Will not having a gallbladder be harder on my liver?
I had my Gallbladder removed in August of 2... - PBC Foundation
I had my Gallbladder removed in August of 2013. I was diagnosed with PBC last week. I had high liver enzymes for the last 2 years.

Hello 2006.
I've not had any gallbladder problems ((and hope not to). I was diagnosed with PBC Dec 2010 after starting to itch earlier that year. My LFTs were abnormal also and it was found I had a high titre of the anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMAs).
As I understand it, once you have no gallbladder, bile just drops down into the intestines where it would go anyway. You can get by successfully without a gallbladder. The only thing I'd say is not to have an overly-fat diet
as more bile is needed to act as a detergent to break fats up. Expect you are eating as healthily as possible and like a lot on here, more than likely did eat pretty healthily prior to diagnose as I did.
The gallbladder is apparently removed in liver transplants due to complexities of the new liver so I'd not worry too much. You will more than likely find out more experiences of PBC patients on here who have had their gallbladders removed so they will be able to explain more than I obviously can.

Hello Peridot
You told me more than I knew about gallbladder removal. The doctors removed mine because I had an attack, but didn't bother to explain anything. Course, I didn't ask at that time. All I can say is that I have never missed my gallbladder that I am aware of. I am very careful about taking my URSO though because PBC is caused by bile that is not moving through the liver, causing scarring, from what I understand. So Urso helps to keep the bile moving, that's why the liver enzymes return to normal in PBC. If one responds to URSO, my understanding is that is proof one has PBC because the enzymes restore to normal. All do not or there is a partial response. I don't understand that. I wish I knew more about this. Interesting that they remove the gallbladder at time of transplant. If anyone knows more about this, please share.
Hello Saundrella.
Yes urso is apparently to add more bile to the digestive system due to us 'losing' some of it with our bile ducts being slowly destroyed. It is this bile that irritates and inflames the liver due to it seeping into the liver as opposed to running down the ducts into the gallbladder (or intestines).
Our LFTs improve due to a better bile flow with the addition of urso, that is the theory as I've read several times that it isn't fully understood how it actually works.
Urso is also one of the constituents of bile as there are a few. I believe that another bile component is on trial at the moment or that trial has ended.
The one thing I cannot get my head round is that if we take urso orally and it then enters the stomach I can only assume that it is broken down and then transported back to the liver and then from there it goes back via the bile ducts into t he gallbladder. Some used bile is recycled by the liver or broken down.
I actually quiz doctors myself, due to past bad experience (my late first husband). I do tend to find that a lot of doctors simply waffle on about something and very often don't fill you in. Some patients are quite happy not to know things but some of us do want to know. I think sometimes if you know certain things you are that much better armed.
Meanwhile I just get on day-to-day trying not to think I have PBC which can be hard on reaching for the urso daily (or itching at night) but just take more notice when it is repeat blood time.
Thank you Peridot.
I appreciate your answer. I will keep reading and learning more about this PBC.
Hi, I had my gallbladder out in 2007' with was apparently stuck to my liver, and they had to do a bit of chopping about. my GP retired so was given a new GP, he ask why my liver levels were high ( I had no idea levels were high) and that they had been high for past 3 years, he started running tests, I had a liver biopsy also and was diagnosed with PBC in 2010... I was in denial for at least a year, said they must have it wrong and blamed it on gallbladder being stuck to my liver, but was told it's just a coincidence .i am on urso tablets 750g , i have regular bone scans and have got osteopenia with I have calcium tablets for, also have under active thyroid......apart from that no itching, no pain just tiredness.
It takes a while to get your head around !
I wish you well
Thanks Dibbs64,
I also have an under active thyroid. I have been on medicine for that for 30 years. I take 300 mg. of Ursodiol 2 times a day and it is only a short time that I have been on it. No reactions so far. Thanks so much for answering.
I had my gall bladder removed when I had a transplant for the reason that peridot says. I now have developed PBC in my new liver but the lack of a gallbladder has made no difference to my liver functions.
After reading your post, I'm wondering how many of us PBCers had our gallbladders removed prior to discovering we had PBC?
I had mine removed long ago, before I discovered my liver problem. I'm not at all clear on the pathway of bile and urso after it passes through the stomach. I would kindly ask if anyone finds a particularly good research paper on any of these PBC issues, please share the link with the rest of us. I think it would be good to pool all our resources.
I got my gallbladder out in 2007 and was then told eighteen months later I had pbc and also suffered from a stomach ulcer.I have been told my pbc is hereditary because my mother had it
Had my gallbladder out last Oct and was diagnosed in Dec. I have had elevated liver enzymes on and off for 19 years
I was diagnosed with gallstones in Sept 2009 and at the same time my GP discovered I had hypothyroidism. Some of my LFTs were irregular showing a GGT of 71 (5-36 normal range) and Albumin 33 (35-50) the rest of my LFTs were in normal ranges. I also had an ESR inflammation reading of 35 (0-30), these out of range readings were attributed to my gallbladder problems. I had my gallbladder removed in February of 2011, LFTs taken in January were still not in normal ranges and blamed on the gallbladder. I've had regular thyroid tests over the years but no LFTs.
In Sept 2013 my GP said she was going to do a full blood check as I haven't had one since 2011. I had been having abdominal discomfort during the past year but didn't mention it to her as I attributed it to the gallbladder being gone. This new blood work showed I had an ESR inflammation reading of 66 (0-30 is the normal range). My GGT was 124 (5-36 normal range), Albumin 33 (35-50) and ALT 61 (4-50) other LFTs were in the correct ranges. After a further range of blood tests, I tested positive for AMA antibodies in November 2013. In Jan 2014 I got a diagnosis of PBC from a Heptologist on the basis of the LFTs & AMA. He started me on URSO straight away. I am now at the beginning of everything and will have my liver sonogram soon. I'm awaiting more blood results to see if I have any secondary illness also. After a month of being on URSO my LFTs straightened out, GGT 34 (5-36), ALT 37 (4-50), except Albumin 32 (35-50).
I feel that I have had this disease since at least 2009. The irregular LFTs and inflammation in 2009 were blamed on gallbladder problems, and could have been investigated further especially as I had hypothyroidism also. My GP told me she has never heard of PBC and has had to look it up, this seems to be the experience of many on this forum.
I have recently discovered that my mother's first cousin (their mother's were sisters) died at 54 soon after a diagnosis of cirrhosis in the late 70s. She didn't drink alcohol and everyone was shocked at the diagnosis, they had no idea where it came from. It must have been PBC. I'm 52 and this information has given me some concern.
I'm still trying to get used to this diagnosis and if it wasn't for this forum I would be totally at sea with it all. Thank you for posting all your questions and replies they have held me up greatly over the last few months and given me so much reassurance and support.
Hi, and thank you for posting. Everything about this PBC is scary. Maybe it will get easier when I learn more. I am 65yrs. Old very active, work full time. So far no other symtons .
I had my gallbladder out 10 years ago and the surgeon said it was grey and stuck to my liver. No stones found - I also had a stent inserted. 6 months later my appendix was removed. I was diagnosed with PBC recently. But have complained of pain in rt side and lower rt quad for years. I have gone back over records and found notes indicating I had calcification. Now I am on Creon DR 36,000 units 3x w/meals 1 w/snacks. Side burns when I eat. Going to Mayo Clinic next month.
What stage were you diagnosed at?