Does anyone else have constant diarrhea wit... - PBC Foundation
Does anyone else have constant diarrhea with pbc?
I suffer with both, never know which or what day. Also terrible lower and upper stomach pains. Have no idea of the solution
I hsve this weekend been so poorly with temperature and gall bladder pain. 5 days in bed and to top it all I had diahorrea. When I was first diagnised with pbc-this year and going onto URSO I had realy bad diahorrea but does seem to be hit and miss as to how I am actually feeling. This pbc dkes strange things to us. X
Before I was diagnosed with pbc, I had been diagnosed IBS for many years because of diarrhea/constipation. My son has just been diagnosed as having a wheat allergy, I thought I could have that too. Are you taking Urso because this is a side effect? and did you have it before you took urso?
I have to say that since starting on urso Dec 2010 I tend to have bouts of constipation myself despite always eating a fibrous diet.
If I've not been to the loo for a couple days and feel I should I will make some porridge oats for breakfast and throw in some oat bran which is also supposed to be good for cholesterol levels.
I definitely do not feel the same these days as I did prior to diagnose as I never had any problem. I think the urso is part of this.
You could try for diarrhoea control perhaps gluten-free diet to see what effects that has. My son who is in his 20's had hospital investigation 3yrs ago (bowel camera) due to this problem and it was deemed he was more than likely gluten tolerant but it was said it could perhaps be temporary due to the fact the explanation was that he had had too much antibiotics in a short space of time.
3yrs on, he still does get times when he isn't free of diarrhoea after not eating so good but eating without wheat products seems to settle it all. He seems fine with oats that also have a gluten in them and other products that also have a gluten but it seems that wheat causes a problem if he eats too much in a day.
Thank you all for your responses. I have been tested for gluten intolerance which came up negative. The doctor seems to think that's the end of it but I can't carry on getting up 4/5 times a night with diarrhea. Plus low abdomen pain and cramps.
I have frequent bouts of diarrhoea and have really bad stomach pains and bloating. It's quite embarrassing and inconvenient as it can happen without much notice so can never be far from a toilet. Even when I do not have diarrhoea my motions are very soft and pale and tend to be really smelly .......sorry too much info!!.
I was advised by my consultant that when starting on URSO I may at first suffer with diarrhoea, this did not really bother me as before diagnosis of PBC I often suffered with constipation. I did have the diarrhoea and rather than taking the full dose straight away I had to cut it back and build the dose up gradually over a period of 2 months until I was on my full dose of 2 tablets 3 times a day. I have been taking URSO since Jan 2011 and I am convinced that taking URSO has something to do with it. Eating pastry or fat can also affect me. About 6 months ago I began experimenting on how I was taking the URSO as I was frequently forgetting to take them. Rather than taking them 3 times a day I started taking them all together at night time as it stated on the leaflet in the tablet box that this could be done. At first I had no undue problems but after 2-3 months the diarrhoea started to get worse, more painful bloating and more frequent...3-4 times a day and totally uncontrollable. I didn't think at first it was the URSO and blamed everything else like the porridge I ate each morning. But after 6 months I went back to taking the URSO 3 times a day and stopped eating porridge. The diarrhoea has improved....2-3 times a week now compared to every day before, but I haven't gone back to eating porridge yet...too scared as I don't want to go back the way I was. The situation had got so bad I was too nervous to leave the house. I work part time - every Thursday and Friday, and began not eating anything at all on the Wednesday hoping I would then be empty and therefore not need to go to the toilet while at work, but to no avail it still seemed to happen. I often had to rush to get to the toilet in time so as not to soil myself , which unfortunately did happen on one occasion and had to resort to disposing of my underwear in a sanitary was so embarrassing. I still carry spare underwear with me wherever I go.
Thankyou so much for telling me about your experience. There is a lot of similarities with what you've said to my own experience. I also have a problem with anything with oats in it!! Just returned from the docs again, she was quite sympathetic this time. Having some blood tests. She seems to think its a viral infection or inflamed intestine. we'll see!
Yes constant need to always be near a toilet