I woke up this morning with a bruised eyelid. I haven't bashed my eye it just appeared. Anyone else have this happen to them ?
Bruised eyelid : I woke up this morning with... - PBC Foundation
Bruised eyelid

Hi mike
I've had 2 or 3 of these over the last year or so but in the corner of my eye. I was diagnosed in 2016 with PBC but I don't know if it's connected. Mine were tender but not painful and disappeared as quickly as they came. Be interesting to know if someone knows what they are
Yes thanks for your reply. Mine isn't painful either. Might not be related but we will see what others think
Mike 😊
I have 2 xanthelasmas which are cholesterol deposits that are a result of PBC in the same spot that you have the black n blue mark.
Hi essexmike,I found one of these after I had a heart attack. My hubby noticed it in the ambulance but I hadn't hit my eye during the attack. Wasn't aware I had pbc at that time.
I too have PBC and get those often on my face or arms. They appear out of nowhere and are gone in a few days. No doctor has given me answer besides "thin skin." I have very bad varicose veins on the left side of my body only and Raynauds....I feel there must be a connection!?
Hi Mike yes I get those too on my eyelids. Probably 2/3 a year for about the last 4 years.
Hi Val02
Do you know why we get them and what causes them to happen

Hi Mike
When it first started to happen to me I showed my consultant. He said it was burst blood vessels and there wasn't anything they could do to stop it happening but not unexpected in a person with liver disease.
I don't know the "why" though
Wow, I just woke up with a bruise like that too. I have no known health problems.
I woke up this morning with a nearly identical purple spot on my eyelid. Did you ever find the cause of yours? My eyeball has also been twitching for weeks; unsure if related!
Me too. Have got same black eye. One drink makes my eye twitch. I have constant dry mouth. Recent blood tests came back ok.
Yeah I have got the same from last night but unsure why.
What did this turn out to be ?