can share everything with family. I do have a close friend of more than 50 yetand she is very supportive so she’s been very helpful during this. I plan to start venturing out and enjoying life.
As you probably know from my posts, I separated from my husband first in November then for good end of March. The stress before and after sure has affected my health. But I’m taking one day at a time. Still have my days where the tears fall, but I’m adjusting. You are in my prayers. Hang in there. J
Aww. Thank you Jean. It is a terrible pain especially as we grow a little older. Never dreamed I would be where I am. But we have to have faith. I have tried to turn so much of my pain over to God, but I’m still broken. We will survive. I have had to work on not letting my emotions control me. Not easy and it doesn’t always work. Take care of yourself.
I am saddened to read your post this morning. I am not surprised that your body is manifesting measurable results after the despair you have been experiencing. Ending relationships is devastating to our spirit, mind, and body, especially when it comes as yours did. For that, I am truly sorry. My TSH plummeted after a major stressor and my LFT's reached their all time high at that time too. Most Western med doctors are now looking at TSH only and will mess with medication levels to cover their back ends for litigation purposes, etc. Naturopathic's think it's fine that TSH is low or non existent (after thyroidectomy) and still look at your T4/T3. How do you feel on your current dosage?
So, for today....maybe sit and calm your head. I like to do a "five full breaths" session when I'm all in a tizzy. Really helps. Once calmer, maybe look at what is continuing to create stress in your life. Sometimes we need time away from the cause of the stressful event to allow ourselves to heal. While friendship after a divorce can be good, maybe you need a little time alone to process the whole thing and keep your energy to yourself. Love you dear and only want the best for you in all situations. Be well
Hello! Yes it took its toll on all those areas you mentioned. But I have faith I will be able to put myself back together in time. He put me on .137 to bring it down. Today is the first day since last week that I have been hungry and more energy, so I feel my med is getting in my system good now and starting to work. I had another lab this afternoon and Michael asked me to meet him for pizza afterwards. I did...I ate 6 pieces of pizza 🤣. So I’d say thyroid on road to recovery , lol! My T4 was good. I agree that I need to shut everything and everybody out for a while but that’s not possible right now. Michael remains very supportive in all areas and I need that right now, so I don’t want to push him away. I appreciate you and your so very kind words. You always have that little magic touch to life us up. You are special 😊. I promise I’ll do better st staying in touch.
Thinking of you Gail and praying things will soon improve. Big hug. Diane
Thank you. My Internist repeated the CMP yesterday trying to find out why my sodium’s little low. My ALKP came back 138. Wild. Calcium was slightly elevated last week, normal this time. AST and ALT in the 20’s. Last week AST was 38. Little bit of relief but I won’t get too excited just yet. Yo-yo labs I guess, lol!
Hugs to you too!

Good news that your Alk Phos is back down. A lesson to us all about stress and stress management.
I, too, am sorry to hear about youe troubles. I have been there and know it is a long journey but one that is usually for the best. Try to take care of you. We are here to help. Use us.
As an aside, I was surprised to read that a raised Alk Phos meant a biopsy was imminent. Can I ask why? What would be gained from that?
Yes, and though I knew stress could be so bad, I wasn’t able to control it. But things have calmed and so have I. We did not part on ugly terms. He didn’t turn his back and walk. He has stayed close and remains very supportive of me.
In regards to possible biopsy, my AST had jumped above normal after the separation. but in this last test it was down. I’m not sure if Dr Mubarak was referring to the AST. He doesn’t do biopsies unless he feels something else is be going on. I feel he will wait until my next fibroscan and see the results there. I am scheduled to see him 6 months unless something happens. I found hepatologists are different. The one I saw in January (bandaid until Mubarak was here), prescribed 50,000IU Vit d weekly without testing my level. I had it tested and was perfectly normal so I didn’t take it. Dr Mubarak said only recommended daily allowance. So I found trust in that.
I truly appreciate your kind words.

Ahhhhh. The AST stuff makes more sense. Glad to hear you are in good hands. 😊