Sorry if this is a bit lengthy. I have a question regarding the side effects of 2 different brands of B12 injections. The two brands are Takeda and Centrafarm, and they are both Hydroxocobalamin but the additives are different. I've noticed that one gives me more side effects. I am not sure if this is from the efficacy of the injections or just the side effects from the additives or maybe the fact that the B12 is produced in different factories and therefore gives a different reaction.
The additives in Centrafarm are benzyl alcohol, natriumchloride, natriumhydroxide, acetic acid, water for injections. The addititives in the Takeda brand are natriumchloride, hydrochloric acid and water for injections.
I started off with Centrafarm in mid october until january and back then I noticed a lot of behavorial changes (severe anxiety and panic, depression, zombie mode), pudendal neuralgia, exhaustion, tingling in legs and when bending neck, super sensitive nervous system in general (all nerves), balance issues, tinnitus and also skin irritation in the form of flare up in my rosacea and acne, so quite greasy skin. Most of these faded once I started using the injections more, but not the skin issues. However multiple issues came back once I started Takeda.
Because of the skin problems (although they weren't that severe) that were a known side effect of Centrafarm I switched to Takeda I try to inject once every week but have wanted to increase to 2x per week once I tolerated the side effects better but with the recent change to Takeda I've noticed a firm increase in the severity of side effects. Instead of tingling my feet and legs became numb at first that has now changed to pins and needles but much more extreme than the other brand and also tingling when I bend my neck. My skin, lips/mouth, eyes are extremely dry which is very unpleasant. My joints and muscles in general hurt more, and the pudendal neuralgia. Tinnitus seems louder as well. And also it seems like my whole nervous system is extremely sensitive and tingly in general. Will those effects fade away after I start using Takeda more? The dryness is different than the other brand and is quite uncomfortable.
Now I am not sure what to do. Do I stick with Takeda or move back to Centrafarm? Do the amount of side effects/flare ups in symptoms say anything about the efficacy of the injections? Obviously I want the injections that work the best but I don't know what to do. They're literally the same type of B12 so I don't quite understand what is happening anyway.
Also is it bad that I only take it once every 1/1.5 week? Would my nerves have healed better and/or faster with for example twice a week? Can I still reach maximum nerve healing whatever that might mean? One of the bigger concerns is actually the pudendal neuralgia and the nerve problems there and the sexual health (before B12 my clitoris really hurt from nerve pain) so I kind of want the injections that help the best for that and healing the peripheral nervous system the best.
Hopefully somebody can help me with this, thanks for reading and sorry if it was a bit too long!