Hello, I have been diagnosed with PBC. Is it safe to drink a glass of wine per. Week?
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The guidelines from mayo clinic says no alcohol so thats good enough for me
I havent taken a drink since diagnosis in october 2017 and i dont miss it
Here in the UK my hepatologist said the occasional drink would be okay, no binging, and to keep within the guidelines of 14 units a week for a woman. I generally have a couple of glasses of wine as and when I go out for dinner. It does not seem to affect me negatively and of course PBC is not alcohol related however anything that makes the liver work harder such as alcohol or red meat etc may have a negative effect. Perhaps much depends on how you feel in yourself after a glass of wine.
best wishes
My doctor recommended that I only drink the good stuff!
ILik3Pizza! I only drink wine about 4 times per year just in case it does have any ill effects.
That & sticking to a healthy diet😀
Hi Senon, I have given up completely a couple of times (since my diagnosis about 4 years ago) but now tend to have about an average of two glasses of wine a week-usually on social occasions. I have an annual fibroscan and so far don't have any scarring on the liver. If that was to occur I have told myself I would give up completely.
My consultant hepatologist advised 8-10 units max per week.
Alcohol is technically a poison and the liver deals with it as it does with any other nasty that we happen to ingest. So if someone has more advanced liver disease and their liver is clearly struggling to cope, then adding to the workload may not be a good idea.
However, life is ours to live and enjoy, with family, friends or celebrations. So if someone's in the earlier stages of liver disease, most of the consultants do not seem to be worried if we have the odd glass or two, or use it in cooking. Clearly it also depends on our individual clinical histories, what other conditions we have, what other medicines we're taking. So maybe ask your own consultant just to be safe.
Some also don't feel so good after even one drink or eating fatty food, so your body may help let you know and help make your decisions for you!
My hepatologist told me I can drink. But he also knows that I don’t drink much. The most I drank is maybe 9 drinks in 3 months. & Since Jan, I have only had 3 drinks. I like proseco or sparkling wine every now & then.
Think it depends on your situation, so best to ask your doctor.
My consultant also says its OK to have the occasional drink but I had told him that I don't drink much anyway. However, I've been having discomfort in the liver area for the last few months and when I had my last annual ultrasound there was a possibility that there is some scarring now so, until I get the results of a Fibroscan I had done last week I won't be indulging at all! No real hardship as I'm usually the designated driver when we go out and rarely drink at home.
I was told by my Professor at the Royal Free UK . No alcohol . I respect his advice .

In general terms, most physcians (at least in the UK) agree that PBC isn't in itself a reason to stop alcohol. That said, most heps will argue that the limits of 14 units per week (female) and 21 per week (male) are too high anyway. As said above, alcohol is a hepatotoxin.
The main influence on the alcohol decision tends to be histological stage. Whilst there is little or no liver cell damage, then alcohol seems not to be an issue (in moderation with no binge drinking) but as there is more fibrosis and cirrhosis, the risks rise.