my b12 serum level is 145 ng/l which my dr said isn’t that low but she has put me on loading doses anyway as I am getting daily migraines- did this cure migraines for anyone else?
my b12 serum level is 145 ng/l which my dr said isn’t that low but she has put me on loading doses anyway as I am getting daily migraines- did this cure migraines for anyone else?
One of my symptoms wax daily migraines in various degrees so always present .For me things got worse before better.
Had to use alot of painkillers .
Offered many drugs .
I'd ever had migraines before .
Keep up the b12 at a rate you can tolerate.
Hope it clears them soon and other symptoms .
We're your folate ,iron ,vit D levels okay ?
Yes Gps baffle me .
They order a blood test with s clear 'in range '
Then if low don't always act on it .
Ond of tge G.ps I saw stated my b12 of 106pg/ml (200-900)
Not that low!!!
And couidnt be causing such severe symptoms.
I had been started on B12 injections he wanted to stop.
I carried on.
Nothing else found to date to treat.
On no other medications before .
Glad I continued with B12!!
That B12 serum reading is very low ,by any laboratory’s ranges , especially when you know that up to 80% of that figure could represent inactive B12 . An active b12 test would be preferable .
Has your doctor not investigated why your B12 is so low ? There are several possible causes … You need to know .
Hi, I'm sorry you're having daily migraines. I used to live in fear of migraines but rarely have any now. Your B12 level is very low. Don't be fobbed off with loading doses and on your way. You need to know why they're low and a management plan going forward for the sake of your quality of life.