Just asked for a copy of my bloods at hospital.said everything was normal but it isn't.its showing a19.5 immunoglobulin g and a 6.20 immunoglobulin m and a 83 total protein.anyone got any ideas on this please.going to see gp in another week.im not happy
Help or advice please: Just asked for a copy... - PBC Foundation
Help or advice please
Hi, did they actual say "normal" or do they mean normal for some one with PBC or improvement in last time etc? I know with me they are usually happy once there is no worsening. After taking the meds over a period of the results were steadily better but at some point stabilised, I was told that might be the new normal for me.
Thanks for replying.no on print out everything sitting comfortably inside the'normal ' range except my igg and especially my igm.i know igg should be raised for pbcers but is mine extreme?my igm seems particularly high.think I'm gonna demand a copy of my bloods before I go in in future to discuss.i only asked for a copy cos my gp doesn't always receive them although I have requested them .
I always get my bloods taken at my doctors surgery a week before I go and see my consultant at the hospital so I can discuss any problems with the consultant. I always get a print out from the doctors but the consultant can see them on the computer. That way no time wasting at the hospital appointment and action can be taken if necessary. It also means your doctor has a copy and are not relying on the hospital. Hope this helps. Take care. X
I do the same, my gp suggested it, even though the hospital do their own tests as well as they all have different labs - but it's a good idea as action can be taken if there is a flare up - how often do you go to see your consultant?
At moment every six months.he was very brief with me this time tho.said my creatin(sorry about spelling) was slightly high and was going to write to my gp(have an appointment in just over a week).however when I've looked on results it shows creatin altho higher than last time well inside the accepted ratio.its the igg and igm results that are high!whats he playing at
Hopsitals do have different labs where there can be a slight variation in results and also I have found with my own that different GP surgeries can even print them out slightly differently too.
I know for a fact that my LFTs and FBC all go to my local hospital pathology dept and the GP surgeries I have been registered with since PBC diagnosis Dec 2010 all use the same.
It was a different lab when I had the antibodies back in later 2010, they were sent off to Preston (I am in Lancs) as the hospital consultant did say so.
Every 6 months as being weaned off Azathioprine for AIH. Will take approx 2yrs x I have PBC/AIH overlap syndrome. Doing well. X
All I have apparently is Pbc.diagnosed in jan2013.i have no other symptoms except just been diagnosed with bursitus(not Pbc related???)I am wondering if something else is going on now tho with raised igg igm.apparently it is a marker got aih
Apprieciate reply however the hospital give me a bag for bloods which I have to have done at the hospital a week before.my gp doesn't have any dealings with my Pbc .think I may go two weeks before to have them done then ask secretary to send me results.
Does anyone out there understand igg and igm results?what is considered high?i think mine are very worrying
Hello again. I am certain if your IGG or IGM - not really familiar on seeing IGG but the other yes as well as the GGT I have - then a doctor would have wanted tos ee you after you had them taken to talk abotu them.
One of my GP back in the early days of diagnosis went through all mine seperately and explained. He said mine at the time were doing fine though they looked to me to be still quite abnormal. You will find that if you reach a certain number there will b e concerns but at the moment it doesn't seem that in your case there is.
Hello cazz22.
I presume you have diagnosed PBC and if so it more than likely means that for someone with PBC you are ok.
My bloods were abnormal during 2010 prior to diagnosis and though they have come down in the last 4yrs (almost as started urso Dec 2010) they are still considered abnormal compared to someone with no bile/liver problems.
I notice things on my blood print-outs but to be frank, these days I don't really bother. I have had bloods that have risen a bit and then fallen more in a 6 month period. Certain other factors can add to the readings like any new meds that one might be taking or a short course of some other drug. I am convinced too that seasons can also play on the bloods as it seems so looking back at mine now over the last 4yrs.
If you are in any doubt I'd see your GP and have him/her explain them further to you. I am sure if you ahve been informed by the hospital dept that things are ok then it is more than likely that is so.
I think with PBC bloods can be unpredicatbale. I know times when I ahve felt absolutely fabulous I then get a notso good LFT result and vice-versa. I feel I am doing ok and that is enough at present for me. I currently experience itching at night time but have to say that in the last few weeks now, don't know if due to the season changing here in the UK or just fluke but I have been having some pretty good night's sleep. Despite waking up at least twice in the night where I do now have the habit of rising and popping to the loo, betime I am back in bed and before the prickles of the itch start up again I have been finding I have fallen asleep. It's 2mths off my repeats (last ones were July) and though I feel great it will be those that will have me wondering until I receive the results at a later date.