hi all. my question is , is osteoarthritis ... - PBC Foundation

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hi all. my question is , is osteoarthritis or it may be osteoporosis, linked to pbc? thanks

shakira10 profile image
8 Replies
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shakira10 profile image
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8 Replies

Hello shakira10.

Well apart from a few clunks and clicks in my joints that I put down to being active and time spent in manual jobs mainly (I am almost 50) I am not in bad shape bonewise but you never know with PBC. As we know the fat soluble vitamins can be a problem to absorb in PBC and A and D in particular are needed for the bones.

I think osteoporosis could develop due to malabsorption of nutrients but I'd not say it is a link to PBC, more a case of that chain reaction, lack one thing, creates something else. As far as I know it, osteoporosis is crumbling bones. You can actually get this with age, normally stressed that women who have completed menopause due to lack of certain hormones then (why it is said that HRT is supposed to be a good protector - HRT isn't for me, I'd not consider. I am currently perimenopausal). My mother-in-law has osteoporosis which has been put down to the fact that she has been a lifelong smoker as that apparently affects the bones.

Certain medications can cause bone problems too.

I think osteoarthritis is known as another auto-immune condition so I somehow think that might develop differently but I couldn't say for sure as I don't really read that much about this, just the osteoporosis and being a woman.

IOW-gal profile image

My consultant got me to have a bone scan. This showed up that I had osteopenia which is borderline for osteoporosis . They are keeping a 'watching brief' on it and I will probably be called back for another scan in two years. I am 71 so would expect to see some lessening of bone density.

GrittyReads profile image

It says very clearly in the PBC Foundation Handbook (p 28) that there is a link between PBC and osteoporosis, although it is not understood exactly why. [possibly poor absorption of Vit D and thus calcium?]. Bone density tests are often a good idea. I also think it's a good idea for anyone (ie non-PBC) going through, or post-menopause, as our ability to absorb calcium drops seriously after menopause. But, this does not mean we should start gobbling calcium!! as it should only be taken if needed.

in reply to GrittyReads

Hello GrittyReads.

I'd not go as far to say there is a link as such, more that knock-on effect you lack something and something else develops. I was informed by my doctor that it can be easy to blame a lot of other things on PBC but it stands to reason that you can develop something else that is not part of it or due to it.

I do think though that the knock-on effect comes from lack of absorption of certain vitamins and in this case Vit D. As far as calcium goes, I think there is a bit of a debate with regards to whether quantities of this would be any use to aid anyone with a bone issue.

I think one of the best ways to keep the bones working as best as we can and joints as supple as possible is to do the lighter exercises for bone health and also walking. Myself, I've not intentions of taking any supplements unless absolutely necessary as in my view you are then letting yourself open to acquire other things. I think bone deterioration is all part of the ageing process and if I reach a certain age and I am doing ok that will do for me. I intend to get as much out of life at present as I possibly can.

Val02 profile image

I think your risk of getting osteoporosis is greater with PBC. My gastro sent me off for a bone scan and I did have osteoporosis at the age of 47. Cant seem to tolerate the meds but I have been prescribed a Vit D pill taken daily.

tinyScot profile image

Hi Shakira10

I don't know about osteoarthritis but osteoporosis is definitely linked to pbc. I have it too. I have been prescribed Risedronate Sodium tablets and Calcichew. Hope this helps.


NotorDJP profile image

My GI says there is. I had a bone density scan yesterday. I already take Vit D daily and have for about 2 years now.

enalynot profile image

Hi I'm 65yr old male diagnosed January 2013 with pbc and now developing inflammatory rheumatism which is another antibody having a go at me and have been referred to a consultant next month it only effects my left thumb and left foot at the moment.I used to suffer with gout but since pbc not had it since. .swings and roundabouts I have got used to occasional diarrhoea and sleeplessness but then I dont have to go to work..

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